Politics and Religion

Who are you and What did you do with the GD Board's favorite troll
GaGambler 229 reads

Damn son, you can string together a few sentences when you feel the urge. Who'd have thunk it? lol

Yes, this law does no more to stop homophobia than taking down the rebel flag is going to stop racism, but at least in this case the SCOTUS ruling actually undoes a wrong that should have been undone a long time ago and is not just one of those "feel good" laws often passed by Congress that doesn't really do anything but make people feel like something is being done.

I don't really care much for special rights for gays or any other minorities for that matter, and this is no exception, Gays have been protected from marriage for far too long. Now let those little cocksuckers and carpet munchers learn first hand how much marriage sucks, and don't come crying to me when your husband or wife wipes you out in a messy divorce. You wanted equal rights, well you got them. lol

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you SCOTUS! No governing body should have the right to dictate who or how some one can love!

Including the SCOTUS.   This is, was and SHOULD BE a state issue.  If you cant see that you dont really understand the Constitution. Vast over reach by a judicially activist court.  It as not at all surprised based upon the decision of them in how they justified their ruling on the subsidies. They are supposed to INTERPRET the constitution NOT "attempt to interpret the intent of a written law"  On issues where the constitution is silent the court should be silent as it is by DEFAULT a states issue.

Posted By: samanthategan
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you SCOTUS! No governing body should have the right to dictate who or how some one can love!

Couldn't agree more!! People will read this opinion as homophobic or anti-LGBT but it is not. Personally I don't care who you love or how you love them and whatever makes you happy is what you should pursue in life. However, this was/is not the intention of the SCOTUS nor of the federal government. The federal government was meant to protect from foreign invasion and settle inter-state disputes - the states were supposed to be the bastions of democracy. To remove the legislative authority from the states is akin to instituting tyranny. To those who celebrate the outcome without paying mind to the destruction of the structure I urge a history lesson and caution - how long before they rule the other way on an issue you feel as strongly about. No vote = no voice.

The states rights argument has its limits and this is one of them.  

If you had left it up to the Southern states we would still have segregation in the South and slavery as well.

The law stating a same sex couple can legally marry is just that a law stating a same sex couple can legally marry.  Nothing less and nothing more.

It does NOT stop anyone from having their religious beliefs.  You can still believe gays will burn in hell.  That 2 guys FUckin is icky, you don't have to invite gays into your home, you can still disown your gay son,  you can choose not to patronize businesses that are gay owned, etc.

Trust me this law does NOT stop homophobia.  

So you can sleep well tonite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GaGambler230 reads

Damn son, you can string together a few sentences when you feel the urge. Who'd have thunk it? lol

Yes, this law does no more to stop homophobia than taking down the rebel flag is going to stop racism, but at least in this case the SCOTUS ruling actually undoes a wrong that should have been undone a long time ago and is not just one of those "feel good" laws often passed by Congress that doesn't really do anything but make people feel like something is being done.

I don't really care much for special rights for gays or any other minorities for that matter, and this is no exception, Gays have been protected from marriage for far too long. Now let those little cocksuckers and carpet munchers learn first hand how much marriage sucks, and don't come crying to me when your husband or wife wipes you out in a messy divorce. You wanted equal rights, well you got them. lol

Posted By: GaGambler

 I don't really care much for special rights for gays or any other minorities for that matter, and this is no exception, Gays have been protected from marriage for far too long. Now let those little cocksuckers and carpet munchers learn first hand how much marriage sucks, and don't come crying to me when your husband or wife wipes you out in a messy divorce. You wanted equal rights, well you got them. lol
  What they have gained in hospital visitation rights, insurance/benefits/entitlements, probate law etc is going to bite them in the ass when discovered that few people can occupy the same space "Till death do them part" without discord and often dissolution. And there is a multi billion dollar divorce industry hungry to cash in on it.

...then just two years ago the POTUS would have been homophobic.

But how is the equal protection clause in the constitution not applicable to homosexuals? That makes it a civil rights/federal issue, not a state one, does it not?

and when State laws and practices are discriminatory, it is by DEFAULT a federal civil rights issue. The States do NOT have the right to implement a system of discrimination - no matter how popular that discrimination may be among the State voters.  

A history lesson - in 2003, the same 13 or so States that wanted to discriminate based upon sexual orientation got this EXACT SAME LESSON. The SCOTUS had to invalidate their anti-sodomy laws as discriminatory. Did they learn their lesson? NOPE. Clearly, in these particular States there is a specific intent to discriminate based upon sexual orientation, and then shout "State's Rights!" when they get schooled about it.

GaGambler163 reads

While Roberts twisting himself into a pretzel and shredding the Constitution to save ObamaCare is getting a tenth of the coverage it deserves.

I mean I never expected the Supremes to rule in favor of the states in the first place, but the lengths that Roberts and the other five Justices had to go in "interpreting the intent" of the law instead of ruling on it's constitutionality as it is written is a leap that I NEVER expected. Roberts literally wiped his ass with the Constitution to get to this conclusion and then did his level best to nail the door shut behind him. I honestly can think of a worse ruling that I have ever seen.

As for legalizing gay marriage, I am in complete agreement, If the states are discriminating against gay people its the states that are in conflict with the Constitution, not the Supremes.

There is an innate humanity that binds us all together. It transcends government, religion, politics, ideology, what have you. A large part of that humanity is the need to give and receive love. To achieve that, when you get right down to it on a personal level, it is whatever relationship people decide to establish between themselves that matters. Unless you are materially interfering with other people's pursuit of happiness, nothing should interfere with that.

Every day thousands are denied a job because their Cannabis medication although "prescribed" by a licensed doctor is prohibited by employers and the employer's underwriters. Oddly countless other drugs that are far more intoxicating, physically addictive and with much greater negative/dangerous side affects are fully accepted by employers.  

 Jim Crow laws are NOT exclusively racially based!

Rx drug use is a choice, you can't be discriminated against for making a choice.

I'm not in favor of refusing to hire cannabis users.

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