Politics and Religion

Where was it that *I* labeled him a "conservative judge"? (eom)
Pimpathy 2826 reads
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That is how Capitalism works. Rich people always have more than poor people.

Snowman39 693 reads
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Blowing Chunks 691 reads
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You won't find me talking about taxes anywhere in this thread. rofl.

Pimpathy 506 reads
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I'm in the no tax what so ever camp... With in reason.

I just found it funny that vidd was a top the Moveondoltorg site.

Their guy is in office... Why are they trying to sell me this BS?

I should move on over to the 7th district.

Blowing Chunks 791 reads
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American boys seem have the strangest delusion that US of A will always be a super power and false assume that it's the best place to be on Earth.  

Let me clue you in on a little secret. The truth is, there are SO MANY OTHER PLACES that have a much better education system, less crime, less psychos serial killers, less school shootings, better technological infrastructure, MUCH faster broad band, better phone speeds, MORE JOBS,  less poverty, and less stupidity as a nation.    

Let me also state that there are many other countries that tend to score higher in math & science than most american kids in america. The education system in America is broke and the public schools are producing nothing but brainless idiots like Fungus, pimples, James Connolly, and Snowman.  America has been falling behind fast in as a leader in science. Europe has become the new leader in advances in fundamental sciences. No wonder there are so many idiots who fail to understand the importance of science in America while blurting out "praise jesus" without the slightest idea that Virgin Mary and Mary Magdeline are two different people.  This nation is becoming overrun by  the retards who can't seem to think let alone learn. There's an obvious learning disability which explains why the likes of snowman, dncphil, fungus, connolly still exist.  

Oh yeah, also America is no longer going to sustain its super power status for long.

Pimpathy 577 reads
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Posted By: Drunken Asian
American boys seem have the strangest delusion that US of A will always be a super power and false assume that it's the best place to be on Earth.  
 Let me clue you in on a little secret. The truth is, there are SO MANY OTHER PLACES that have a much better education system, less crime, less psychos serial killers, less school shootings, better technological infrastructure, MUCH faster broad band, better phone speeds, MORE JOBS,  less poverty, and less stupidity as a nation.    
 Let me also state that there are many other countries that tend to score higher in math & science than most american kids in america. The education system in America is broke and the public schools are producing nothing but brainless idiots like Fungus, pimples, James Connolly, and Snowman.  America has been falling behind fast in as a leader in science. Europe has become the new leader in advances in fundamental sciences. No wonder there are so many idiots who fail to understand the importance of science in America while blurting out "praise jesus" without the slightest idea that Virgin Mary and Mary Magdeline are two different people.  This nation is becoming overrun by  the retards who can't seem to think let alone learn. There's an obvious learning disability which explains why the likes of snowman, dncphil, fungus, connolly still exist.  
 Oh yeah, also America is no longer going to sustain its super power status for long.  

Snowman39 445 reads
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Some percentage determined by the government for everyone, lets say 20%


Lets say poverty level is 15K, so the for 15K of everyone's income is tax exempt.

You make 25,000, you pay 2K
You make 115,000, you pay 20K
You make  1,015,000, you pay 200K

In a nutshell, a plan I could support.

Snowman39 518 reads
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Of course the US is faltering, but its not due to capitalism. We have been moving away from that for years as the government continues to get too big and too involved. Now that we have a massive 17T debt, we are pretty much a completed story. We will eventually default (which will not happen), make necessary cuts (come on, politicians do not have the balls for that), or print our way out (which will happen).

When this occurs, the results are obvious.  

What you seem to not realize is that China is up and coming because they are moving towards capitalism. They are starting to look like the USA back in the 1800s. Rising economic freedom and little government control.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 531 reads
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Someone making $ 1,015,000 a year shouldn't have to pay ten times the tax of someone making $115,000  a year when they both breathe the same amount of air .  
 The person  making a million dollars a year is usually benefiting  the economy by hiring  employees .
 IMO it would be fair if the guy making a million a year receives a 20K tax deduction for every full time employee .  If he has nine employees he pays the same income tax as the guy making $115,000  
per year .
 To continue  competitiveness with the World , the USA should  promote entrepreneurs and business owners , not ostracize and penalize  them .  

 I would be in favor of a  consumption tax , chicken , fish and vegetables are non taxable , steak, caviar, donuts and fast food are  taxed at 50% .  
 Hand bags made by ACME and sold at Target are tax free , Hermes bags and similar luxury items over  
 $2,000.00 are taxed at 100 % .  
 No tax on American cars no matter how much they cost .  

Posted By: Snowman39
Some percentage determined by the government for everyone, lets say 20%  
 Lets say poverty level is 15K, so the for 15K of everyone's income is tax exempt.  
 You make 25,000, you pay 2K  
 You make 115,000, you pay 20K  
 You make  1,015,000, you pay 200K  
 In a nutshell, a plan I could support.

Blowing Chunks 487 reads
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Pimpathy 481 reads
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Other than the no deductions what so ever.

Pimpathy 641 reads
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RokkKrinn 561 reads
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....he has a lifetime appointment, so he never needs to face the voters.  That was the idea behind lifetime appointments; it was supposed to free them the Justices from  political considerations in rendering their decisions.

Pimpathy 564 reads
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Blowing Chunks 633 reads
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I mean if you gotta like your own post,  that is just very pathetic and I feel for guys like that.  LMAO  

But hey I'll "like" your post for you too simply cuz I grew up in America, am a US citizen which makes me a Great Asian American, have worked in a field back in the days keeping this nation's technologonical edge sharper (but more so I can make $$$), and don't want to see America falling too far behind when we clearly have the means to keep up and continue to be the leader.  

Fact is, too many fucking idiots are running this nation to the ground and too many kids are under educated.  How many idiots do we see just on this board alone?  LMAO  

It's quite troubling

Pimpathy 676 reads
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is the burden of state and local government.

... and in all reality how is everyone going to be employed in tech, and sci ?

Posted By: Drunken Asian
I mean if you gotta like your own post,  that is just very pathetic and I feel for guys like that.  LMAO  
 But hey I'll "like" your post for you too simply cuz I grew up in America, am a US citizen which makes me a Great Asian American, have worked in a field back in the days keeping this nation's technologonical edge sharper (but more so I can make $$$), and don't want to see America falling too far behind when we clearly have the means to keep up and continue to be the leader.  
 Fact is, too many fucking idiots are running this nation to the ground and too many kids are under educated.  How many idiots do we see just on this board alone?  LMAO  
 It's quite troubling.  

Blowing Chunks 637 reads
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moron.   you gotta know some math and some science to graduate from middle school.  clearly American kids fall way behind kids in other nations.

Pimpathy 654 reads
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What do they need science for?

Posted By: Drunken Asian
moron.   you gotta know some math and some science to graduate from middle school.  clearly American kids fall way behind kids in other nations.  

Blowing Chunks 729 reads
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is precisely why America is falling behind as a leader in many areas.

Pimpathy 543 reads
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I almost forgot where is your proof China is educating their people?

You need to produce a few credible/verifiable links.
Posted By: Drunken Asian
American boys seem have the strangest delusion that US of A will always be a super power and false assume that it's the best place to be on Earth.  
 Let me clue you in on a little secret. The truth is, there are SO MANY OTHER PLACES that have a much better education system, less crime, less psychos serial killers, less school shootings, better technological infrastructure, MUCH faster broad band, better phone speeds, MORE JOBS,  less poverty, and less stupidity as a nation.    
 Let me also state that there are many other countries that tend to score higher in math & science than most american kids in america. The education system in America is broke and the public schools are producing nothing but brainless idiots like Fungus, pimples, James Connolly, and Snowman.  America has been falling behind fast in as a leader in science. Europe has become the new leader in advances in fundamental sciences. No wonder there are so many idiots who fail to understand the importance of science in America while blurting out "praise jesus" without the slightest idea that Virgin Mary and Mary Magdeline are two different people.  This nation is becoming overrun by  the retards who can't seem to think let alone learn. There's an obvious learning disability which explains why the likes of snowman, dncphil, fungus, connolly still exist.  
 Oh yeah, also America is no longer going to sustain its super power status for long.  

Pimpathy 558 reads
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Would that be a car built here in the U.S.  

Or does the majority of that companies share holders have to be American citizens?

Pimpathy 623 reads
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What do students of middle and high school science learn, that they use on a daily bases?

...and stop with the nationalist nonsense. I don't evaluate life through the guise of what America is & isn'

EnrolledAgent 654 reads
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I've been saying pretty much the same thing ever since they shut down the Apollo moon program in the 70's. We spent billions on developing a lunar program that nobody's been able to replicate since only to shut it done because we were bored with it.

Blowing Chunks 674 reads
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what do you do for a living?  PM me cuz I'm curious.  
the planet we live in requieres us to have some knowledge in modern technology and some understanding of modern science.  

you need to read this,  math and science are connected.  mathematics is like a language while science is the meaning behind the language.  

do you ever trade stocks or options?  do you want to understand how the stock market works?  

must not have occurred to you that derivative markets in wallstreet were invented precisely from existing physical laws where the science was already figured out from physics class,  thermodynamics heat transfer equations.  stock market you know today would not exist without the scientific advance in such area.  

do you want to sail on a sail boat?  you need to understand wind motion of clouds and the concept of weather.  you need to understand action reaction  

want to fix your car?  it helps to understand how car engines work, you need to understand the concept of combustion,  pressure,  etc

want to fix the wiring in your home?  it helps to understand the concept of electricity.  

want to do some business?  it helps to understand supply demand and some linear algebra maybe some calculus too so you can figure out the best price points to sell at optimum prices

wanna know how GPS works?  

how a radio works?   ever wonder what the chemical elements we use really are?  what is water?  at what point does it freeze?  
what is a solid? what is a liquid?  
what is a comet?  
what is the sun?  what's a planet?  what are moons?  
what's out there? in outer space?  
how did we evolve?  
how does the human body work?  
what are some common diseases?  
where are we from?  

how do computers work?  
what are fishes?  what is the ocean?  
what are tides?  what causes tides?  
what makes a boat stay afloat?  
how do rockets work?  

what's a rainbow?  
why does the sun set?  why do we need air?  

what is a smart phone?  what is the Internet?  

Pimpathy 489 reads
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Everything you listed... is taxed.

Posted By: Drunken Asian
what do you do for a living?  PM me cuz I'm curious.  
 the planet we live in requieres us to have some knowledge in modern technology and some understanding of modern science.    
 you need to read this,  math and science are connected.  mathematics is like a language while science is the meaning behind the language.    
 do you ever trade stocks or options?  do you want to understand how the stock market works?  
 must not have occurred to you that derivative markets in wallstreet were invented precisely from existing physical laws where the science was already figured out from physics class,  thermodynamics heat transfer equations.  stock market you know today would not exist without the scientific advance in such area.  
 do you want to sail on a sail boat?  you need to understand wind motion of clouds and the concept of weather.  you need to understand action reaction  
 want to fix your car?  it helps to understand how car engines work, you need to understand the concept of combustion,  pressure,  etc  
 want to fix the wiring in your home?  it helps to understand the concept of electricity.    
 want to do some business?  it helps to understand supply demand and some linear algebra maybe some calculus too so you can figure out the best price points to sell at optimum prices  
 wanna know how GPS works?    
 how a radio works?   ever wonder what the chemical elements we use really are?  what is water?  at what point does it freeze?  
 what is a solid? what is a liquid?  
 what is a comet?  
 what is the sun?  what's a planet?  what are moons?  
 what's out there? in outer space?  
 how did we evolve?  
 how does the human body work?  
 what are some common diseases?    
 where are we from?  
 how do computers work?  
 what are fishes?  what is the ocean?    
 what are tides?  what causes tides?  
 what makes a boat stay afloat?  
 how do rockets work?  
 what's a rainbow?  
 why does the sun set?  why do we need air?  
 what is a smart phone?  what is the Internet?  
What is a solid? What is a liquid? all that mess in your diaper.

Blowing Chunks 826 reads
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and some of the items are tax free if you buy at duty free shops at the airport

Pimpathy 675 reads
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Blowing Chunks 604 reads
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Why treat religious organizations different?  These pukes never pay taxes and collect hundreds of billions.  completely useless for the economy and unfair for tax payers.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 626 reads
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It's just that their rates are a little fucked up. Plus, we need IRS agents with baseball bats when they collect taxes from the rich.  

But taxes are always fair. Taxes are the cost of living in a civilized society. This shit ain't free, ya know. If you don't wanna pay taxes, you don't have to. All you have to do is move.

Pimpathy 572 reads
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The separation of Church and State, removes the State from it's moral obligations to it's subjects.

Religion distracts the subjects, from this fact... Thus allowing Science to flourish.

Get out of your way..
Posted By: Drunken Asian
Why treat religious organizations different?  These pukes never pay taxes and collect hundreds of billions.  completely useless for the economy and unfair for tax payers.

Pimpathy 633 reads
34 / 34

Weak Willy... Did you swallow Reich's cum, while he fucked you in the ass with the IRS's baseball bat?

Posted By: willywonka4u
It's just that their rates are a little fucked up. Plus, we need IRS agents with baseball bats when they collect taxes from the rich.  
 But taxes are always fair. Taxes are the cost of living in a civilized society. This shit ain't free, ya know. If you don't wanna pay taxes, you don't have to. All you have to do is move.

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