Politics and Religion

Who would you nominate for the top spot?
actionalltime 33 Reviews 2641 reads
1 / 15

I am not a party line, guy or making a habbit of obsessively bashing the other party, but i have never see anything like this President. Everything out of his mouth is either a complete lie or lined with hypocrism.

How does the President of the United States, and one of the biggest liberals around claim that a State Senator, who nobody new off 3 months ago is a in lock step with Washington Insiders. Isn't having the President and essential leader of the Democratic party flying up to Boston at last minute for a rally lock step with Dem's.

But Democrates are all good, Replicans are just evil people watching Fox News all day.

The President is claiming that Brown wants to protect Wall Street by obbossing this Bank Tax. The $90 bill dollar tax, attacks private companies that either never took TARP money or paid it back.  Meanwhile the President just negotiated a $60 billion dollar give back to Unions on health care, which still hasn't been expolained how that gap is made up. Never mind that no onre said anything about the big bonuses given out at Fannie and Freddie.

Never mind the claim that health care needs to be passed in the name of fairness and decency. How is it at all fair and decent for some states to get keep Medicare Adbvantage benifits (Florida) while others give them up. I quess decency only applies to snow birds. Why does the rest of the country have to pay for Medicaide, while other get massive governmement aide. And why does people workinbg in the private sector have to pay penalties on plans, but unions and state workers are exempt.

Politicians lie, Obama is turning it into a language.

actionalltime 33 Reviews 1030 reads
2 / 15

Also Obama claims that Brown voted with Republicans 96% of the time. It's errily similiar to the rate at which he himself voted with Dem's not only at the state level but in the US Senate as well.


pwilley 59 Reviews 904 reads
3 / 15

I met up with some of the boys and girls (Dems, Repubs, Indys) and naturally the topic of politics came up... We tried for nearly an hour to come up with one single thing that OB has said that wasn't a lie or misleading.  He is an absolute disgrace.  Perhaps the biggest crook to ever make it to the Presidency.

I did learn that there are quite a few States where the Governor and Attorney Generals in those states are poised to file suite against Congress for a number of unconstitutional challenges to healthcare bill.  Some are even set to file racketeering charges.  Its encouraging to also learn that a number of constitutional lawyers believe that the cases will probably make it to the Supreme Court but its not clear how those folks would rule.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1562 reads
4 / 15

I'm sure it's a set of policies you disagree with strongly, but I don't think that makes him a hypocrite.

A few thoughts though: Obama is not very liberal. He's actually quite moderate. That's why the Dems are having such a hard time with their base continuing to support them.

If I'm not mistaken, both candidates for this Mass Senate seat are local to the state. That would mean that neither one of them are Washington insiders. It is common for Presidents to campaign in off election years. I can't think of a single President in my lifetime who hasn't done this, and that 60 seat majority is important to getting things done when the strategy of the GOP is to block 100% of what the Dems are doing, regardless of what it is. They've even blocked Defense appropriations to score political points.

From what I can tell, Brown is a fairly libertarian leaning conservative. While it would be nice to have more libertarian minded people in Congress, we are in desperate need of regulating Wall Street given that we just saw them loose 7 trillion dollars, and saw untold numbers of Americans thrown out onto the street. In my own hometown the number of those who are homeless has skyrocketed. In Los Angeles there was even "tent cities" because of it (see the link below).

actionalltime 33 Reviews 1402 reads
5 / 15

Obama is certainly a liberal, and based onm his voting recors in the center one of the biggest liberals. Add on much of his history, affiliations and cliams in both his books, claiming he is a moderate is baseless.

Does he have to play more to the middle as President, certianly he does. You can't get 60 votes on anything in the Senate being far left or right. His move to the middle, or what is perceived to be the middle in these progressive times, is a political move not an ideological move.

I've accepted the fact politiucians will always be on the campiagn trial, though Obama has taken it to a new level. And he certainly should be up in Massachusetts pushing for Coakley if he believes in his agenda.

But you can't deny its Hypocritical to claim the opposition is in lock step with his party, when he is the lead Wash. Democrat that is in lock step trying to get Coakley elected.

If you don't foind that hypocritical, it's just a simple lack of objectivity.

And that is just one instance

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 733 reads
6 / 15

I think Obama's voting record actually shows just how moderate he is. He voted with the GOP to make the telecoms immune from lawsuits after they had spied on Americans on behalf of Bush. Given that nearly 100% of those on the left were against this, then I hardly think that would count as him being very liberal.

He's in favor of states limiting late term abortions, he's escalating the war in Afghanistan, is opposed to single payer health care, opposed to the legalization of pot, has refused to end discrimination against gays in the military, wants to eliminate capital gains taxes on investors making under a quarter million a year, in favor of nuclear power, he's been wishy washy on free trade, He's voted in favor of making FISA an even bigger violation of privacy..I could go on...but this points to him being quite the DLC sytle moderate. And he even made a DLC Dem Rahm Emmanuel his Chief of Staff!!!

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1128 reads
7 / 15

Obama made Joe Biden his Vice President - DLC Dem.

He made Hiliary his Sec. of State - The CHIEF DLC Dem.

He made Rahm Emmanuel his Chief of Staff - DLC Dem.

See a pattern?

Did he offer a job in the administration to Dennis Kunnich? How about Mike Gravel? Hell, John Edwards was too left wing for him. He even tried to make one of the king DLC Dems, Bill Richardson his Commerce Secretary before scandal forced Richardson from accepting the job. And he certainly isn't taking any economic advice from Paul Krugman.

Obama a socialist? He isn't even a liberal.

BreakerMorant 993 reads
8 / 15

and the rest of the crooks such as Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, that Franklin guy from fannnie mae. OBama is talking both sides of his mouth. How can he talk about Bank reform when he has these guys on his payroll?

actionalltime 33 Reviews 1431 reads
9 / 15

Wonka, you are absolutely dillusional if you think Obama isn't Liberal. The 2007 rankiings show it.

Did he come towards the center to win a presidential, ofcourse, they all do. Biden was part of appeasing the Moderates, as well as Obama total lack of foriegn policy experience. Much like McCann brought in a strong Consrevative like Palin. They did it for balance.

Barrack Obama, worked work a left wing organization in Acorn. Is , strongly tied to labor Unions, especially SEIU and has had some of the biggest liberal (and unqualified) appointments to his Cabinent and advisor posts. Sebilius, Napalitano, Van Jones, Holdren to name a few. Jones (former advisor) is a self proclaimed communist.

Hillary Clinton not Liberal? Are you kidding?

Same with Emmanual, the deffinition of Chicago politics. He make Rob Blogovoiche look honest.

Reading your post, I'm not sure if your joking or your Fidel Castro.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 929 reads
10 / 15

I didn't realize that the President had to sign the paychecks for US Senators and corporate executives. I thought it was usually the other way around.

Summers and Geitner are hardly liberals themselves, but blaming Barney Frank and Fannie Mae for the housing bubble is utterly ridiculous. Put the blame where it belongs: Bill Clinton and Phil Gramm.

Tusayan 826 reads
11 / 15

Well said Willy.  I refused to vote for Obama because of his FISA vote.  It still amazes me how a professor of constitutional law could cast a vote in Congress to ignore the Fourth Amendment.  Obama a liberal? Not by a longshot.

fasteddie51 1002 reads
12 / 15

He may be close, but I can think of many others who I'd give that honor to.

GaGambler 1033 reads
13 / 15

I actually would have to put Obama at the very top of the list. He got the kool aid drinkers to believe he was a different breed of politician, people believed his campaign rhetoric about hope, change, and transparency. Of course nothing could have been further from the truth. Obama is simply a politician through and through.

When even the voters in Mass start deserting the Democratic party, you know there is something rotten in Denmark.

BTW I will agree with you in advance that GW Bush was a huge hypocrite for pretending to be a fiscal conservative all the while spending money as fast as any democrat before, but of course Obama makes Bush look like a piker in comparison.

actionalltime 33 Reviews 1473 reads
14 / 15

I believe Bush was more fiscally conservative than his policy showed. Not making excuse, because Bush was horrible in that department. But he was a fiscal conservative while Govenor. I fully believe he sold his domestic policy to the Dems for support for the war. The Dems bought in, implemented drastic increases in Education, Welfare and Medicare. then when the war became unpopular, the Dems changed face and claimed the Bush administration lied to them, even though Congress did thier own evaluation on the evidence of Irag having WMD's.

fasteddie51 1429 reads
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First of all, and feel free to disagree with my pre-conditions, but you can't count campaign promises, since ALL candidates lie about them; that being said?

Discounting position/influence, there are several who I think are bigger hypocites... I didn't mention Bush because I thought it too easy for a lib, but since you mentioned it, yes, Bush was a bigger hypocrite... we can argue degree, but that's a no-win proposition.

Most of the pundits, both Dem's and Con's, are bigger hypocrites.  To tell the truth, I personally don't think O'Reilly belives HALF of what he says...

I could also nominate Sarah Palin, but (shudder), I think one could argue that she believes her own bullshit.

Bigger hypocrites?  Fox News, MSNBC, Limbaugh, Coulter... the list is extensive.  

Love him or hate him, I think most of what Obama has said is said with truthful intentions... I think, like Sarah Palin, he believes what he says no matter how ludicrous it may seem/be.

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