Politics and Religion

Who is the biggest.....
followme 837 reads

Liar hillwhorie or the libs here?

No need to link the lies of the libs on this board, they are all posted in their threads

Posted By: followme
No need to link the lies of the libs on this board, they are all posted in their threads.
Until they ask to have them removed.

nuguy46271 reads

can u imagine Gore getting in the backseat? or the Lying "Indian maiden" Warren wanting to drive? and of course the avowed Socialist Sanders calling shotgun??? then running alongside we see the former mayor of Balt and gov of MD O'Malley saying wait for me and wrestling with former VA sen Webb for the door handle.....and even some calling for Dukakis to get into the race.....but wait, where's Lincoln chaffee? he'll ride in the truck if he has too......and this does not include Clinton..she's around the corner riding in her chauffeur-driven limo (too good for the Kar it seems)??

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