Politics and Religion

Where were you last 8 years
deepblue24 46 Reviews 2901 reads
1 / 10

some insider sources are saying that the non-partisan group CBO is going to release tomorrow (link here... http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/20090319/pl_politico/20203) that obama's budget is going to bring us well over $1 trillion in deficits. this really ticks me off! ya, just spend a couple trillion dollars more, we'll just tax the people more. fuckin shit! we're getting raped! this is just amazing!

do you guys know how $1 trillion looks like??? check this out. http://www.pagetutor.com/trillion/index.html

does the government really think that the american people are stupid? this dog-and-pony show that they're having on AIG is bullshit. it's for show! do you know who received the most contributions from AIG execs? yes, you're right. it's Chris Dodd (D-Conn), financial services committee chairman. 2nd most? yes, our president...obama! link... http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=7110145&page=1. they have no shame, and you've been lied! i bet you that some of these contributions came from our bailout money! they should return all of these contributions! doesn't this upset you? if it doesn't, then you must like paying high taxes. you like the government reaching into your pockets and taking out almost half of whatever you make.

all these politicians are the same. republicons or democraps!

help stop this madness. be a libertarian...or something! give the power back to the people!

~Lower taxes. Stabilize the dollar.~

kerrakles 1842 reads
2 / 10

when GW ran up 1.6 trillion dollar deficit and not a damn thing to show for it.

I agree, if you were one of those who got the free handout, you would be pissed when the money is going to be invested in the infrastructure and energy. You would rather send $700 million for petroleum to people supporting terrorists and spend more money starting unnecessary wars and spend more. Makes a lot of sense.

HuckFan 1757 reads
3 / 10

It's always easier to be distracted for current events by blaming those from the past that you hate. Many of my fellow conservatives did that (and some still do) with Clinton and I told them to stop wasting their breath and their time.

Focus on the here and now.

Will you ever get over the fact that Gore was not elected in 2000?  Probably not.  Your bitterness and hatred for President Bush started that day in December of 2000 and will never end.  Keep telling us your feelings about him are due to the war and the economy.  We all know that it all goes back to the 2000 election.  That was almost nine years ago.  Time to move on.

deepblue24 46 Reviews 1159 reads
4 / 10

hhhhmm...where do you see on my post that i'd rather send $700 million for petroleum to terrorists? or spend it on wars? i missed that part, i guess.

obviously you don't see the point. obama is fixing gw's 1.6 trillion dollar deficit by spending another 1.7 trillion dollars. not only that...he's giving some of the 1.7 trillion dollars as a reward to people who should be penalized. and he's not done yet! rumors are obama and pelosi want to do another bailout.

do you like the value of the american dollar to go down? do you like paying high taxes, kerrakles? you probably don't pay any, so it doesn't matter.

RightwingUnderground 698 reads
5 / 10

Just point out his errors and move on. He will never engage you directly after doing so.

kerrakles 1858 reads
6 / 10

Pointing out facts is not bitterness, it is called facts. Get it?

kerrakles 1535 reads
7 / 10

Discussion normally covers larger topic area. True/False questions are narrow. Understand the difference.

zisk 86 Reviews 1066 reads
8 / 10

you've been reading too many of tallslim's posts. Go look up the meaning of the word 'fact' in the dictionary before using it again.

HuckFan 1221 reads
9 / 10
RightwingUnderground 1470 reads
10 / 10

Like your fact that 25,000% could have been made by investing in Halliburton? LOL

You have NEVER EVER tried to "'splain THAT fact Lucy".

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