Politics and Religion

Where are the righties defending draft dodger Cheney & Dubya...
bigguy30 895 reads
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The world would have been different if he was President instead of the clown he had to lie for George W. Bush 2.
He is rare in the GOP party a man that can think for himself and not be brainwashed like so many in that political party.

followme 277 reads
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Did in fact, as you claim, lie for George W. Bush 2 that does not say much for Powell's integrity.

Also Powell continuing to be a Republican does not annoy or bother in in any way.

You're Welcome
2016 = GOP All The Way

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 303 reads
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...and a Vietnam veteran who served 31 years in the Army for God and Country had this to say about Dick Cheney:

"Dick Cheney is, in a word, an idiot...Dick Cheney oughta be in jail for war crimes..."  


BigPapasan 3 Reviews 245 reads
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...the goldbrick against Powell and Wilkerson who have a combined 66 years of military service?  It just shows what whores righties are - they'll 'follow' any Republican who promises them lower taxes, no matter how despicable they are, and there's no one lower than Dick Cheney.

bigguy30 278 reads
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So President Obama is smart not soft!
He thinks before taking action looking at the long term dangers.
Also he knew this country had been through hell with the Bush Presidency.

When you have a GOP animal house they were not going to go along with any plans to charge Bush and Cheney. Since the are a brainwashed political cult.
The problem was Bush and Cheney were two oil men.
Who did not care about the long term problems of war according to them or the US Constitution.
So the GOP brought us these clowns fifteen years ago and now they want Trump. Lol
Posted By: Laffy
He was great.  
 And that was awesome....and exactly right.  
 And Righties are lucky that Obama is "soft" and not actually trying to divide the country on purpose (btw.....what happened with Jade Helm), otherwise both Cheney and Bush would be in prison.  They'd certainly be investigated.

GaGambler 240 reads
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The reason that Obama is not going after Bush Cheney is the same reason no POTUS ever goes after the guy he replaced. They don't want to be in the crosshairs the moment they leave office. No POTUS ever has clean hands, certainly not Obama. If he were to go after Bush or Cheney you can bet in just a few years he'd be sharing a prison cell with them. That's just the way things work.

GaGambler 231 reads
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They had complete control of both Congress and the White House for years.

I will agree that the GOP were relentless were it came to Bubba, but I disagree about Obama. I also doubt that Obama could stand up to the same scrutiny the Bubba was placed under. Ken Starr spent ten of millions of taxpayer dollars to come up with a fucking blow job, a blow job that he didn't even uncover, if it weren't for Linda Tripp no one would have ever heard of Monica Lewinski.

As for Benghazi, Hillary has worse problems than Benghazi.

Personally, I think Hillary was simply following orders where it came to Benghazi. I blame Obama for not only what happened, but the cover up as well. It would surprise me if someday it were to come out that he ordered Hillary to say what she did about the video they blamed Benghazi on as a ploy to make her weaker when she undoubtedly ran for POTUS in 2016. I loathe Hillary, and I think she is an untrustworthy snake, but while I don't think she has completely clean hands on this, I don't think she deserves to go down for Benghazi.

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