Politics and Religion

Which begs the question that obviously is on the minds of many...
BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 2600 reads

Does the moment make the man, or does the man, make the moment?

Certainly since Stephan Douglas and Abe Lincoln struggled, there has been no real crisis of equal magnitude than that facing us now.... shall we catelog them?
1) we are at war - I might add - a declared war (they did declare war on us) with a faceless and country-less enemy.
2) we have been divided greatly (by the media and existant political parties) on our national priorities, the function of our govenment - and even who the governed and citizenry constitute
3) we have been provided with mediocrity with respect to our elected officials
4) we have promoted a culture that disrespects law and order, a higher sense of right and wrong.
5) we have been asked to focus on issues that are of no relevance to the vast majority of us...
6) We have a financial crisis, born of greed, arrogance and a sense of irresponsibility
7) we have become weak - and not very self-reliant... and along with that - we have no sense of responsibility

Having examined the history of BOTH Obama and McCain - I will vote independant... and hope that at least 30 % of the voting public on our election day do likewise... that may shake up both parties enough... but maybe not.... When I look at the fact that even the financial crisis has failed to make them stop and be truthful and honest... what would make me think that anything would....  When the Saturday night live skits turn to a criticism of both Reps and Dems... with equal dark humor... I realize that finally, some in our entertainment industry are coming to realize... this is not funny anymore.

and when those same SNL performances actually make more sense or reflect more accurately  the reality of what is going on... than the reporting of the NY Times... I realize that we are indeed in trouble.... serious trouble...

How can I expect the congress to help when the speaker has no clue that natural gas is a fossil fuel... or that Mr. Frank promoted the loan policies that directly lead to the mortgage melt down...?????   vote 'em ALL OUT!  Including ALL the Reps.... McCain is no exception -

-- Modified on 10/10/2008 2:50:29 PM

CampbellsSoup2422 reads

Christopher Buckley endorses Obama
Friday, Oct. 10, 2008  

Joining the steady drumbeat of conservative pundits giving up on John McCain today is Christopher Buckley. Unlike, say, David Brooks or Charles Krauthammer, Buckley doesn’t merely lament the nasty turn McCain’s campaign has taken, or predict a Republican defeat. Instead, he goes so far as actually promising to vote for Barack Obama and offering praise for the Democrat.

To demonstrate the magnitude of this heresy, a bit of background: The son of modern conservatism’s patron saint, the late William F. Buckley, Christopher remains a columnist for the National Review, his father’s magazine. He announced his endorsement in Tina Brown’s Daily Beast, however. Buckley wrote:

Having a first-class temperament and a first-class intellect, President Obama will (I pray, secularly) surely understand that traditional left-politics aren’t going to get us out of this pit we’ve dug for ourselves. If he raises taxes and throws up tariff walls and opens the coffers of the DNC to bribe-money from the special interest groups against whom he has (somewhat disingenuously) railed during the campaign trail, then he will almost certainly reap a whirlwind that will make Katrina look like a balmy summer zephyr.

Obama has in him — I think, despite his sometimes airy-fairy “We are the people we have been waiting for” silly rhetoric — the potential to be a good, perhaps even great leader. He is, it seems clear enough, what the historical moment seems to be calling for.

So, I wish him all the best. We are all in this together. Necessity is the mother of bipartisanship. And so, for the first time in my life, I’ll be pulling the Democratic lever in November. As the saying goes, God save the United States of America.

OUCH ...

CampbellsSoup1402 reads

"first-class temperament and a first-class intellect"  .... where have I heard THAT before.... Hmmm could it be be ..... oh no ...

     Hail Mary vs. Cool Barry
"Obama has a first-class intellect and a first-class temperament. That will likely be enough to make him president."
    - By Charles Krauthammer

Campbell's ... Hmm Hmm Good!

-- Modified on 10/10/2008 3:03:11 PM

John_McBush1332 reads

I'd better get him fired from Fox.

Does the moment make the man, or does the man, make the moment?

Certainly since Stephan Douglas and Abe Lincoln struggled, there has been no real crisis of equal magnitude than that facing us now.... shall we catelog them?
1) we are at war - I might add - a declared war (they did declare war on us) with a faceless and country-less enemy.
2) we have been divided greatly (by the media and existant political parties) on our national priorities, the function of our govenment - and even who the governed and citizenry constitute
3) we have been provided with mediocrity with respect to our elected officials
4) we have promoted a culture that disrespects law and order, a higher sense of right and wrong.
5) we have been asked to focus on issues that are of no relevance to the vast majority of us...
6) We have a financial crisis, born of greed, arrogance and a sense of irresponsibility
7) we have become weak - and not very self-reliant... and along with that - we have no sense of responsibility

Having examined the history of BOTH Obama and McCain - I will vote independant... and hope that at least 30 % of the voting public on our election day do likewise... that may shake up both parties enough... but maybe not.... When I look at the fact that even the financial crisis has failed to make them stop and be truthful and honest... what would make me think that anything would....  When the Saturday night live skits turn to a criticism of both Reps and Dems... with equal dark humor... I realize that finally, some in our entertainment industry are coming to realize... this is not funny anymore.

and when those same SNL performances actually make more sense or reflect more accurately  the reality of what is going on... than the reporting of the NY Times... I realize that we are indeed in trouble.... serious trouble...

How can I expect the congress to help when the speaker has no clue that natural gas is a fossil fuel... or that Mr. Frank promoted the loan policies that directly lead to the mortgage melt down...?????   vote 'em ALL OUT!  Including ALL the Reps.... McCain is no exception -

-- Modified on 10/10/2008 2:50:29 PM

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