Politics and Religion

Article : is the Tea Party over ?
Priapus53 10229 reads

IF the economy approves ( which it looks like it is at the moment ) I say 2 extreme political movements that I despise, are gonna go the way of the "Whigs & "Know nothings" : OWS & The Tea Party movement. The link below contains some excellent empricial data for the fading away of the latter movement.

Being "P&R's most objective poster", I'll provide OP at latter date on the welcome impending demise of OWS.

and like it or not with a multi trillion dollar deficit and the dems and "moderate" reps seemingly unwillingness to even agree to reduce spending "increases" much less agree to any real cuts. The Tea Party isn't going away, nor should they.

Romney does not pull over 30 percent

What kind of influence is so ws having on the presidential election?


How many tea party members were elected to the house of representatives and senate?

How many occupy fuck tards Can say the same thing?


To consider the tea party and ows as comparable is stupid on crack

and the OWS is just a bunch of bums all sleeping in the same park.

I doubt a single day of work was missed by anyone in the OWS "movement"

JLWest2275 reads

Both were started just to piss you off.

-- Modified on 1/7/2012 10:45:33 AM

the Tea Party ain't going nowhere.  As for OWS, they have drifted into irrelevancy.  I'd forgotten all about them.  Are there even any of their encampments left?
We need a viable third party in this country and even though I don't support Ron Paul, I hope he starts one and succeeds.  The other two parties would then have to evolve or die.

Priapus531865 reads

BHO wins in a landslide.

But, I guess that didn't occur to you, though-------;)

but as the temperature had dropped to below freezing, none of the little no showering, no working, pussies where anywhere to be found.

I guess they'll be back in the spring when protesting for a cause they have yet to even understand carries a lot less hardships.

As for Ron Paul, I will admit to agreeing with him on somewhere around 75% of the issues, way more than any other candidate. The problem is, on the issues I disagree with him, I find him so far "off the tracks" that he would be downright dangerous for this country if he were ever able to achieve any real power.

JLWest2409 reads

don't agree with him on. He wouldn't be able to do one damn thing on those issues if elected. As a matter of fact the vast majority of issues they  promise never get one damn thing done after they become POTUS.

Your confusing theory with reality. Paul, if elected may be able to do something about the deficit and budget. Maybe something about Defense spending. He needs a Congress to pass laws and spend money.

His biggest impact would be on Foreign Relations. So if giving Billions to everyone around the world is you thing he's probably not for you.

After elected they become POTUSn not King.

and I will even agree that reducing our defense budget "dramatically" would also be in our best interests, but eliminating our ability to "project power" and essentially turning us into isolationists would fast forward us into a third rate power, with a third rate economy and life style to boot.

There are only so many natural resources on this planet and the Chinese have proven that they are not bashful where it comes to doing whatever is took look out for THEIR interests. In a finite world, we need to do the same. Ron Paul would put us so far behind the Chinese we would never catch up.

they used to be called "The greatest generation".

Priapus531367 reads

including "black & brown pawns".

Moronic beyond belief.

JoesephGoebbels1938 reads

It's so old it's beyond boring, except for the self embarrassment aspects.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

Priapus532095 reads

Speaking of "lies". The only thing I find embarassing is your obvious "eunuch status" for not posting your real handle.

Lastly, it's spelled "Joseph".

JoesephGoebbels1361 reads

so I went with a fake alias, something I'm sure you can personally relate to.

But seriously, how many times are you going to repeat the same falsehood? We all noticed you didn't deny doing it.

So does the tea party..dumbfuck.

But you wouldn't know that because

You are an ignorant racebaiting bigot

Priapus532669 reads

6% are black.

15% are "others".

Check link below.

Talk about "ethnic diversity". Hell, even the GOP has a better racial mix than that.

Pictured below are tea party snacks-----

-- Modified on 1/7/2012 2:51:21 PM

What the fuck is your point?

I am not white and while I am not a member of ANY party, I certainly support what the Tea Party is trying to accomplish.

For someone who claims to hate everything PC, you sure get your panties in a wad over almost everything Tea Party related and you are the quickest person on this board to cry racism. Why the fuck is that anyhow?

I'll tell you why.

Self loathing..

Check out the oreo pictures what the fuck is that all about?

And I'm a bigot..??

Sorry bro your buddy is a douchebag

Oh fuck it, you could give me a month and I still couldn't come up with an excuse for this blater coming from Pri.

Just the very mention of the Tea Party and anything even resembling objectiveness goes out the window with Pri.

Priapus532328 reads

racist elements.Both movements stink, IMO.

& If you don't think there are racist elements to both movements then you & mrnt have your respective heads in the sand.( that is, if mrnt HAS a head----)

Also, another thing-----I aint no big fan of BHO, even though I voted for him. Probably won't vote for him next time. But, you DON'T think there's an element of racial TP hatred directed toward him ?! CMON, you can't be THAT naive.

Why wasn't the TP created when GWB was racking up massive deficits & debt ? Why no outrage then ?

If the TP starts polling well then Priapus will become a fan.  He needs polls to tell him what to like.

Posted By: JoesephGoebbels
Your voluminous postings are no exception.
-- Modified on 1/7/2012 4:07:59 PM

You don't think that both the Democratic and Republican parties  have racist elements? Now who's being naive?

I hate Zorff, does that make me a racist? I despise Xfean, does that make me a homophobe? I am sure there is a jew or two I despise here, does that make me antisemitic?

Of course there is some racial hatred of Obama, but these same people who hate Obama were willing to embrace either Colin Powell or Herman Cain. You are awfully quick to call anyone from the south you disagree with a "cracker", what does that say about you?

Priapus532371 reads

So has Mrnt-----I'm covered by both sides of the color spectrum. Antother thing-----I called OWS anti-semitic. How come you didn't rush to their defense ?

Wanna bet major elements of TP can't stand BHO, Powell & Cain ?!

& there's not a higher abundance of racism in the South ? Why is it that a majority of "birthers" are located there ?

-- Modified on 1/7/2012 4:06:46 PM

as for OWS, I don't give a fuck about any racism they are being accused of, I don't really even consider them a group or organization capable of having any endemic racist traits. Just a bunch of kids and out of work bums with nothing better to do than sleep in the park and whine about how bad their lives are.

I doubt you will find many people that hate BHO, Powell, AND Cain. You will find a lot of people that hate one, or ever two of them, but a relatively small number of people who hate all three.

Another thing I doubt you have ever noticed, there are more of the para military "militia groups" in Michigan than there are in the Deep South, including, but not limited to Timothy McVeigh. Racism and bigotry don't seem to know what state they're from.

Priapus532676 reads

thye manifest themselves differently, of course.

What cracks me up about the right here is that they cry that the left is playing "race card", being "overly sensitive PC", ACORN is racist, ad infinitum. But, they NEVER will admit to racism in their own ranks, which certainly exists.

The fact that I've been called racist by white & black, left & right shows what a buncha bullcrap THAT is. I'm a proud "equal opportunity offender".

The same case could be made against the left, the same left who calls anyone who dislikes Obama a racist, or someone like you who called any Tea Party supporter a "Tea Bagger" until all but the most virulent lefties called you out for it.

Lets face it Pri, you and yours have been trying to discredit the Tea party movement from day one by shifting the focus from their message which is one of smaller government, lower taxes, less government spending and greater personal responsiblity.Pretty admirable goal IMO

I guess since you have no rebuttal to any of these positions you resort to calling them "nutbags" and "racists". Guess what, the Tea Party with whatever faults they might have are a fact of today's political life, unlike the whiny OWS movement which doesn't seem to be gaining any traction because THEY don't even know what they are protesting.

St. Croix1761 reads

and will do everything to discredit anyone who shares that view, including calling them racists. Look at when a Republican, conservative, or even independent makes the suggestion of tinkering with Social Security. I emphasize the word tinkering. It's like midnight at a skid row alley, the rats come out. That person is just fucking torched by the left as wanting to TOTALLY dismantle Social Security and kill old people. The words liberal and logic are not synonymous.

OK, time to sit back and watch NO/Det. This should be a track meet.

Of course that because they can only think of themselves relying on that giant safety net, and never think of what a burden it is to be the one that provides it.

Go Saints!!!

Oops Lions already on the scoreboard. Oh well, like you said, this should be a trackmeet.

Priapus531056 reads

& personal responsibility . Far from it. But what you're in denial of is that there is much overlap between TP & "bigoted social conservatives". Hell, you've called them out on it from time to time.

Public support of TP is rapidly dropping; IF & ( this is big if ) economy starts to rapidly improve, watch 12-13 TP congressmen in "blue districts" lose re-election.

For the 1000th time I don't like OWS either !

Also, from the man who coined the term "black & brown pawns of the left", to call me a "bigot" is like David Duke lecturing on racial equality.

Lastly, I don't consider "elitist" to be a pejorative. I consider George Will to be a conservative elitist & certainly think highly of him & other likeminded conservatives. Same goes for similar figures on the left.

-- Modified on 1/7/2012 5:17:23 PM

It doesn't take away from their larger goals, which you seem to gloss over at every opportunity.

As for a "rapidly improving" economy. Even IF I were to stipulate that were to happen, it does nothing to address our mounting debt and spiraling government spending.

The fact that there are TP congressmen in "blue" districts itself should tell you that the message is resonating with the voters.

yes, I wish that I could only support the fiscal part of the party, and reject the social conservatism, but to discount everything positive they stand for and ridicule them for the parts I disagree with like you do just makes no sense to me. and truth be told your attitude towards them and your barely contained anger towards anything to do with the Tea Party does not seem the least bit rational to me either.

Priapus531801 reads

I didn't post this link earlier, because I'd figure you'd call the author a "runt"---LOL !

But,many viable points contained.

Lastly, Goebbels is engaging in "lie" himself. I was merely QUOTING mrnt-----don't believe me ? Ask him if he made the quote.

Ok-----gonna watch GOP debate, so you'll get rid of me for awhile-----LOL !

What did you really expect him to say?

Robert fucking Reich already, why don't you post a link about what David Duke thinks about Obama, it would be every bit as objective as this piece of crap you linked to.

Priapus531075 reads

Interesting comparison.

I don't think everyone would agree with you.

Or are you going to start debating like Willy by being intentionally obtuse?

JoesephGoebbels1396 reads

Asking Gambler to fight your battles for you.

mr.notrouble was clearly making a statement that democrats think of black and brown minorities as their own pawns in the political game.

Oops, now I’ve gone and posted the same words. Are you going to attack me the same now?

For a person so well educated in politics, history and literature you sure can be a single minded dumbshit.

Priapus531853 reads

Proof ? Can you archive where I said that ?

And are you going to repeatedly misattribute quotes mrnt made to me ? And it sounds like you agree with mrnt's "sentiments".

That's called "Sophistry"; try Googling it. I will give you a hint of what that means when I say people like you & the real Joseph Goebbels that engaged in that "line of reasoning", are single minded dumbshits; same for the morons that swallow the line of bullshit that you're pushing.

-- Modified on 1/7/2012 11:46:36 PM

JoesephGoebbels1708 reads

Rather than respond to my posts here you run to Gambler complaining to him that I lie, then asking him to talk with me if he didn’t believe your version.


Now, when you finally do respond to me you totally ignore the focal point in all this. I asserted you were incorrectly quoting mr.nt by taking him out of context. You have been repeatedly (17 times now) attempting to paint him as a racist using a small snippet of what he originally posted ("black and brown pawns"). If you want to go for 18 times then quote his entire transcript if you’ve got the balls.

But you ignored my mis-quote assertion above and you will ignore it or self servingly twist it again as usual.

ps. to GaG: I never said you accepted Priapus’s request.

If anything I am fighting nt's battle, not that he needs any help. lol

JoesephGoebbels1648 reads

How many more times do you believe are required before your personal discreditably index climbs from its present 90% to a full 100%?

Your posting of the pictures of oreos pretty much proves it..

It also proves you don't know when to shut up

-- Modified on 1/7/2012 4:53:02 PM

JLWest1504 reads

have a couple of things going for them. They fought most of the wars for the last 100 years and built most of America.

And they are not going to help pay off the National Debt. The young smart ass give me everything for nothing are going to do that for the next 4 generations.

I am one of those old, stupid, white people.  I am really dumb.  

Supporting the Tea Party ideals is not in my interest.  I will be around long enough to collect on the gravy train, and won't have to pay the bill.

I would rather collect a little less and have a few less "gimmes," and  leave the country in better condition.  It is like when I vote against the party that will give me a raise.  I'm not a saint, but I know there are more important things than me.

Posted By: inicky46
the Tea Party ain't going nowhere.  As for OWS, they have drifted into irrelevancy.  I'd forgotten all about them.  Are there even any of their encampments left?
We need a viable third party in this country and even though I don't support Ron Paul, I hope he starts one and succeeds.  The other two parties would then have to evolve or die.

God, you guys are such easy marks.  I do love getting you all riled up every once in a while.  LoL!
PS: No way do Tea Partiers correlate to The Greatest Generation, which is now nearly gone (the youngest of them are now mid 80s).  Not even many vets of Korea there.  Most are Viet Nam generation or younger.  The guys who fought in Nam are in their late 50s to mid 60s.  Didn't any of you study demographics?  Do the math.

-- Modified on 1/7/2012 5:56:03 PM

-- Modified on 1/7/2012 6:19:11 PM

A big part of the movement is based upon the economy, but a large part of it is a disgust with the political process. OWS related movements like Get Money Out and Move To Amend has nothing to do with the economy, and everything about a bribed political process. The only thing that's going to stop that movement from growing is if their concerns are addressed.

These kids are protesting having to start off at the bottom and work their way up, just like every other generation before them. Of course that's not good enough for these spoiled brats, no wonder Willy is the only one here who seems to support them.

The fact that they are protesting paying their student loans shows just how selfish, lazy, and entitled they are.

Here's a link to this Tea Party favorite's latest stunt.  He also happens to be Speaker of the Kansas House.
In another of O’Neal’s emails, he referenced Psalm 109 from the Old Testament, which reads in part:
"May his children be fatherless  and his wife a widow.
May his children be wandering beggars; may they be driven from their ruined homes.
May a creditor seize all he has; may strangers plunder the fruits of his labor.
May no one extend kindness to him or take pity on his fatherless children."
O’Neal wrote: “At last — I can honestly voice a Biblical prayer for our president! Look it up — it is word for word! Let us all bow our heads and pray. Brothers and Sisters, can I get an AMEN? AMEN!!!!!

Would you like me to provide quotes to idiotic shit Democrats say?

Would THAT prove the Democrat Party is going away?

The Democrat Party is loaded with racists too...so what?

Priapus531339 reads

Lack of GOP racial diversity shows which party has more racists.

No one saying that Dems or GOP going away----as for the Tea Party, maybe chance it will start fading this election cycle----

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