Politics and Religion

When it comes to elections, VP's don't matter much------
Priapus53 1655 reads

There ARE exceptions : '60, when JFK picked LBJ, ensuring winning Texas & the election; & '08, When McCain' picked Palin, thus putting in the the final nails in the coffin of his moribund campaign.

Let's look at today : Biden makes stupid, pandering, race-baiting gaffe; think that will make a diff. in Nov. ? No Fucking way, IMO.

As for Ryan, thought that it would give poll boost to Mitt, but hasn't happened. Except for Mitt gaining 1% in Gallup tracking poll, aggregate of polls show BHO with 3.5% lead, very close to what he had before Ryan announcement.

Electoral story slightly different : BHO-237 & Mitt-191. ( 270 needed to win ) Slight boost for Mitt, because Wisc., Ryans home state, "in play", though BHO still leads in that state by 4.3% . MAYBE Mitt might carry it in the fall, but GOP hasn't carried state since Reagan in '84, so doubtful, but we'll see.

HOWEVER, election still 84 days away & one, if not both VP candidates could make gaffes that sway election; stay tuned.

GaGambler148 reads

Palin was a blunder, in a whole series of blunders by McCain, but let's be honest, McCain never had a snowballs chance, even if he had run a perfect campaign.

As for Biden, I doubt that anything he could possibly say, no  matter how stupid, and that saying a lot, will have much influence in the upcoming election.

Ryan is a different story, the Obama camp, if it has one collective brain between them, will beat Romney over the head day in and day out with fear mongering ads directed to seniors about the Ryan the bogie man who wanted to steal their SS and medicare, and all the logic in the world won't be able to undo the fear. Obama might be many things, but as a politician, he certainly is no fool. Ryan has made Romney task much, much harder.

Here's a test question for the political junkies here. Who was FDR's veep? Most will say Truman, but you'd be both right and wrong. FDR had a different veep for each of his 4 terms. No one ever remembers the other 3.

So veep's often don't matter. In '08 no one was voting for Joe Biden. They were voting for Sarah Palin.

Maddow recently said that there are 3 types of veep candidates. August veeps, November veeps and January veeps. The January veeps are the ones you pick to help you govern. They usually come attached to the best Presidents. Then there's November veeps, that the candidate picks to help him get elected. Then there's the August veeps. They tend to come attached to the weakest candidates, and are there to cement the nominee connection with his base.

Paul Ryan isn't Sarah Palin, that's for sure. But both are August veep picks.

Priapus53124 reads

But, will he ultimately hurt Mitt ? That depends
on if he makes any gaffes, skeletons in his closet & how Obama's campaign paints him; it would behoove them to use the following against PR :

Not that the veep matters much, all they do is hurt campaigns. Every presisential candidate would be better off with out a running mate.

Despite the overt focused voter supression/poll tax tactics to tilt 5-10 million votes away from Obama in Georgia, Ohio, Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania and several other states.

GOP has always been afraid of fair elections, and it's been more explicit and palpable in the 2012 elections.

Not only does Ryan fly Mitt-Bott into the ground with his elitist fuckyou, I'll cheat on gift taxes and pay single digit taxes all I want to without revealing them, but Ryan is going to clusterfuck the downticket Congressional races--loses seats in the house for the GOP, and ensure that the Senate stays democratically controlled again as the firewall against the whackjob extremists in the House and their stonewalling Obama's economy measures and their shitload of social extremist anti-women, anti-abortion and religious right driven agenda and bills.

-- Modified on 8/16/2012 6:43:22 PM

the VP-elect of one party got more votes than the VP-elect of the Presidential-elect? Then they'd have to put Amendment 12 (of Article II, section 1 of the Constitution) into effect:

"The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority..."

It used to be more black and white than this:

Original Article II, section 1:
The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President... In every Case, after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of the Electors shall be the Vice President.

No party. No choosing a running mate. Nope; none of that.

The greatest number of votes shall be President and after that choice the person having the greatest number of votes shall be the Vice President.

I can just hear it now: "Oh, that isn't what that means!" etc. etc. et cetera!

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