Politics and Religion

WHY do we get involved?
FIDCUOF 1579 reads

Why does the US always get involved with other countries SHIT?   We have enough problems of our own.   I co-worker asked me today "what do you think about the Syria issue".....THis was my response.  "If you asked me to borrow $200 dollars today.....what do you think I should say if I only had $50 dollars in my account"  ...of course....NO, because I don't have to the money to give you".   I love the USA but we have our own issues to deal with and a NATIONAL Difficent to deal with.  We have NO money to fix other countires problem.  Let them deal with it....and if it impacts us financially then take action.  Syria has NO real financial ties to the US....they don't impact our economy in any way....FUCK THEM...Off my soap box !  :  ;)

The U.S. does have interests in Syria in the form oil in the area and fighting for the Puppet Master.

And our deficit has been shrinking at the fastest pace in 60 years. We could afford to go to war in Syria, but that doesn't make it a good idea.

I'm a big fan of minding your own business. We should start mind ours and other countries should mind theirs.

It would probably be more effective to organize economic sanctions against Russia. That doesn't pull us into another Middle East entanglement, and hurts Russia, who's providing Assad with weapons.

The mouth breathing, flag waiving War Hawks of the GOP are drooling with anticipation.  
But wait! this means they must "agree" and vote "with" Barack Hussein Obama.
Oh sweet irony!  
And what of the TEA Party conservative? They have solemnly sworn too vote AGAINST Obama even if it were to cure all forms of cancer while lowering unemployment to 0.2%



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