Politics and Religion

White Denial: America’s Persistent and Increasingly Dangerous Pastime
bigguy30 94 reads

When I hear comments like Willy, it reminds me of this essay.  

Posted By: willywonka4u
It's so damn hard to even care anymore. If some ass hat gets offended over something, then as far as I'm concerned, they can go get bent.
-- Modified on 6/28/2016 8:37:12 AM

How're  your profiling skills ?  

    First glance, I see  the tall white hoodlum, he looks at least  five years older than the other children, looks like he could be carrying a bottle of beer.  
   Bottle at pool = Fool.    
    He's walking with his hands on his pocket, possibly  ensuring the drugs he's carrying don't fall out.  
    He might be  there to get the young children hooked on drugs.  

   If I was profiling and guarding the pool, he's  the one likely to start trouble.  
            Looks like there are a number of extremely sensitive adults who disagree.  

                                 President  Trump 2016

Posted By: quadseasonal
   How're  your profiling skills ?    
     First glance, I see  the tall white hoodlum, he looks at least  five years older than the other children, looks like he could be carrying a bottle of beer.  
    Bottle at pool = Fool.    
     He's walking with his hands on his pocket, possibly  ensuring the drugs he's carrying don't fall out.  
     He might be  there to get the young children hooked on drugs.  
    If I was profiling and guarding the pool, he's  the one likely to start trouble.  
             Looks like there are a number of extremely sensitive adults who disagree.  
                                  President  Trump 2016  

It's so damn hard to even care anymore. If some ass hat gets offended over something, then as far as I'm concerned, they can go get bent.

bigguy3095 reads

When I hear comments like Willy, it reminds me of this essay.  

Posted By: willywonka4u
It's so damn hard to even care anymore. If some ass hat gets offended over something, then as far as I'm concerned, they can go get bent.
-- Modified on 6/28/2016 8:37:12 AM

Increasingly dangerous?  Hmmm, once again soooo bad at math... so a couple dozen questionable police killings of blacks (outnumbered by questionable police killings of whites) and a vanishingly rare white on black crime rate (1/6 that of black on white crime) equals increasingly dangerous?  When overall crime and police killings are both falling, and only about 300 people get killed by police a year, almost all clearly for cause?  When almost 4,000 blacks are killed by other blacks a year, with that number added to by about 800 due to Black Lives Matter and the Ferguson Effect?  

Nope, if ole Uncle Tim says the White Man is the devil, well it sure must be true.

From the link:

"For instance, even though young blacks with college degrees are twice as likely as similar whites to be unemployed, regardless of their field of study, most white Americans don’t see much of a problem (or actually continue to insist that it is we who are discriminated against in employment)."

Why should we make the ASSUMPTION that the REASON why a black person with a college degree is unemployed is because of racism? Do we have data that shows that blacks are equally as likely as whites to look for a job?  

"Despite the fact that the typical white family has about sixteen times as much wealth as the typical black family — and that even white households headed up by a high school dropout have, on average, twice the wealth of black and Latino households headed by a college graduate — most white Americans don’t see much of a problem."

Is this on average or are we talking about median incomes? Ever thought that maybe there's a reason for this, other than racism? For instance, whites (more recently) descended from Europe, while blacks descended from Africa. Unlike Africa, Europe is not warm all year long. In order for people to survive in Europe, they had to evolve certain behaviors, like they had to be more fastidious and on time in order to have enough food to survive through the winter. Europeans are very fussy about being on time and getting things done. Culturally, this is not the case in Africa. Therefore, it's not unreasonable to suspect that Europeans evolved to have more ambition than Africans.  

"Despite the fact that black children are about three times as likely as white children to be suspended or expelled from school, even though the rates of serious school rule infractions are largely the same (contrary to popular belief)"

Really? Show me a single school in America where the majority of students are white that is as poorly run and dangerous as any school in America where the majority of the students are black. What percentage of white high school students would you say are members of gangs, vs the percentage of black high school students?

"According to the survey, whites are also far less likely than blacks to believe the Voting Rights Act is still needed, even as several states have moved to create impediments to voting that will disproportionately affect voters of color."

What Tim Wise is essentially saying here is that blacks are too incompetent to get a driver's license.  

"And while overwhelming majorities of African Americans...see biases in the justice system"

Yes, because it's easier to blame others for your failures.  

"despite the racial disproportionality of police-involved shootings"



"and the blatant disparities within the so-called war on drugs, whereby blacks, for instance, are four times as likely as whites to be arrested for marijuana, even as rates of usage and dealing are virtually identical"

I don't believe that the rates of usage and dealing are identical. However, as an avid user of the wacky tobacky, I gotta say that I do think that blacks are probably arrested more often than whites for using it. This is because whites tend to have enough common sense to smoke up in their homes, eat some munchies and watch a movie. Blacks are more likely to smoke it on the street or while driving, and then wonder why the police pulled them over when the cops saw a giant cloud of pot smoke pouring out their car.  

To sum things up, Tim Wise is an idiot.

You see in his bizarre world, and that of BP, if a cop shoots a 5'8" person holding with what appears to be a real gun bc the kid took the red plastic cap off of it, as he raised the gun up to appear to shoot the cop, the cop is a "racist."  

The cop's actions, having one second to make his determination, was understood by the criminal justice system as a mistake in self defense, but to haters, it is just easier to yell "racist."  

Liberals have SO overused the word "racist" as to render the word meaningless. I wont go anywhere near as far as you by pronouncing racism "over", as it exists in our society in all too great numbers, by blacks and by whites, but the definition has certainly been so widened and so watered down as to hurt the people casting it as much as the person receiving it.

Seriously bigguy , do you see racism in the poster?  
   IMO the outrage over the pool poster shows sissies consumed with white guilt have lost their mind.
  I don't  see any racism in the photo though I stand by my OP, I believe the much older White dude with a glass in his hand is up to no good.  
  What's he doing hanging around  a pool of much younger children?  
  Is he stalking young girls?  


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