Politics and Religion

When it comes to Israel we have been hypocritical...
Snowman39 2021 reads

in regards to our policy.

Somebody hits us and its "Nelly bar the door"

Somebody hits Israel and we say they should be moderate in their responses, patient in negotiations.

If we had done tit for tat in 1941 with japan, we would still hate each other today. Instead we nuked the S**t out of them and actually finished the fight. Good friends today!!!

Sometimes the facts of life can be tough kids...

Yosemite_Shmuel2566 reads

nuclear facilities.

Does anything more clearly show the bad faith and the ineptitude and the ingraditude and the blatant and explicit anti-Semitism of the Bush/Cheney administartion as this decision does?

The US refuses to supply Israel with rare and extotic military technology and weaponry necessary to execute a Pearl Harbor-like sneak attack on reputed Iranian nuclear facilities!

The US refuses to grant Israel permission to overfly Irag on it's way to attack Iran. What does Bush & Cheney think was the point of the war with Iraq?  To sieze Iraq's petroleum resources?  Duh! To free the Iraqi people from the tyranny of Hussein [as if Israel gives a shit about either except insofar as it beenfits Israel]? Double Duh!! To establish a liberal-democratic politcal order in Iraq, an order which no doubt would consistently vote into office some form of Pan-Arab nationalists smpathetic to the Palestinian terrorists and hostile to Israel's endless depredations against its opponents? The Neo-Conservatives apparently are not as fine an instrument of Israeli policy as originally imagined here in Jerusalem.

Instead, the US fobs Israel off with some paltry and token increaes in intellegence sharing.  No doubt to set up another frame-up of Israeli patriots like Jonathon Pollard and Ben-ami Kadish.

Well, the US will come to regret this decision. As for now, Jerusalem has to backburner this outrageous act of US self-interest momentarily as Jerusalem  tries to sort out the dead civilians in Gaza from the alleged terorists in Gaza.  May take a liitle doing, as the number of dead civilians mounts with each passing day.  Cease-fire may ass!

Thank Yahweh that the Bush/Cheney anti-Semites are out of office in 9 days.  It will be the first priority, impending worldwide depression be damned, of Rahm Emanuel to convince the shmallkopf schwarzer  Obama to reverse this tragic betrayal of Israel and it's unique sense of entitlement among the nations of the world.

BTW, I hate to say "I Told You So" but I did warn you about US trechery against Israel last week.  Did you listen?  Nooooo!


-- Modified on 1/11/2009 9:37:47 AM

-- Modified on 1/11/2009 9:41:47 AM

Bush is now an antisemite???? Man that word is really getting tired isn't it??

Israel is not a US state and should be thankful of any assistance they get from anybody as the relative benefits of being an ally with that nation are far outweighed by the negative aspects. What ally worthy of the name constantly spies on its "friend".

You act so goddamn offended, how are patriotic Americans supposed to view your comments in light of Israel's heinous attack on the USS Liberty that killed or injured hundreds of serviceman. Guess you want US leaders like that of Lyndon Johnson who made sure that attack was labeled as an accident and threatened any sailor with court marshal if they told the real story publically.

Pollard was framed??? Only an Israeli or someone more loyal to Israel over the US would make such a claim. Guess you think the Rosenburgs were unjustly put to death as well for their spy activities.

Nah this guy didn't sacrifice his entire legacy, or potential of having one, as well as sacrificing his entire party for the sake of going to war to neutralize one of Israel's enemies. Wow that is gratitude alright.

The United States is demonized by the entire world almost completly thanks to our support of the jewish state and Bush has been a willing prostitute like all the rest.

I will admit that I have noticed a very peculiar trend that I have noticed with the last few presidents as they have left office and that is the seemingly unwillingness of them to serve as slavishly as they are leaving office, almost as if they are preparing a defense if they are ever brought up on treason charges or something.

I say fight your own damn wars and your own enemies, its not the problem of the world, its your problem

-- Modified on 1/11/2009 9:57:10 AM

-- Modified on 1/11/2009 9:58:04 AM

Snowman392022 reads

in regards to our policy.

Somebody hits us and its "Nelly bar the door"

Somebody hits Israel and we say they should be moderate in their responses, patient in negotiations.

If we had done tit for tat in 1941 with japan, we would still hate each other today. Instead we nuked the S**t out of them and actually finished the fight. Good friends today!!!

Sometimes the facts of life can be tough kids...

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