Politics and Religion

Why don't evangelics like mormons?
Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 6260 reads

Don't they both dig Jesus?  Why would they have a problem with Romney?

Priapus531501 reads

which you need a lot of these days.--LOL ! Evangelicals belive the New Testament literal word of God, Jesus, the Gopsels, etc.

Founder of Mormon religion was Joseph Smith---book of Mormon was "told to him" ( any mistakes in this, lemme know ) in 1820's NY, I believe. ( Mormons subsequently migrated to Utah & parts west ). Book stipulated that Jesus visited the Americas, etc.

Because of this, Evangelicals regard Mormon religion as a "cult" & not "true Christianity".

For more details, "religious Scholars" John Gault & OSP can fill in the blanks.

-- Modified on 1/6/2012 2:43:16 PM

...any group that wears magic underwear is a cult in my book.

This post brings out the faith-based ignorance in you.

The 'Garments' are(in LDS dogma)the Armor of GOD.

A cult is defined as "Rule by one man".

Of course to a non believer like me, I don't see much difference between "magic underwear" and "magic outerwear" would you care to enlighten me?

I promise not to laugh, well at least I promise not to laugh too loudly. lmao

speaking of Nicky, where the hell is he tonight?

I wanted to see how much courage he has about tomorrows Giants/Falcons matchup. I have no illusions about the Falcons going too far in the post season this year, but I think they can beat the jints. It doesn't have to be money, hell I have a bookie for that. I was thinking something along the lines of having to be nice to our least favorite person on the board for a week, or something along those lines. lol

St. Croix1134 reads

Remember the movie American Pie. That's his son fucking the Apple Pie. The scene was originally set for his son to fuck a pot roast, but they didn't want to piss off the Vegans, plus there is a premature issue with the inicky male side of the family and meat.

The only bet I have tomorrow is Pitt over Den. I think Harrison is going to head butt Tebow tomorrow. Now that you mention it, I think the Giants have blown their wad this year. The over looks attractive at 47 1/2

-- Modified on 1/6/2012 6:49:33 PM

tomorrow is NO/Det and Cinn/Hou

I kind of like Cincy against Houston's number 4 QB, but I am not betting the farm on it, but I think the Saints are going to hang something like 60 points against Detroit. I absolutely love that game.

I've got Arkansas against KSU tonight. SEC vs Big 12 I love the SEC, but I predicted a high scoring game which is not happening quite yet.

I could see vegans getting pissed if he fucked a pumpkin but a pot roast?

PETA Would be all over your ass though

Just what is the "age of consent" for a pot roast?

Just like fat broads, I don't think that pot roasts get any better with age. lmao

the bigger the chicks is, the cheaper you can get her for.

and why is it that fat broads, and fat broad fuckers, get so offended when you call them fat?

I mean tall people, short people, black, white, and skinny are simply called what they are without any fear of being deemed "insensitive" Fat people are always trying to claim they are "secure in their own skin" so why the double standard? and don't answer that they have a double standard because they are "twice as big". lol

St. Croix1227 reads

When someone like inicky is talking about putting his little pecker in a piece of a meat, I'm not going to defame a New York steak, a Porterhouse, a Ribeye, or any superior grade of beef. Now, I thought about brisket, but there was a 90% chance of me being called an anti-semite. So, I went with something big, relatively inexpensive, something inicky could stick his little pecker in, and follow in his son's success with apple pies. (lol)

Now I don't eat pot roasts, but now with a visual of really really fat chicks, I doubt I will ever eat a pot roast.

I was HOTT last week and probably reduced my bookie to tears, (well maybe not that hot), but the last couple of days I can't pick my nose.

As for pot roasts, after this visual I doubt I will ever even allow one in my home again. At least you didn't ruin Porterhouses for me. If I have give up either Porterhouses or pot roasts, I would much rather give up on pot roasts. lol

You're married to a Jewess and you've never had pot roast?  Impossible!  Maybe a nice brisket (with the emphasis on Bris). LMAO!

St. Croix1933 reads

Shit, I got me a defective one. My luck, the warranty already ran out (lol).

Might as well hit the local neighborhood Sports Bar and watch the 2nd half of the ATL/NY game.


Yeah, hardly original, but that's the best I have right now, watching the Falcons stink up the joint. lol

And he makes more money than Gambler (unless GaGa is pulling in more than $1 million a year).  I would fuck some chopped liver or a warm apple pie.  Or un canard.

Now how about them Giants?

I am sure we can think of some kind of friendly wager, and no, money does not need to be involved.

now I'm a believer, at least against the Falcons.  The hot team always wins and the Jints are hott.  But I don't gamble or do spreads. Not my thing.

Here's the bet, who reports a bigger income to the IRS?  You or my kid?  I'm sure as shit not in the running.

I would fuck the whole side of beef for that

The Giants play Sunday!
Second of all, I was out fucking one of the hottest providers in NYC...for fucking free.  Why?  No, not because I am a matinee idol with the best cock in the universe.  It was because I won her annual lottery.  Everyone who reviewed her during the year was automatically entered.  What a hot fucking Mama she is!
And, yes, mrnt, it was better than fucking a raw steak...although it was her head game that won my, er, heart.

but you simply scoff at that which you don't understand.

You would do well to attempt to understand before you assess.

My response was to the claim of 'magic'. LDS people believe the Garments will protect them from certain secular 'evils'. While i don't share their zeal for that portion of their dogma, i believe that a man should cling to anything which can give him the confidence required to survive this pit of sin which we live in.

Lecture over. Meet me at the Seminary lol

and since when did I ever call myself a "learned" man? Just a guy who recognizes something as being ridiculous when it is.

and when I have to cling to a pair of magic underwear to survive this "pit of sin" in which we live, I think I will call it a day. Come on OSP, even you have to admit this is something most 7 year olds would scoff at.

BTW are you sure it's not a "semen" ary that you are actually attending? lol

I, for one, have no intention of surviving this "pit of sin."  And will happily wallow in sin until my dick falls off.  Then I will shoot myself.

No one gets out alive.

I am hoping that by the time my dick falls off medical science will have found a way to replace it with something more durable, but just as pleasurable. Or I guess I could just shoot myself as well. lol

The "Armor of God", is more like a body suit, made of silk. The arms and legs of the suit are shortened so as not to protrude out of the normal street clothes. I have several Mormon friends that wear their 'suit' daily, except for swimming. Guess they are not protected during that activity, lol.

On a pheasant hunting trip in Idaho years ago, one of the party missed every opportunity to get a bird. When asked, "What's wrong Clayton, not wearing your magic underwear today", he got highly pissed.

In his last days, Howard Hughes was secluded in his penthouse suite, in Vegas. He wanted to live in a sterile environment, as his paranoia was severe for germs. The only ones that he would allow in, including personal contact, were Mormon males, that were wearing their "Armor of God". No magic underwear, no getting near him. Takes all kinds.....

.....I am not a Mormon, but a Catholic, and I believe that any organized religion could be considered a cult.  What I do find interesting, is that Governor Romney actually finds L Ron Hubbards "Battlefield Earth",  great reading.  Who knew?

Hugs and Kisses

while still chuckling at Mr. Pripus' declaration lol

Simply stated; The LDS church doesn't believe in the Holy Trinity thus other Christian denominations claim them not christian.

First of all, there is a difference between "do not like" and "do not believe the same as". There are a lot of Mormons, Atheists, Jehovah's Witness, Unitarians, Muslims, Hindus, etc. that I like, but I do not agree with their theology.

It is one thing to say someone believes in Jesus. It is another thing to say what they believe. There is more evidence for the existence of Jesus than any other historical figure. But, whether you believe He is the Son of God is a different question.

Mormons deny the Deity of Jesus, and thus the Trinity as previously mentioned.

In addition, Mormons believe that Man can become God.

One can argue about all the additional revelations of Joseph Smith. But that is beside the point. Those additional "revelations" could be consistent with Christianity. The issues cited above are a clear contradictions to traditional Christian interpretations of the Bible.

BTW: I would much rather have a Mormon as President that believes in 1/2 of what I believe in than a person who claims to be Christian that supports none of what I believe in.

Priapus531472 reads

Really ? More than Ronald Reagan, or Sir Isacc Newton ?

"As for the extra-biblical historicity of Jesus, there is absolutely no reliable contemporary evidence that he ever even existed.  He made no impression on any historian of the first century.  If Jesus existed or if the spectacular events in the gospels really happened, they would have been noted by many writers — including Philo of Alexandria (who wrote extensively about Judea during the alleged time of Jesus), Seneca the Elder, Pliny the Elder, Justus of Tiberius, and over thirty others. [8], [17]  None of these men referred to Jesus or the fantastical biblical events."----Mark Thomas

JLWest3808 reads

Posted By: Priapus53
Really ? More than Ronald Reagan, or Sir Isacc Newton ?

"As for the extra-biblical historicity of Jesus, there is absolutely no reliable contemporary evidence that he ever even existed.  He made no impression on any historian of the first century.  If Jesus existed or if the spectacular events in the gospels really happened, they would have been noted by many writers — including Philo of Alexandria (who wrote extensively about Judea during the alleged time of Jesus), Seneca the Elder, Pliny the Elder, Justus of Tiberius, and over thirty others. [8], [17]  None of these men referred to Jesus or the fantastical biblical events."----Mark Thomas
Seems to me there is a lot of evidence and a simple google search will bear me out. The idea that many writer didn't write about him; therefore he didn't exist is a false positive. Justus of Tiberius may have in fact written about him but after 2000 years the documents, letters or notes have never been found or no longer exist.

and now they are going to burn in hell for worshiping false gods and not believing in the true Christ.

But you won't hear that outside of the Churches because it sounds politically incorrect.

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