Politics and Religion

When Newt plunges, a Ron Paul surge?
Priapus53 2200 reads
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And Newt WILL plunge, take my word for it. Priapus Nostradamus, P&R's most trusted oracle ( some say orifice---LOL ) who predicted the Cain
collapse sees similar TSURIS for Newt: seems the dude was a lobbyist for Freddie Mac, supported cap & trade, supported "healthacare mandate", was against the Ryan medicare plan before he was
for it,cut a commerical where he was "cushy" with
"Princess Pelosi", ad nauseum. Add this to Newt's other personal baggage ( listed in my OP below ) & "Newtster" becomes toast along with Herman Cain, buttressing a "shit sandwich" for their board supporters--------;)

All this brings me to the subject of Ron Paul ( see link below )he's surging in early primary states. Do I think the electorate & GOP establishment will let him be nominee ? No. However, ENOUGH devoted followers where he COULD vaunt up to 2nd, making him a formidable voice/presence.

Don't get me wrong------wouldn't vote for him because of "wacky" domestic policies, though I do admire his stands on foreign policy, defense spending "war on drugs" & Libertarian stance on prostitution. I must restate MSM has taken a shoody & dismissive attitude toward him,which it does at its own peril.

-- Modified on 11/16/2011 8:13:31 AM

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 490 reads
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Gingrich's bid is stymied.

But the general voting public will likely never take Paul seriously. He just doesn't look Presidential enough. He looks too much like what he is -- a retired doctor from rural Texas.

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