Politics and Religion

Why do you always link the NY Times, you friggin' elitist? They...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 124 reads

...only allow ten free articles a month, then you have to pay.  That means that after about the 15th of the month, I can't see your links.

Is it true you like granny porn and your favorite movie is "Gray Lady Go Down On Me?"

-- Modified on 9/22/2016 7:57:22 PM

...people outraged by another police shooting of a black man.  Of course it's wrong to damage property and steal as a protest of injustice and those that do it should be arrested and prosecuted.

But where is the whitey righty outrage over 5,300 Wells Fargo employees who looted customers' accounts by creating 2 million fake accounts with phony PIN numbers and fake email addresses to enroll customers in online banking services they didn't want or even have knowledge about.  Customers were being charged for insufficient funds or overdraft fees -- because there wasn't enough money in their original accounts.

"Additionally, Wells Fargo employees also submitted applications for 565,443 credit card accounts without their customers' knowledge or consent. Roughly 14,000 of those accounts incurred over $400,000 in fees, including annual fees, interest charges and overdraft-protection fees."


Shouldn't these 5,300 "looters" be prosecuted like the looters in Charlotte?  And what about John Stumpf, or should I say Don Stumpf, the Godfather of this criminal enterprise?

GaGambler136 reads

All you have to do is look down the page a ways, the thread is still there.

As for the looters in Charlotte, maybe they should follow the lead of the peaceful protesters in Tulsa where a totally unarmed and upstanding citizen was shot in the back by an idiot white woman wearing a badge. For some unknown reason the citizens of Tulsa didn't feel the need to burn down their own city or kill any of their own in "protest" to what happened.

For the record, the white officer in Tulsa Oklahoma, a place as RED as it gets will be facing 1st degree manslaughter charges.  

Come on BPS, keep up.

...as well as other cities where shootings occurred, immediately released the body cam and dash cam tapes of the incidents.  The transparency was the main reason for the citizens remaining calm.

The Tulsa officer was charged with manslaughter rather than murder because supposedly she shot the victim "without a design to effect death."  IOW, she pointed her gun and shot the victim but she really didn't want to kill him.  What a crock of shit!  Cops are taught to shoot to kill, not "wing" a perp.  

"Malice aforethought" doesn't mean you have to plan a murder for days or weeks.  You can have the specific intent required to be convicted of murder only a split second before your fire your gun.

If this was anyone other than a cop, their actions would be deemed "imminently dangerous evincing a depraved mind" and be charged with first or second degree murder.

This officer faces a minimum of four years in jail if convicted, and it's very difficult to convict a cop, especially a female cop facing a "big black dude."  Meanwhile, the victim received the death penalty from the cop.

-- Modified on 9/22/2016 5:46:01 PM

JakeFromStateFarm113 reads

What is the basis for the prosecutor to believe the cop didn't want to kill the victim?  Cops are taught to shoot to kill and not wound.  So I guess he can demonstrate that not only did she fire in contravention of police practice but did it so incompetently that she killed him anyway?  What a joke

FatVern89 reads

If this isn't a perfect reason females shouldn't be involved in life or death decision making.

They are too emotional.

I don't know anything, but if a officer shoots a person because they fear for their life. They are thinking of self preservation, not murdering the person.

JakeFromStateFarm110 reads

all the other police killings that were done by male police officers?  Were they "too emotional" too?  Or maybe, to you, it's a sign they are gay?

GaGambler138 reads

I would rather have a manslaughter conviction than murder acquittal.  

The thing is this is nothing new, cops shooting unarmed suspects of all colors is not a new phenomenon, what is new is video evidence of it occurring and cops being unable to sweep it all under the rug like they were able to in the "good old days"  

I think as time goes by and more and more of these cases come to trial, the threshold and the "presumption of innocence" just because the murderer is a cop, will start shifting the right way. Yes, I know Jack will be pissed, but that's the way I see things headed.

FatVern89 reads

I'm surprised when this language is used.

Who determines an act to be immoral, or inhumane?

If a human can commit an act, it's not inhumane.


Seems like a law based around religious scripture.

And is torture OK?  Murder?  Terrorism?  Your brain is sprained.

Posted By: FatVern
Who determines an act to be immoral, or inhumane?  
If a human can commit an act, it's not inhumane.
Human is an adjective that refers to attributes of people or mankind, good or bad. When used as a noun, human refers to a member of the species homo sapiens. Human comes from the Latin word humanus which means of man, of a human being.  

Humane means showing the best attributes of humans, such as mercy, benevolence, sympathy. Humane is an adjective, humaneness is the related noun. Interestingly, human and humane were once used interchangeably to mean of or relating to a human being, having qualities befitting human beings. In the early eighteenth century the words human and humane became differentiated in spelling, accent and meaning.

From: The Grammarist  

(FatVern didn't get the definition of "negotiation" right, either.)
( http://www.theeroticreview.com/discussion_boards/viewall.asp?MessageID=876356&boardID=12#876356 )

he was black and unarmed. Did I not also read where the victim had quite an extensive criminal record and had actually just been released from prison? Certainly he didn't warrant being shot regardless buy I'm not quite sure how "totally upstanding" he was.  

Ok here comes Daffy and company to scream "you're a racist" in 3..2..1..

-- Modified on 9/23/2016 1:14:20 PM

...you apparently don't know how to search the internet so instead you speculate about "...an extensive criminal record and had actually just been released from prison..."

Naturally, your speculation portrayed the victim in the worst possible light.


Just a poor misunderstood 40 year old with a criminal history ranging from drug to weapons to assault. Impressive to say the least. They're all angels aren't they? Dip shit.

St. Croix126 reads

Now that we got that out of the way, I'm looking at your last sentence in your 2nd paragraph. Same thing was said in the article. This shit was going for 5 years. If the customers use online banking, wouldn't they know when they looked at their accounts online at least a couple of times a month. If they were not online, wouldn't they be looking at paper statements provided once a month. Probably too much to ask if they check their credit report? Maybe it's a segment of society that just don't audit their accounts, or know how to do it, hence why an Elizabeth Warren is necessary. Can we assign a percentage culpability to these customers, or is the crime so egregious, that this segment of society gets a pass? Kinda of what in 2008.

The problem is non-engaged and/or complicit boards. It's wide spread, and it's run by a good old boy network. Stumpf should have been fired and stripped of his bonuses and options.  

I forgot to respond to you on Heather Bresch of Mylan Labs. Yeah, she is hot. I like her. Add the fact that her salary is $11M a year with options makes her even hotter. The fact that she was fucking with kids and their life threatening allergies, is unacceptable. She should be fired as well. But she is hot, Democrat hot!!!!

Posted By: BigPapasan
...people outraged by another police shooting of a black man.  Of course it's wrong to damage property and steal as a protest of injustice and those that do it should be arrested and prosecuted.  
 But where is the whitey righty outrage over 5,300 Wells Fargo employees who looted customers' accounts by creating 2 million fake accounts with phony PIN numbers and fake email addresses to enroll customers in online banking services they didn't want or even have knowledge about.  Customers were being charged for insufficient funds or overdraft fees -- because there wasn't enough money in their original accounts.  
 "Additionally, Wells Fargo employees also submitted applications for 565,443 credit card accounts without their customers' knowledge or consent. Roughly 14,000 of those accounts incurred over $400,000 in fees, including annual fees, interest charges and overdraft-protection fees."  
 Shouldn't these 5,300 "looters" be prosecuted like the looters in Charlotte?  And what about John Stumpf, or should I say Don Stumpf, the Godfather of this criminal enterprise?
-- Modified on 9/22/2016 5:23:28 PM

...it sooner.  But if I leave my car unlocked and someone steals my cellphone, they shouldn't be able to use my stupidity as a defense so that they don't get convicted of a crime.

GaGambler110 reads

Not about her deserving to be fired, but about her being hot. I don't find her any hotter than I'd find Sarah Palin "hot" Eleven million a year is nowhere near enough money to make her hot. She'd need Oprah type money for me to find her hot.

Actually, I don't see her needing to be fired. Some other opportunist would simply take her place. I think the rules need to be changed so that the American consumer stops getting hosed. The very same drugs we pay hundreds of dollars for here at home can be bought overseas for pennies on the dollar, THAT needs to change. that along with shareholders actually having some say so over what the boards do and that means all shareholders as a group, not just when the likes of a Warren Buffet steps in.

...she might be hot, but from this photo, even $11 million wouldn't tip her over into "hot."

and civil fraud – a violation of the rights of the plaintiff. The 5300 WF employees, many of them paid by the hour, did not engage in criminal activity but simply defrauded the customers.  The looters obviously are engaging in criminal activity.

       If LE tried to use the mail fraud and wire fraud statutes against every person who commits fraud in this country, nothing else would get prosecuted. As to the higher ups, the settlement agreement with the CFB does leave open the possibility of charges by other agencies. If it turns out that upper management knew this was going on, you will see criminal charges. But so far they claim willful blindness.


Posted By: BigPapasan
...people outraged by another police shooting of a black man.  Of course it's wrong to damage property and steal as a protest of injustice and those that do it should be arrested and prosecuted.  
 But where is the whitey righty outrage over 5,300 Wells Fargo employees who looted customers' accounts by creating 2 million fake accounts with phony PIN numbers and fake email addresses to enroll customers in online banking services they didn't want or even have knowledge about.  Customers were being charged for insufficient funds or overdraft fees -- because there wasn't enough money in their original accounts.  
 "Additionally, Wells Fargo employees also submitted applications for 565,443 credit card accounts without their customers' knowledge or consent. Roughly 14,000 of those accounts incurred over $400,000 in fees, including annual fees, interest charges and overdraft-protection fees."  
 Shouldn't these 5,300 "looters" be prosecuted like the looters in Charlotte?  And what about John Stumpf, or should I say Don Stumpf, the Godfather of this criminal enterprise?

...quite common for prosecutors to charge the little minnows to put the squeeze on them to get them to rat on the bigger fish and so on up the food chain until they get the whale.

Is all they did here based on what we know so far. There is no underlying crime here and this is what distinguishes the case from the looters.

GaGambler118 reads

Can you believe someone who claims to have actually passed the bar exam could say something THIS fucking stupid???

"did not engage in criminal activity but simply defrauded the customers."

That sounds more like something fg or FV might say, not the words of someone claiming to be an actual lawyer

...only allow ten free articles a month, then you have to pay.  That means that after about the 15th of the month, I can't see your links.

Is it true you like granny porn and your favorite movie is "Gray Lady Go Down On Me?"

-- Modified on 9/22/2016 7:57:22 PM

JakeFromStateFarm114 reads

I get mine free, just like my free VIP on TER.  You've just gotta know how to work the system.  Sorry.

...I'll wager any amount you want that I have more VIP days in my account than you do.  If GaG wants a piece of the action, I'll be happy to take his money as well.

GaGambler112 reads

I've got around a thousand VIP days, but if I wanted to put a little effort into it I am sure I could double that amount in a few days, but why bother? and why would I bet on whether or not you have more than a thousand, quite frankly I really don't care. Truth be told, since you've gone on record about all the problem reports you make, I would be very surprised if you didn't have at LEAST a thousand or maybe even a couple of thousand days banked. It's really not that hard to do.

and I am actually on your side where it comes to the NY Times, I have less than ZERO desire to subscribe to that rag, even for free.

If the City pays no attention to the taking of human life, but get all upset about the destruction of property...not a place I'd like to visit.

GaGambler105 reads

That really sounds like a place a person might not want to visit.

and it's easy to gloss over the destruction of property, when it's not YOUR property of course

First of all, the cops have behaved with restraint re the demonstrators.
Second, many of the latter are outside agitators.
Third, the Chief of Police is black.
I haven't been to Charlotte in years but it was always a pretty boring place.  And not very southern.  It's a big banking center with lots of people from other parts of the country living there.

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