Politics and Religion

Who would you hire?
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 136 reads

Pat Robertson?

nuguy461705 reads

-- He has made Carter look like a great President.
-- Became the "Divider-in-Chief".
-- Divided the country as never before on race-July 2009 started it with "The Cambridge Police acted stupidly".
-- Divided the country as never before with wealth as a divider.  
-- Divided the country as a black vs everyone else with the black lives matter.

-- He inherited a AAA credit rating (now it is AA).
-- $1.81 gal gas; (now $3.69 and higher in CA).
-- $10 trillion debt (now $15+ trillion).
-- 2 wars (winning); (now 3 wars...and losing).
-- 26 weeks unemployment (now 99 weeks).
-- Annual Fed budget submitted (never submitted a budget).
-- Workforce participation rate 66%+ (2008) now 62+%.
-- 1%'er prospered; middle class disappearing.
-- 13% children lived in poverty (2008) NOW 22% live in poverty.

But....still President.
still getting under the GOP's skin.
still has his signature health care enacted.
still not indicted or impeached.

Hell of a legacy. Who knew what they were voting for?

thisbud4u209 reads

you are posting all this on an Escorts Board.     Historians compare a President's accomplishments with other Presidents in similar situations.    Have you heard of the saying "one man's trash is another man's treasure".    There are others who think positively of the President.    He was elected twice, that is an accomplishment!

Keep it coming!

GaGambler254 reads

Just how "accomplished" do you see him?  

While we are at it Nixon was elected twice too. I suppose you are a fan??? lmao

I do find it hugely ironic that the first Black POTUS has turned out to be the most racially divisive.

GaGambler260 reads

and I don't want to get into either a debate or an argument about the definition of "racially divisive" Maybe Jack will come out an play with you? I OTOH am not "insane"  I already know where this conversation will end up.

And THAT list is even too long for me.  

Obama is a racist, who hires racists, who admires racists, who sticks his 2 cents in to FAR too many local matters, prejudging outcomes, consistently siding with blacks and against whitey, just to stir racial division on a regular basis.

Matt knows the list. It is just easier for him to try and have some plausible deniability.

Yes, racism was an issue right out of the starting blocks thanks to the introduction of it by the likes of the Tea Party and the Birthers, through their message of the "otherness" of Obama, which was supported by the Republican establishment.

Timbow263 reads

Posted By: JackDunphy
And THAT list is even too long for me.  
 Obama is a racist, who hires racists, who admires racists, who sticks his 2 cents in to FAR too many local matters, prejudging outcomes, consistently siding with blacks and against whitey, just to stir racial division on a regular basis.  
 Matt knows the list. It is just easier for him to try and have some plausible deniability.[/quote

-- Modified on 7/22/2015 6:21:28 AM

thisbud4u314 reads

I can help you with that:

1. Took a budget surplus from previous President and issued tax rebate checks.
2. Enacted massive tax cuts without any alternative revenue or spending cuts to pay for it.
3. Sat tight over warnings that Al Qaeda was planning attacks using aircraft.
4. 9/11 attack screwed up plans to invade Iraq for oil
5. Tried unsuccessfully to tie Iraq and 9/11 as an excuse.
6. Invaded Afghanistan without knowing whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden
7. Outsourced the work of finding OBL to Pakistan at a cost $3 billion a year
8. Gave out edited and doctored intelligence about Iraq having WMD, Chemical, Biological weapons.
9. Lied about Iraq developing nuclear (nucular!) weapons
10. Sent Secretary of State to UN to lie about Iraqi threats
11. Invaded Iraq without a vote in UN Security Council
12. 5 years of excuses to stay in Iraq
13. Worst economic, financial, market, housing, jobs and health care crisis since 1930
14. Left office with 2  unfunded wars, $5 trillion in debts, millions of jobs lost, people's retirement and life savings, 401(k) wiped out.
15. Has multiple arrest warrants in Europe for war crimes and crimes against humanity (Abu Ghraib).
16. Cannot travel outside of US
17. Not wanted by his own party, party conventions, campaigns.

Did I miss out anything ?

These are the two I find most telling...
can you provide a link to a credible source?
I'm not questioning the veracity... but without proper links, Planet Stupid will rear their ugly little heads, and I want to rub their noses in it.

Posted By: thisbud4u
I can help you with that:  
 15. Has multiple arrest warrants in Europe for war crimes and crimes against humanity (Abu Ghraib).  
 16. Cannot travel outside of US  

GaGambler203 reads

You proved my point in spades yesterday, so until Moderate Matt returns to the board, you simply aren't worth the effort to try and have a "discussion" with.

Like I said, "maybe Jack will play your game?" I certainly won't.

it's important to have an accurate definition before people can discuss it. That's not parsing words. Now, if you want a good word parser, talk to your good buddy Ed. I notice you never accuse him of doing so!  ;)

As far as racially divisive, that all started with the birthers and supported by the Republicans.  ;)

-- Modified on 7/22/2015 10:44:56 AM

I'm surprised that you just didn't post a stand alone Youtube video without any explanation, like last time!  ;)

And, no I'm not attempting to drag you into anything, any more than when GaG talks about me to Jack, he wants me to participate.  ;)

I wonder how he defined "racism" when it came to the tea party? 15 signs out of 300,000 people attending the rally at the mall in DC. Yep! Racists! lol

When he gets his "moderateness" back and acknowledges what the entire lib media acknowledged back when it happened, i.e. Wrights racism, let me know

What's an R list? Where have I posted one?

No, my definition does not change according to circumstances. Did I post anything about racist signs at Tea Party rally at the mall in DC? No! So, why are you bringing that up? Did I say that what Trump espoused about Mexican's crossing the border was racist? No!

Just a bunch of flack you're throwing out to avoid direct questions. When you, GaG, and Ed, avoid anwering simple questions, you know what that makes you look like don't you?!?  ;)

......of racially divisive things that you allege Obama has done.

Posted By: mattradd
most radically divisive?

..... action. Is he a paid or unpaid advisor? It makes one hell of a difference because no one in America works for free, especially Sharpton.....lol I did not think it was even possible for a major TV network to allow a news show commentator to be an Advisor to a sitting POTUS. I would need proof of this Sharpton appointment from an independent or liberal news source. Got any others on that list of yours

Do you concede Sharpton is on it? If not, don't waste my time.

This is the first time I'm hearing of Sharpton acting as an advisor to Obama.

... Obama can't change the fct he was an acolyte of Rev Wright, though he could have distanced himself from Wrigt's brand of fiery Black Panther rhetoric.

But enlisting the services of Al Sharpton, one of the sleaziest piles of human shit ever, was a terrible strategic move, and diminished Obama in the eyes of all but his most ardent admirers.

I would have felt less repulsed had Obama enlisted an Imam to help quell the masses.

GaGambler227 reads

as for the rest of your post, I don't see much else to argue with

I do love the stat about "workforce participation rate" Dems are constantly bragging about how unemployment has come down, but the fact is they just changed the way of counting them to make the stats look good. "Real" unemployment can't go down without "Real" employment going up. Figures don't lie, but liars certainly figure.

That, it took the Democratic Governor, Jerry Brown to fix the budget and correct numerous disasters created by his Republican predecessors..

The only ones who are dividing the country are the right wing nuts, tea bag gets and the Republican Party that wants marginalize all non-white population. I don't know from where you got the numbers but it reeks with right wing stench.  

Governor Brownback of Kansas is following the right wing mantra and has pretty much destroyed the state. When he gets through, there will not be Republican Governor Kansas for a long time, same goes for Luisiana, Florida, and North Carolina. All of them are governed to the shitter by the respective governors.

It doesn't matter how much try, the republican partisan stench is overpowering.

-- Modified on 7/22/2015 3:40:38 AM

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