Politics and Religion

JW-Blue 2978 reads
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Someone set up a petition demanding to see Obama’s Birth Certificate, but that person shut down the petition after threats were directed at his/her family. I hope that Obama’s campaign had nothing to do with those threats.

The website for that petition was birthcertificatenow.com. Earlier Sunday, the link worked and there was a notation on the site that the petition had been closed due to threats. Later Sunday, the link led to a solid black page.

Requests have not worked. Someone should demand that Sen. Barack Obama show America a certified copy of his complete and original birth certificate (BC). The version he has posted on the web, the Certificate of Live Birth (COLB), is only a short abstract.

Sen. Obama should do the same thing that Sen. McCain did. He should show reporters a copy of the full version of his BC, which includes the name of the hospital where he was born as well as other details of his birth that are not included on the short COLB.

Presidential candidates should accommodate such requests, as McCain did. Unless there’s something to hide, it shouldn’t be a big deal. The fact that this request to see Obama’s real and complete BC has become a big deal, is suspicious.

There is an easy way to do this. Obama can authorize the State of Hawaii to release the certified copy of his original BC to an approved representative in Hawaii. Reporters and other observers must have the option to be present. The date/time should be widely announced 5 days in advance. I am sure that the State of Hawaii would accommodate the Senator on short notice.

Read the LINK. It shows you a zoomed image of BO's BC on his website and Daily KOS'. Check out the differences, and both claim that it's the same copy.


Harry5390 89 Reviews 1647 reads
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It seems ridiculous that you can run for and be elected President without showing proof you are eligible. Is it on the honor system? Among politicians? That's not a good idea.

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1773 reads
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What information are you looking for?

9-man 2139 reads
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It's unconstitutional to run for President without being born in the US. Therefore, you have to show your birth certificate in every state to get on the ballot in the first place, and the McCain campaign has caught you with a very low-brow gimmick.

Perhaps the website came down because somebody explained that to the owner, and his only choice to avoid embarrassment was to say that he was threatened. Or, it might have been a joke on all of you.

-- Modified on 7/15/2008 8:15:39 AM

GaGambler 1636 reads
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Then why was it relevent when McCain was asked for his birth certificate?

This entire "low brow gimmick" was started by the Obama crowd, not McCain's. Now that it has been turned around on him, Obama is the one being evasive not McCain.

SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 1190 reads
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Seriously. GROW UP. There are only about a GAZZILLION real honest to God issues to debate Obama on, and on which he is dead wrong.

Lets be grown ups shall we, and actually focus on real issues. You know, things like energy policy, the economy, terrorism in particular and foreign policy in general. And oh yeah, lets not forget about taxes and all of Obama's nanny state programs.

Take your pick. There is a long list of issues that Obama is wrong on. So WHY are you wasting time, and making yourself look like an idiot in the process, worrying about a STUPID internet rumor???

Newsflash, Hawaii was already a state when Obama was born. This is about as stupid as the rumors of Obama being sworn in the Koran, which is also false.

GaGambler 1473 reads
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The only real excuse is "they started it" which is a pretty lame reason even if true.

The truth of the matter is some dumb ass lib wanted to see proof that McCain was indeed a US born citizen, and to his credit McCain under no legal obligation, took it upon himself to provide said proof. Then some equally dumbass righty asked for the same proof from Obama, which he has yet to provide. (Big yawn).

Again, the loony left started it, but anyone that really believes that either candidate is not a US born citizen really should check themself into the same facility that JackO must be currently residing in.

harryj 1400 reads
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sonofabitch could easily answer this by producing a birth certificate, either he can't or it is another one of his arrogant "fuck you" responses to the peasants. Like I said, he is a slithering piece of snake shit. Maybe camel jockey's don't get birth certificates.

kerrakles 1912 reads
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As grown ups show some intelligence and stop being puppet of the media.

Internet crowd makes these things up and news starved 24 hr cable news channels makes them into sound bites.

How do you expect the politicians to address the gazillion real issues when the so callled GROWN UPS are fixated on CRAP.

BuckFush! 1684 reads
10 / 15

Your sorry-ass, name-calling, drunken, ranting, irrational curmudgeon act is growing very thin.  Everyone here only knows you as the raving delerious drunk that now you are.  

Harry, it's time to quit spending all of your monthly Socialistic Insecurity Checks at Willie's and sober up!  I am sure there is an local AAA nearby for you.

toondin 1113 reads
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regarding the fact that McCain was born on an overseas naval base, and whether, legally speaking, that was the equivalent of being born in the US. McCain revealing his birth certificate would do nothing to answer that question. That takes lawyers and judges to study. Indications, though, are that McCain is disqualified (see link) and it doesn't matter how transparent he is on it.

There are few requirements for the Presidency. One is age, the other is native birth. That means presenting your Birth Certificate to get on the ballot is boilerplate.

harryj 1371 reads
12 / 15

Sounds like you floated back up. The plumber will take care of you. "AAA"? Is that your own organization of "Assholes and Arrogants Anonymous"? I am sure membership is limited to certified pseudo-lib pinkos.

BuckFush! 2528 reads
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Is that the best you can say, harry?  Willie really needs to cut you off. Now we have to add "pathetic" to your sad act of being a drunken old sot.

Sober up.  Maybe you'll then able to form one rational & coherent thought wihtout sounding like a drunken, pathetic old sot that you are.

-- Modified on 7/17/2008 9:58:53 PM

GaGambler 1047 reads
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that McCain in not qualified to be POTUS, anymore than I actually believe that Obama is inelligible. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent by both sides, the chances of either candidate not being at least "legally" qualified are so remote as to be nonexistent.

The only thing this little exercise in pettiness does is to further point out the arrogance of Obama. Whether it's wearing a flag pin, covering his heart during the national anthem, or providing his birth certificate Obama exhibits an arrogance that is undeniable.

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