Politics and Religion

who is here believes that pri doesn't have the timeteeth_smile
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 4924 reads

To accept quads iq challenge?

but even I don't believe him. lol

Sorry dude, but you were called out by a ninth grade dropout who cleans toilets for a living, you were punked IMO.

Priapus532443 reads

I simply don't have the time.

Another thing-----I don't bet anti-semites :

"Throw away the Thesaurus Priapus
Posted by quadseasonal  , 12/31/2011 9:07:28 PM   [quadseasonal has 27 reviews]-------

If you weren't a bigot you would also condemn  
Jewish child molesters and other crazy Jews "

Btw, GaG, you're better than that to talk to a racist who refers to "black & brown pawns of the left"----:(

Now, it's time for me to don my outfit to fight all types of racists-----but, first, to the buffet for a Pastrami sandwich------;)

-- Modified on 1/6/2012 12:32:03 PM

is to make a counter challenge in an area where you are clearly superior.

     Obviously any subject involving intelligence is out but what about a race? Oh, that's right, I forgot,  you don't actually run. Let's see, grammar? Writing style? ... Okay, my bad.

    Wait, I've got it! Challenge Quad to an eating contest at the buffet. This guy is not even in your league. I promise you he will turn tail and run, and you will not never hear a '"challenge" from him again.

   Is this helping any?

Priapus531082 reads

Be afraid, mari-----be VERY afraid------ever hear of the words "enemy combatant" ?

My fields of expertise are politics, literature & history, where I'd clean Quad's clock----but, alas, don't have the time----- btw, where is that poor boy ? Suffering a provider blacklist because of his anti-semitic tirade ?

-- Modified on 1/6/2012 4:50:45 PM

and start a war to keep himself in office.

Of course if he does I'll get fucking rich when oil hits $300 bbl, but it will put this country back a hundred years. and it's not like I will be permitted to keep any of my "ill gotten wealth" anyhow.

Who ever thought it would be a dem playing Wag the Dog with Iran?

She would blow me in the boys bathroom

She don't blow me anymore and we aint friends

...and I can attest that he's a dumbass, lol. By the way Quad, where's that "stuff" you owe me?

Priapus532364 reads

And he's a anti-semite to boot. I can see why him & mrnt are "good friends".

Btw, mrnt, your homophobic cracks ( which must be evident when you do plumbing work )& false allusions don't bug me in the least. I just chalk it up to your stupidity.

However, I think others will be inclined to see it differently.

-- Modified on 1/6/2012 1:05:39 PM

Quad's not an anti-Semite. He's just obnoxious. His idea of a pick-up line is "wanna suck my dick?" lol.

Priapus533232 reads

ooops-----I'm descending to his level-----my bad-----:(

HalfHour2640 reads

I missed that discussion. So, maybe my question has been answered, but my 2 cents on IQ tests is that while they are an indicator, that the comparing of numbers has limited value.

If you want to know which car goes fastest, you know the one that reaches top speed of 160 is faster that the one that goes 120. In situations like that you can directly compare numbers and say which car is the fastest.

IQs show what? Who's number is higher? Big deal I say. You have one person with an IQ of 160 and another of 120 and what can you say about the performance of those two compared to each other in the real world?

It's been an number of years since I had an IQ test. The last one was administered to me while studying advanced mathmatic. The test givers noted that my score was so high they tested me again. Results were the same.

I've never been willing to discuss that number because it doesn't mean shit to me. More than that, I think it is a detrimental in a human aspect to think about it. That's just my philosophy.

As strange as may sound I think too much emphysis is place on all things intellectual at times. It fosters separation, groupism and elitism. As a youngster and a teen, and into college, I maintained perfect scores in grammer, spelling etc. But I just don't care about those things any longer. I hate typing because I'm throttled, and what i type is frequently riddles with error. I don't care. So if you were judging me you would rightfully ask "What good does a high IQ do him?"


The last thing I'll say is that during my life, the people who I have looked up to, who have mentored me, and who have made valuable impressions on me, were people I *know* have lower IQs. But I consider each one a better person than I in so many ways.

Thats all.

WAKE UP! He's done talking!  LOL!


Priapus532454 reads

Kelsey Grammer played "Frasier".

Kidding, dude-----;)

-- Modified on 1/6/2012 2:40:32 PM

As anyone who has spent anytime here knows, Platipus53 loves to degrade people to make him feel better about himself. In his exchanges with Quad he frequently refers to him as "stupid" and having only a 9th grade education.

(As you can see by the post below his self-assignment as SpellChecker and GrammarCop of TER's P&R Board ensures his stratospheric IQ does'nt go to waste.)

So Quad simply laid out a short challenge to Pri on subjects like math, science, etc. Loser takes a hike from posting for a while....maybe 30 days.

Perfect right? Pri gets to demonstrate to everyone watching just how much smarter he is than Quad AND Quad The AntiSemite stops posting for a while....

the only thing needed as Platipus53's acceptance to the challenge..

***Cue the Crickets****

Dontcha think if Pri is so smart and Quad is so stupid Pri ought to put his money where his mouth is and accept?

I have posited that the leftwingers demagauge race, turning their constituents into pawns. He claims that makes me a "crazed bigot". I offered a challenge based on board concensus that my premise is correct. I offered up a 1 year hiatus. You would think someone he considers too dumb to post he would jump at the chance to send me packing for a year...right? What do we hear?


I could go on but that would be flogging a dead horse. It has already been well established that Schultzipus53 is a loudmothed coward. I am quite happy to point that out every chance I get.

and has been bitch slapped time and time again. (miss me?)

I am quite certain my IQ is above average.

Yet, that IQ doesn't give any guarantee of my being right or wrong about any given thing, it gives no guarantee as to my ethics and it doesn't give me wisdom.

In fact, I'm pretty sure that sometimes the higher than average IQ just allows me to fuck up faster than I would otherwise be able, while maybe conveying an inordinate sense of certainty regarding things about which I should look more deeply.

IQ is just the horsepower of the engine.

Granted, it is better to have more horsepower than less, but all the power in the world does no good if you are headed in the wrong direction.

By which I mean that even if Pria took the challenge and turned out a super genius, he'd still be wrong about many things. (*grin*)

But I just got fucked stupid.  And now I am drunk.  As for intelligence and drink, I offer you the words of Winston Churchill.  At a dinner party, Winston was in his cups.  The lady next to him said:
"Winston!  You are drunk!"
He replied: "And you are ugly.  But tomorrow, I shall be sober."

That might even the scales enough for Pri to compete. lmao

he's never sober unless he's at work.  Even then I'm not so sure.

Snowman391010 reads

Priap does not have "time" for the challenge, but can live on the frigging board and apparently has time to find every stupid image there is to be had to attach to his posts....

HMMM, I smell Chicken-Shit :-)

BTW, I keep my Mensa card in my billfold. And you of you don't believe me, well, just file that under I don't give a shit..


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