Politics and Religion

Why do the definition of words mean nothing to you?
Hpygolky 206 Reviews 686 reads
2 / 60

Obama can use instead of "It is lonely, me just doing stuff,”  let's use “It is lonely, US just doing stuff,”  or how about “I’m just telling the truth now,”  we'll use “WE'RE just telling the truth now,” ...yeah I got it, that works for me....you're a pickey little weenie. You should change your name to "Splitinhairs,the bugFucker"...oh and if you have an awswer, keep it simple,please.

HONDA 153 Reviews 724 reads
3 / 60

............House Republicans could pass a jobs bill, an immigration bill, a higher minimum wage bill, an infrastructure rebuilding bill right now but King Boner Majority House leader says NO!

salonpas 711 reads
7 / 60

.........sending them to fight a war based on lies. Don't you think this is a total disrespect to the thousands of families who have lost loved ones in the Iraq war?  

Posted By: 86H13LTP
and Allah

86H13LTP 810 reads
10 / 60

then you are lucky you live in a city that requires you to own a gun because your senseless ass is going to get yourself into a situation where you're going to need it.  

Too bad your mall cop wasn't allowed to have the same right !

salonpas 730 reads
11 / 60

You do realize the chief architect of the Iraq war, G.W. Bush, accepted his own WMD commission report that no WMD existed in Iraq.

followme 679 reads
12 / 60

Backstabber is not a respectable trait no matter where you were born.

You're Welcome
2014 = GOP Senate and House

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 764 reads
14 / 60

But why do you have to be a hard ass, prick?

ed2000 31 Reviews 1108 reads
15 / 60

92 - Abraham Lincoln #1
86 - William Harrison
79 - Martin Van Buren
78 - Millard Fillmore
74 - Chester Arthur
58 - Franklin Pierce
48 - Gerald Ford
47 - Andrew Johnson
47 - George Washington
47 - William Taft
45 - James Polk
42 - John Tyler
37 - James Monroe
37 - William McKinley
35 - Rutherford Hayes
34 - John Quincy Adams
33 - George H. W. Bush
32 - Zachary Taylor
31 - Andrew Jackson
30 - Franklin Roosevelt
30 - John Adams
29 - Thomas Jefferson
29 - Ulysses S. Grant
27 - James Madison
24 - Harry Truman
24 - Herbert Hoover
24 - Ronald Reagan
23 - James Buchanan
23 - Lyndon Johnson
20 - Warren Harding
19 - Benjamin Harrison
19 - Richard Nixon
19 - Theodore Roosevelt
16 - James Garfield
16 - Jimmy Carter
12 - Bill Clinton
11 - George W. Bush
10 - Grover Cleveland
9 - Calvin Coolidge
7 - Dwight Eisenhower
5 - John Kennedy
5 - Woodrow Wilson
4 - Barack Obama #2
3 - Barack Obama #1
1 - Abraham Lincoln #2

It was a slow Sunday afternoon and I was curious so I started counting Presidential words. The only reliable source of speeches for all Presidents was their Inaugurals. I summed the total of all occurrences of “I”, “me” and “my”. I thought if the theory of self-centeredness was correct then a pattern might emerge. There are some interesting results. It looked promising with a fairly high quantity of low ranked Presidents scoring near the top. Then I noticed Lincoln. He scored at the top with 92 instances. Then the second surprise. Obama scored at the very bottom with only 3. With these two apparent outliers I dug deeper by scoring the 2nd Inaugural for each. Interestingly, Obama’s #2 was at the bottom again with only 4 but Lincoln’s 2nd took dead last with only one instance. Weird.

A couple of other things. I didn’t have time to count the total speech lengths. A per word rate of use would be more telling than a raw total. Note that the 199 instance speech of the OP was about 40 minutes, about twice as long as most recent Inaugurals. Also, I can’t yet find any decent history on Presidential speech writers although I strongly suspect 20th century Presidents and later probably relied more heavily on writers than earlier ones hence the predominance of low counts for newer ones.

I also have a theory that Presidents Lincoln, Washington and Ford all realized that due to the dire, intense or special circumstances they all were attempting to instill a level of confidence to the public in their ability to go forward. At the end of the war, I suspect Lincoln’s heart was in a different place. He did write his own speeches though.  

But I do think there has to be some revelations regarding personality traits in this data. After watching most of the Obama economic speech referred to in the OP, I will say Obama seemed to be off his teleprompter most of the time, unlike (I'm sure) his inaugurals. Also, I counted up the instances in the official transcript and only got to 154 not 199. . . . still, it’s a lot

86H13LTP 784 reads
16 / 60

the area that feeds our country to save a minnow ? Why do you guys out there pick pros who rat you to the press for saying jungle bunny or give you a lethal dose of heroin ? Why do you vote for an old dried up hag who's clearly detached like Pelosi is ? Why do you continue to cry about SEC football always being ranked high when they pound your teams year after year ?

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 521 reads
17 / 60

I don't know about water shut downs over some bird,or power plant not being built but I suspect that's because maybe congress wouldn't help fund it, I dunno about some rat. Some of those issue seem petty. I got no beef with with Pelosi, she knows how to rally her troops and get things done unlike that piece of shit Boehner. Now there's someone who YOU should really bitch about.
But 86, Ga dunit if you're going to tell me that SEC sissy ass football is better then the Pac12 then I wish them good ol boys would travel west of the Mississippi and come play. Shit the Pac12 teams travel everywhere to play anyone. See UCLA's schedule, travel to Texas and at Virgina. But SEC would rather stay home and play Troy, Monroe of Alabama, or the Sister of the Poor. And please don't say your conference is tough and they beat up on each other. You're conference maybe top heavy but the bottom part sucks. Shit, our shit team of Washington St. went to Auburn last year and almost sucker punched them. Georgia always fall flat on their ass at the end in every year

salonpas 690 reads
18 / 60

......capability? I think not! I'll take the word of the WMD commission set up by Bush that reported there were no WMD's in Iraq

GaGambler 643 reads
19 / 60

SEC is still the strongest conference in all of the NCAA, bar none.

I will admit that the PAC 12 has made some steps to narrow the gap a bit, but the SEC is still easily number one.

but thank you for narrowing the field about who 86 actually is, I think I have a pretty good idea who he is now, but far be it for me to "out" an alias.

mattradd 40 Reviews 625 reads
20 / 60

"straining at gnats while swallowing camels."  ;)

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 587 reads
21 / 60

But this year, with all the returning QB's in the Pac12, the conference that will be much better then the SEC. Remember speed kills!!! SEC lost alot of skilled players.
Now back to Politic and religion where we all like to piss ech other off, where the F is 86???

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 609 reads
22 / 60

Oh, forgot, did you notice that the SEC is sorta like the GOP? Some of the coaches from the SEC, Alabama and Arkansas want to slow the game down to where there's 10 seconds between plays. I think they have one eye towards Texas AM, Auburn, Wahington St.,Oregon, Arizona, UCLA and most teams from the west coast...almost like voter suppression and gerrymandering...hummm. Had to inflict alittle political commentary here to make it on this board.......lol

GaGambler 675 reads
23 / 60

and I will admit, you guys are getting closer, but you aren't quite there yet. The closest anyone has come to reaching parity with the SEC was the Big Twelve, and the minute they started gaining credibility Nebraska broke ranks and the conference imploded with two of it's  best defecting to the SEC.

It's funny, I expected both Texas A&M and Missou to get pummeled in the SEC, but they both performed respectably, and the conference is even stronger because of them.

ed2000 31 Reviews 583 reads
24 / 60

But then again, I'm sure you most likely never even took the time to read my post in response to ND. You're far too biased.

mattradd 40 Reviews 793 reads
26 / 60

In this case the camels are "why bother," and "who cares?"

You say you had a slow Sunday afternoon. I can't imagine a slow Sunday afternoon, in that they are spent with family and friend. , Nor, would I part with their company to work on, what I imagine may be, a sort of moderately entertaining puzzle of sorts. I can't remember when I chose to entertain myself by enjoying puzzles over company!  I assure you, if the criticism that pinhead and referenced author, brought against Obama, was originally brought against George Bush, during his tenure, I would not have spent my time as you did, in this instances, regarding Obama.  ;)

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 603 reads
27 / 60

Unless you want us to believe responding to not just eds initial post but also his response to you is "sifting the camel".

Seriously, who in the hell do you think you're fooling?

mattradd 40 Reviews 622 reads
28 / 60

From your posts, it appears that things are bouncing off the walls at a high rate of speed, in all directions!    ;)

ed2000 31 Reviews 816 reads
29 / 60

So what you are telling us is the only post here that is more useless than mine, is yours.

Setting aside for the moment your arrogance regarding how people other than yourself should live their lives, your posts did nothing to contribute to the thread, other than to claim I was wasting my time and that my discoveries added nothing of significance. If all of your claims are true then why did you waste your time responding? Of course the answer can be none other than an attempt to prove how much better you believe you are than I am and how much nicer you think your life is than mine.

Well frankly, I am glad you have close family available on a Sunday that are not recently deceased or are not working. Good for you. Some people are not so fortunate. But I’m not looking for your pity, just a little more silence when you have nothing useful to say.

BTW, If you can’t recognize the significance or interesting aspects of the data then maybe you should either ask a question or keep quiet. Remember that Twain quote. . .  “better to remain silent and be thought a fool rather than to speak out and remove all doubt”

mattradd 40 Reviews 638 reads
30 / 60

Yep! I have an opinion about the significance and importance of your analysis. I think it has neither! Yet, I never told you to "keep quiet." I guess in your omnipotence you believe I will do so.    ;)

My post is not about my believing I'm better than you, but merely that I think your analysis is not significant nor important enough for me to spend the time doing the same, whether it is regarding Obama or Bush. So, it's about how I value my time and what I consider of significance. You and pinhead may be harboring low self-esteem, seeing that you see an the issue otherwise.  ;)

ed2000 31 Reviews 628 reads
31 / 60

My post invoked you to make a value judgement based on whether or not you should spend time doing the same (analysis) regarding Obama or Bush. This is clear evidence you never even read my post as I first claimed.

My data was not strictly about Obama. It was about all Presidents. I made the analysis about more than just one or two Presidents. I even refuted some of Needle's data. Clearly all that matters to you is Obama and Bush.

I suggested you keep quiet or ask questions if you didn't understand it, I didn't make a flat assertion regarding your silence as you disingenuously claim (nothing new there). Of course you were free to comment on it pro or con, but you did neither. You simply declared it worthless and then spent 90% of your posting energy talking about how your life differed from mine, throwing in a lament or two about not having time to make comments, LOL.  

You claim your post was not about boasting that you are better than me? Most narcissists have little self awareness regarding their own actions. Even in your claim to the contrary you can't resist doing more of the same in your last sentence (more LOL).

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 700 reads
32 / 60

Curious reply coming from the Bible Thumper who tells others how they should behave...

Do your friends behave this way? You know, "treat others as you'd like to be treated"? Was'nt that the standard Mr. I'm Better Than You?

See, I take heat for not being the best behaved here but in reality, I take people as they come and I get to the point. Willy could take lessons in brevity from me. So rather than play your cute little word games that you amuse yourself with, I just call you a dick and treat you like one!!!

Easy!!! Have a Bibley Day!

mattradd 40 Reviews 711 reads
33 / 60

And, I did see you included in your analysis other president's, however I assumed your interest in the exercise was initiated by pinheads linked article which was focused, as was pinhead's target, on Obama. It's that simple. My assumption, however, could have been in error. I'm truly humble enough to admit it, if it is indeed true. So, I'm wondering if you are humble enough to admit the error of your assumption?  ;)

mattradd 40 Reviews 538 reads
34 / 60
ed2000 31 Reviews 481 reads
36 / 60

I truly appreciate your candor. Unfortunately I did not base my statements on assumptions. I based them on what you actually wrote. When I see evidence that I was wrong I will gladly admit it. You can't uno history. You do have a long history of being exceptionally dodgy, favoring to create illegitimate wriggle room with word games. I've done it myself. I can't recall you making posts such as the above, in such an irrelevant way,critical of someone's personal life, but now I suspect it was really just another diversion after you realized you had made a bad assumption but weren't ready to admit it. I can promise you one thing. If don't see the behavior again I won't be bringing it up anymore.

mattradd 40 Reviews 650 reads
37 / 60

"Proof you never actually examined my post."

True, it sounds like a statement of fact based on personal knowledge. However, unless you are omniscient, you can not say that. Saying that, based on my response, would seem to be an assumption.   ;)

As far "being critical of someone's personal life," I was telling you about my personal life, and how I could not see it being as yours, in the instance that we are discussing, by choice. I can imagine we do share some things in common. But, if you drove an old Mustang, or drank Budweiser, I would never choose to do either so for myself. If you take that as a judgement of me on you, that's your interpretation. If your analysis had stood alone, separate from needleheads OP, I probably would not have responded.

NeedleDick, the BugFucker 22 Reviews 839 reads
38 / 60

BTW, my OP was actually focused on Obama's demeanor in the video rather than the Terry Jefferies commentary. I just could'nt find that video by itself.

My point of it is, is that from the beginning he has been a sophomoric smartass.
"WE won" was his MO and nothing has changed.

His lemmings are puzzled "why dont they like him"??? and can only come up with his race. Which for a narcissist who has ZERO ability of critical self examination, makes sense. Fact is, he''s a demagogic smart assed liar. He's taking a wrecking ball to all aspects of our society and economy (JUst like he promised)..anyways, im preaching to the choir...


ed2000 31 Reviews 634 reads
40 / 60

I should have used evidence not proof but my assertion that you had not read it was based upon things you said, not who you were or who you associated with (which are the things you relied upon).

Regarding your last paragraph, i.e. personal life statements. . . you're starting to wriggle around your words again.

mattradd 40 Reviews 736 reads
41 / 60

Yes! I am making fun of your straining at gnats while swallowing camels, not the impact it has on your personal life.   ;)

ed2000 31 Reviews 591 reads
42 / 60

I assumed nothing. Everything I stated was based on immediate analysis of your words. I only admitted using the less proper word in declaring the certainty (evidence vs. proof).

Don't even attempt to equivocate our two series of posts. Just when there was a glimmer of honesty and reality in your most recent response, you fall back into your old ways.

mattradd 40 Reviews 779 reads
43 / 60

You still can't do it can you! Admit you made an assumption about me not reading your post, which was wrong.  ;)

ed2000 31 Reviews 577 reads
44 / 60

You are clearly not using any standard definition for assumption. I can't admit what didn't happen. Keep spinning.

When I make assumptions they are clearly labeled as such. Review any number of my posts. Go back as far as you like, there's almost a decade of them.  When I claim to have proof of something, I don't base it on assumptions. But I can understand how you might think people operate that way (no assumption involved there either)

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 644 reads
45 / 60

I applaud your patience.

Me, I just dismiss him as the tedious dickhead he is and be done with it

mattradd 40 Reviews 494 reads
46 / 60

You may not choose to admit that was an assumption, but it quite obviously is!  You've gone down this rabbit hole further than I choose to follow, so good luck on your continued venture!    ;)

ed2000 31 Reviews 467 reads
47 / 60

Posted By: ed2000
My post invoked you to make a value judgement based on whether or not you should spend time doing the same (analysis) regarding Obama or Bush. This is clear evidence you never even read my post as I first claimed.
You are one of the few people I know that would even consider spinning an obvious evidence based judgement into an assumption. All you have left is your hope that it's true.

Again, I do truly appreciate you admitting the incorrect assumption you made. Your confession was actually  further evidence you never read my post. You should have stopped posting after your display of humility and walked away a paladin but you simply couldn't allow yourself to do it. Maybe next time.

mattradd 40 Reviews 1079 reads
49 / 60
ed2000 31 Reviews 469 reads
50 / 60

say that you had read it but then admit that you ignored it, thus giving the clear impression that you had not examined same. Would that have been too hard?

mattradd 40 Reviews 577 reads
51 / 60

If I had told you I had read it, given our previous conversation, I would anticipate you telling me I hadn't!    ;)

ed2000 31 Reviews 600 reads
52 / 60

You're the one in a rabbit hole, trying to figure out how to escape and have the last word.

I was saying there would not have been this whole conversation if you had been forthcoming from the beginning (right after I suspected you had not read it), explaining that you had read it but ignored it, thus giving the impression that you had not examined it.

Spin away my friend.

-- Modified on 7/17/2014 10:35:12 PM

mattradd 40 Reviews 639 reads
53 / 60

My analysis of your post, and pinheads was the reference to "straining at gnats, while swallowing a camel." I can't be held accountable for your incorrect assumption that I would give such an analysis without reading and/or ignoring your analysis!  ;)

mattradd 40 Reviews 614 reads
54 / 60
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 790 reads
55 / 60

Posted By: mattradd
My analysis of your post, and pinheads was the reference to "straining at gnats, while swallowing a camel." I can't be held accountable for your incorrect assumption that I would give such an analysis without reading and/or ignoring your analysis!  ;)

ed2000 31 Reviews 763 reads
56 / 60

You're correct that you didn't call me a liar. You only implied it.

So now you're on record wasting all this time on something you think is both useless AND boring.

BTW, adding smiling emoticons to a post does not create humor.

-- Modified on 7/18/2014 6:27:11 PM

mattradd 40 Reviews 864 reads
57 / 60

or interpretations.  

"So now you're on record wasting all this time on something you think is both useless AND boring."

Define "something."

Are you stating the obvious, since I did say I didn't find your exercise in counting words as being useful or interesting. Particularly with all the caveats you added. And, IMHO trying to tie it to personality types of presidents is totally lame.

Or, are you talking about this thread, in which case, I've already responded to you with: "I never find my time useless when I can watch you twisting in the wind!"  
Posted 7/18/2014 at 11:51:08 AM
Send message
Reviews: 36
"I find it quite entertaining!   ;)"

If that is the case then you didn't read my post, or examine it, or you misinterpreted it or, heavens forbid, you're being down right dishonest!   ;)

Regarding my use of smiling emoticons, I'm not surprised that you don't recognize any humor being created. That's why I view you as being a humorless bore. BTW is use them to reflect the spirit in which I post. I often use them to connote the levity in which I address a person or issue, or when I find humor in an article posted, or from a response from my post.  ;)

If you were not a humorless bore you'd quit beating this dead horse!   ;)

ed2000 31 Reviews 682 reads
58 / 60

Well, there you have it, your purpose, intent, goals and modus operandi all summed up quite nicely.  

BTW, I’ll continue to interpret what people say and do rather than a contrived communication of how they feel

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