Politics and Religion

What you're advocating will bring this leader back into power
Priapus53 1221 reads
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Ahhhhh, the "Social Darwinism" of the far right--------Fuck it, ,PW, instead of denying them the right to vote, why don't you advocate mass euthanasia ?

I addressed this topic in earlier post---the "least productive members of society" should be educated about sensible birth control-----& that's as far as I'll take it.

-- Modified on 8/13/2011 9:49:12 AM

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 1893 reads
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If the "drags on society" were prohibited from voting, the benfit would definitely go the GOP, but as for education, I wouldn't be so fast to go down that road. There are plenty of well educated dems, and plenty of uneducated, dumb as a stump Republicans. Just look at the posters right here on TER if you doubt me. lol

As to who will revolt first, the vote is out on that as well. The "takers" outnumber the "taken from" by a considerable margin, if they feel they are "owed" more by the system than the system is capable of paying out, they are the more likely to revolt, Haven't you seen what's happening in London?

The good news, for me at least, is by the time the pols promising handouts in return for votes are firmly in charge, (which I agree is likely to happen at some point) I should be retired to some tropical beach, drinking tropical cocktails and fucking little brown girls to my hearts content. lol

Priapus53 1307 reads
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Jobs aint out there---have you heard of the great recession ? Tough enough for people w/ work history, but you think neer-do well slackers
w/out a resume can find a job ?

STATE JOB ?!--------hey, mr conservative, are you advocating a Keynesian Government work program ?!--------LMAO !

St. Croix 1471 reads
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Of course after you take out the 50% of the Americans that are on some kind of handout, add the religious whack jobs, anybody who watches MSNBC or FOX, all you go left is about a few million. Shit, Super Bowl tickets every year. No traffic on the freeways. I don't have to look at fat ugly Americans.

Seriously, we got a tax problem. We got an entitlement problem. We got an education problem. How about this? We have 12M illegals, most from Mexico. Keep 2M, because I need my lawn cut and house cleaned. The other 10M, send them back. Now I'm pro-immigration. Replace the 10M with 10M from Asia. They'll all have either a science or math degree in no time. They'll cover the education and skills mismatch which currently exists. They'll start new companies. They'll fucking pay taxes.

-- Modified on 8/13/2011 10:46:02 AM

Priapus53 2463 reads
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St. Croix 1693 reads
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I'm a Brent's Deli man. But a corned beef sandwich sounds pretty good right now.

And to think I was nervous you were going to send an enema picture. Even you have standards (lol)

pwilley 59 Reviews 3039 reads
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So, there I am flipping through some channels while in the car and I hear the following comment:

If any individual who received more than $200 per month in government handouts for more than one year was no longer allowed to vote, republicans would win just about every Federal Election.  Furthermore, if anyone who did not complete at least 8 years of education with a C average or better was not allowed to vote, the democratic party would collapse and our two party system would also collapse.

The speaker went on to say that eventually a collapse will occur regardless because as more and more elections are determined by the majority vote consisting of people who do not contribute but instead are the recipients of handouts, and candidates who deliver handouts are kept in office, those who are paying the freight will revolt in one way or another.

pwilley 59 Reviews 1189 reads
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There is another more humane way to deal with it.... Make em do what every other tax paying citizen had to do:

1.  Get a fricken high school diploma.
2.  Get a damn job or be assigned one by your State.
3.  If you don't, then you get nothing from Uncle Sam after one year... Period, end of story, sorry for you, starve, die, move to Mexico, I don't really give a rip, but you have no moral or legal right to expect somebody else to support your lazy ass.  Maybe your church will support you but they probably will also require you to sweep the buildings, cut the grass, and other productive activities.

pwilley 59 Reviews 1725 reads
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There are plenty of jobs available.  Granted they aren't the kind folks like, they may not pay for than ten or fifteen bucks an hour, but they are widely available.  In GA for example, the Governor recently worked out an agreement with large farms to hire anyone interested in working.  The Farms agreed, but no one wanted to work except for the illegals.

The problem Mr. Priapus is that as long as folks know they can do nothing and let somebody else support them, they are going to do it.  Let em get fricken hungry, let em get cold and wet from the weather with no free house to live in, and they will eventually figure out it's in their interest to do something productive, or else they just wither away in their own stupidity.

SteveO5711 1410 reads
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First of all, if it was farm work, I'd be really surprised if they would make $10 per hour.

Second of all, we have larger problems to deal with when it comes to people transferring to these lower paying jobs that are being promoted.
First of all, do the jobs pay enough for people to survive?  Will people be able to pay rent, food, transportation, medical ect?
Is there a point to take these jobs if you're still going to be homeless or hungry while working them?
People are be pushed into low paying work while at the same time public services are being cut, of coarse there is going to be resistance.
There should be, our country is going to resemble a third world Central American country soon.

Secondly there is the social effect.  Our society pre-judges people based on their income, type of work and the crap they own.
Here we would give the laid off construction work props for take a job at McDonald's to pay his bills, what does he get daily when hes asking if you want to super size that?
It sure as hell isn't respect by people that haven't been that far down before.

Yea the guy that takes the job at a farm deserves respect, but he's still a wetback here, regardless of his race.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1366 reads
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a HS diploma and then "assign" you to a job?  Sounds pretty "socialistic" to me.  Big Brother anyone?  pwilley, I really, really  hope you were not one of those who slammed Obamacare for requiring people to buy health insurance, cuz this sounds like the same thing but worse.

pwilley 59 Reviews 914 reads
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We already have the socialistic handouts going on.  All I'm suggesting is that we require those who have been on the take for extended periods of time to finally be required to do something for it.  We can certainly use legal farm labor, we need office cleaners, we need pedestrian traffic control downtown, we need lots of labor assistance which the government currently pays for.  Why not delegate this kind of stuff to those who don't or won't obtain employment on their own.  Where in the constitution does it say that being born in the USA guarantees you basic support when you choose not to try and support yourself?

inicky46 61 Reviews 1080 reads
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to prove they're looking for work.  But going to the extreme of telling people what level of education they must have and forcing them into a job is Big Brotherism of the highest order.  I just love it when Republicans yell about big government and then want to make it bigger.
PS:  And guess whose going to administer your new programs?  More government workers and bureaucrats.  Great plan.

-- Modified on 8/14/2011 7:43:07 PM

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