Politics and Religion

IRS official Lois Lerner to take the Fifth when testifying...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1839 reads

...before the House Oversight Committee.  Darrell Issa is going to make her repeat it hundreds of times to make her look bad.

When Republicans plead the Fifth, they say they're just exercising their Constitutional rights.  But when they're going after Dems, they say using the Fifth Amendment means you're guilty of something.

In other news, GaGambler is also going to take the fifth...up to his hotel room along with two chicas.

-- Modified on 5/22/2013 2:33:46 AM

followme515 reads

"When Republicans plead the Fifth, they say they're just exercising their Constitutional rights.  But when they're going after Dems, they say using the Fifth Amendment means you're guilty of something."

I see your below quote replies to your above quote very accurately. you need to heed  your own words.  

"It's very easy to throw out accusations when you are anonymous.  You can say anything you want.  But after a while, when you see a poster who makes claims without proof, you dismiss his posts because he lacks any credibility."

You're welcome
For God and Country

What a screw up by her counsel. He/she allowed Lerner to give an opening statement saying "Ive done nothing wrong and I'm innocent even though I'm taking the Fifth" before she actually took the Fifth.

     The Committee excused her subject to recall after they've pondered whether she waived her Fifth Amendment rights.  Now she has to sweat this out. If the committee decides she has waived the Fifth, she'll have  to go to court for protection and get a judicial ruling. So the simple painless procedure of taking the Fifth may now be a complex federal lawsuit because of a mistake by counsel.

Now do you see the difference between blue chip counsel and just any other attorney?

GaGambler478 reads

but if she had tried that shit in front of a grand jury, her ass would have been toast.

I might hate lawyers as much as the next guy, but I make sure I get the best on my side. I don't price shop for doctors or lawyers, not when it matters at least.

Timbow379 reads

Quote :
You don’t get to tell your side of the story and not be subjected to cross examination. That’s not the way it works. She waived her right to Fifth Amendment privilege by issuing an opening statement, she ought to stand here and answer our questions,” Gowdy said, a statement which prompted applause from the audience.

But Ben Cummings was clueless.

        Still, Lerner had her two attys sitting right behind. Their sole function was to advise on how to take the Fifth, so it's not like this was some complex proceeding. It is black letter law that once you testify you waive the privilege as to the subject of your testimony. Since her testimony - given after being sworn in - was "I am innocent, I did nothing wrong" - that would seem to be a waiver of almost every question they could ask that the Fifth would cover.

        Unless there are special rules for waiving the Fifth at congressional testimony, I don't see how she can win. CAn't wait to see her back before the committee and see if those same two guys are sitting behind her.

I sure wouldn't pay  those guys if I was her.

Timbow443 reads

the Fifth. I think Julian is wrong.  

 Dershowitz says about the matter,    
Quote :
''You can't simply make statements about a subject and then plead the Fifth in response to questions about the very same subject," the renowned Harvard Law professor said.

"Once you open the door to an area of inquiry, you have waived your Fifth Amendment right . . . you've waived your self-incrimination right on that subject matter."  

Was not Lerner an Associate General Counsel, herself being a practicing lawyer? :D

-- Modified on 5/23/2013 2:57:34 AM

job covering the issue. Epstein started off on a tangent and ODonnell had to interrupt him to say " did she waive the privilege." ODonnel then accepted everything he said -including Epstein's characterization of her testimonyi - without any follow up question.

       Lerner not only made a broad protestqtion of innocence but specifically stated she did not lie to Congress, the only apparent source of criminal charges. Then under oath she authenticated her pre -testimony interview answers. And she gave specific testimony as to her job and said she was proud of the work she had done.

          At the very least, Epstein should have acknowledged we need to know what was in those interview answers and what it means to "authenticate" them before you can conclude that Gowdy made a rookie mistake. Gowdy was absolutely correct to to raise the issue and now the panel attorneys are no doubt studying the waiver issue and the law.

Whenever you're talking to someone who has the power to put you behind bars, don't give them any help. Whenever you find yourself in the middle of a witch hunt, do NOT light the first stake.

followme367 reads

"IRS official Lois Lerner to take the Fifth when testifying...

...before the House Oversight Committee.  Darrell Issa is going to make her repeat it hundreds of times to make her look bad.
When Republicans plead the Fifth, they say they're just exercising their Constitutional rights.  But when they're going after Dems, they say using the Fifth Amendment means you're guilty of something."

You prove this statement of yours to be true.

"It's very easy to throw out accusations when you are anonymous.  You can say anything you want.  But after a while, when you see a poster who makes claims without proof, you dismiss his posts because he lacks any credibility."

Thus proving again you have no creribility.

You're welcome
2014 = GOP Senate and House

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