Politics and Religion

What you said on the header & in the post were contradictory.
ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 92 reads

If you can't write clearly, that's not my fault. Oh, yah, I had 6 Stoli 100 proof cocktails last night & I'm fine, & YOU of all people are knocking MY booze intake ?!-------LOL ! Jesus ,all the sauce damage done to your neurons makes you a member of the aristocracy : "Baron of gray matter", at least where your writing is concerned. That's an old 3 Stooges joke, but still works.

Posted By: GaGambler
I plainly said it was NOT going to happen, just that it wouldn't be through lack of trying.  
 Please don't tell me that you are throwing your hat into the ring for SPOTY.  
 Just how drunk did you get last night?  
 Or are you trying to prove the point being made earlier that education and intelligence do not go hand in hand? You would think a pedantic putz like yourself who routinely questions the intelligence of those who disagrees with you politically would have at least average reading comprehension skills,  but this last major "swing and miss" by you would tend to lead any objective reader to the exact opposite conclusion. I would have to put your comprehension skills on a par with either nuguys or bigguy's writing skills.  
 If you care to reread my post and yours and then retract your statement, I will accept PUI as a valid excuse, but experience leads me to believe that you will simply double down on stupid as admitting that you are wrong is hardly your strong suit.

POTUS Trump triggering a"nuclear incident," or POTUS HRC "taking all of your guns away" ?

GaGambler156 reads

The difference being of course is that while Trump doesn't want to start a nuclear war, Hillary most definitely wants to take our guns away, not to mention you can't have a "small" nuclear incident anymore than you can be a "little bit" pregnant, but Hillary will almost certainly chip away at our 2nd amendment rights, with the ultimate goal of disarming the American populace altogether, much like a POTUS Cruz would have chipped away at abortion rights with the ultimate goal of reversing Roe v Wade.

Will NEVER happen. NRA is far too powerful for her to "chip away at gun rights". Wow, that one comes out of Planet Stupid, surprised you said that. IF HRC is POTUS, you'll get to keep your guns, no doubt in my mind.

-- Modified on 5/22/2016 4:14:38 PM

GaGambler107 reads

I plainly said it was NOT going to happen, just that it wouldn't be through lack of trying.

Please don't tell me that you are throwing your hat into the ring for SPOTY.

Just how drunk did you get last night?

Or are you trying to prove the point being made earlier that education and intelligence do not go hand in hand? You would think a pedantic putz like yourself who routinely questions the intelligence of those who disagrees with you politically would have at least average reading comprehension skills,  but this last major "swing and miss" by you would tend to lead any objective reader to the exact opposite conclusion. I would have to put your comprehension skills on a par with either nuguys or bigguy's writing skills.

If you care to reread my post and yours and then retract your statement, I will accept PUI as a valid excuse, but experience leads me to believe that you will simply double down on stupid as admitting that you are wrong is hardly your strong suit.

If you can't write clearly, that's not my fault. Oh, yah, I had 6 Stoli 100 proof cocktails last night & I'm fine, & YOU of all people are knocking MY booze intake ?!-------LOL ! Jesus ,all the sauce damage done to your neurons makes you a member of the aristocracy : "Baron of gray matter", at least where your writing is concerned. That's an old 3 Stooges joke, but still works.

Posted By: GaGambler
I plainly said it was NOT going to happen, just that it wouldn't be through lack of trying.  
 Please don't tell me that you are throwing your hat into the ring for SPOTY.  
 Just how drunk did you get last night?  
 Or are you trying to prove the point being made earlier that education and intelligence do not go hand in hand? You would think a pedantic putz like yourself who routinely questions the intelligence of those who disagrees with you politically would have at least average reading comprehension skills,  but this last major "swing and miss" by you would tend to lead any objective reader to the exact opposite conclusion. I would have to put your comprehension skills on a par with either nuguys or bigguy's writing skills.  
 If you care to reread my post and yours and then retract your statement, I will accept PUI as a valid excuse, but experience leads me to believe that you will simply double down on stupid as admitting that you are wrong is hardly your strong suit.

GaGambler132 reads

Here is exactly what I said,

"The difference being of course is that while Trump doesn't want to start a nuclear war, Hillary most definitely wants to take our guns away, not to mention you can't have a "small" nuclear incident anymore than you can be a "little bit" pregnant, but Hillary will almost certainly chip away at our 2nd amendment rights, with the ultimate goal of disarming the American populace altogether, much like a POTUS Cruz would have chipped away at abortion rights with the ultimate goal of reversing Roe v Wade."

Please oh pedantic one, show me where I said that Hillary would "succeed" in taking away our guns?

As I predicted you have chosen to double down on stupid. Just how you claim intellectual superiority over anyone here is beyond me.

In anthropological terms, a "dominance display" the most aggressive & assertive chimp in the group, a real chest thumper, Ever see the beginning of 2001 a Space Odyssey ? The analogy applies.

& he never cops to a mistake, which is what he accuses ME of. Classic case of projection. So his writing wasn't clear on ONE post-------BFD. I complimented him on another post. Jesus. Touchy.

Known him for several years, not a bad guy at all, but it's important for him to be the leader of this compost heap. Whatever.

Posted By: GaGambler
Here is exactly what I said,  
 "The difference being of course is that while Trump doesn't want to start a nuclear war, Hillary most definitely wants to take our guns away, not to mention you can't have a "small" nuclear incident anymore than you can be a "little bit" pregnant, but Hillary will almost certainly chip away at our 2nd amendment rights, with the ultimate goal of disarming the American populace altogether, much like a POTUS Cruz would have chipped away at abortion rights with the ultimate goal of reversing Roe v Wade."  
 Please oh pedantic one, show me where I said that Hillary would "succeed" in taking away our guns?  
 As I predicted you have chosen to double down on stupid. Just how you claim intellectual superiority over anyone here is beyond me.

Talking about not posting clearly or coherently.

Aggressive? Perhaps. Assertive? Most definitely, but you were 100% wrong once again and as usual obfuscation is your only defense. I have made several mistakes over the years here and I was man enough to say "my bad, I fucked this one up" too bad you can't ever bring yourself to do the same, even when the proof is right in front of everyone to see.

My "concession" ?! Fuck no. What's the big deal? You had one poorly written post. Everyone screws up now & then, including moi. Nothing to make a stink over.

Another thing I noticed being in this "zoo" for several years: you have a hair-trigger temper. Dude, you need to chill, though it's plain to see why you idolize Trump so much--------  :)

GaGambler104 reads

My post is still there, clear as day. I can't help it if you haven't yet learned how to read with a hangover. Denying what is there plain as day doesn't help you much in the credibility department.

I would think anyone with even a third grade education could tell the difference between "trying" and "succeeding" I guess maybe you skipped that year in school?

-- Modified on 5/23/2016 10:47:50 AM

Typical right wing authoritarianism, tenuous relationship with the truth. Hell, you don't even sound like a conservative any more. Then again, being a Trump supporter, automatically lowers one's IQ about 50 points

Obviously, with your "educational background", you haven't picked up a copy of Strunk & White's "Elements of Style" Do so ASAP, will greatly aid your writing & make it more coherent, which it badly needs.

brooks571 reads

welcome back cheesy-dick!

he couldn't hep himself

typical lib, insult and focus on minutia cuz they've run out of stuff to sa

I haven't seen any proof he has any knowledge other than spelling, how to copy and paste links to polls and making assumptions where he is clearly clueless beyond compare.

  Looking at his words  from a psychological standpoint, he reminds me of a an immature child jealous of the success and toys of other children.    
    Have you seen any definitive proof he didn't drop out in third  grade ?  
 His reading comprehension is definitely murky, to say the most.  
  Ask yourself, would someone with a legitimate degree in higher education, spend time  
  mocking those that don't.  
                Very unlikely.  

Posted By: GaGambler
My post is still there, clear as day. I can't help it if you haven't yet learned how to read with a hangover. Denying what is there plain as day doesn't help you much in the credibility department.  
 I would think anyone with even a third grade education could tell the difference between "trying" and "succeeding" I guess maybe you skipped that year in school?

Welched on the bet. He wiggled squirmed whined cried and lied blaming everyone and everything else trying to deny he welched, and in the end it did not work.
everyone knows he is a welch and I doubt will never trust him again.

It is the same on this he wiggles squirms trying to get out of being wrong.  

It is rather entertaining

brooks580 reads

oh for chrissakes there cheesy-dick, don't you read?  or hear?

OF COURSE Hillary will do everything in her power to take guns away

she has said precisely that

best way to stop her isn't the NRA, it is to keep her out of office

but it looks like she is doing her best to do that herself

-- Modified on 5/23/2016 7:05:15 AM

Posted By: ChoosyCynic
POTUS Trump triggering a"nuclear incident," or POTUS HRC "taking all of your guns away" ?

If anyone starts a nuclear incident, the first strike won't  be from the USA, no matter who's the  next President.
  I have no doubt the crazy, corrupt war mongering woman as President would promote more skirmishes where we don't belong.
  Whether that leads to a bigger war or just another failed regime changing experiment, only  foolish voters could cause that scenario.  

    President Trump is  much too intelligent to  instigate regime change in other countries, leading to chaos, civil war and mass exodus of refugees.
  No President has the authority to take guns away from law abiding citizens.  



Posted By: ChoosyCynic
POTUS Trump triggering a"nuclear incident," or POTUS HRC "taking all of your guns away" ?

"No President has the authority to take guns away from law abiding citizens."  
        The feds can already take non-heritage machine guns and military weapons from law- abiding sentences. In states like New York which have Safe Act legislation, they already have started confiscating assault guns. We need fed legislation like this as well. Second Amendment, of course, does not protect all guns.

        I think Hillary would in fact try to pass some kind of assault gun/ high capacity magazine ban as well as ban sales to those on the no fly list. Give her a democratic Congress and another mass shooting, and I would bet she would succeed. Another reason you should vote for her

brooks578 reads

MASS shootings in the mostly black inner cities

cuz they don't care about blacks

how about we START with taking guns from inner-city black youth?

oops, there are laws that against felons with guns AND ALL inner cities have strict gun control laws!  Never mind! ;)

and with cops under attack these days, who is going to enforce these new laws?

-- Modified on 5/23/2016 7:05:50 AM

It is true that you “NEVER hear libs talk about the weekly mass shootings in the mostly black inner cities.”

         Of course, that’s because there are no  “weekly mass shootings in the mostly black inner cities,” so it is kinda hard for the libs to talk about them.

        And I agree with you that the libs don’t care about blacks. That’s why Hillary is making no effort to corral the black vote in the election. She can win with just the whites.

        And while we are on the topic, don’t forget libs don’t like short people either. After all, you have to pick em up just to say hello.

       The libs will also be surprised to learn that “All inner cities have strict gun control laws.”  Those uninformed clowns think the “inner city gun laws” were struck by the Supreme Court in Heller and that the gun laws are the same in black and white neighborhoods.

        Good to see you are on the case ands stay up to date on inner city gun laws, Brooks.

      One of your better posts, I thought. LOL

brooks563 reads

killed in a weekend in Chicago a MASS killing, not lobs

with libs, unless they are in the same room, it don't count

YOU and your ilk are dismissive of black lives

Heller has has zero effect on murder rates, if you believe otherwise you are a you fool

everything else in your post is simple nonsense

which is quite an accomplishment. Dude thinks that the U.N. "black helicopters" are coming to take his guns away.

SOMEONE needs to take 10mg of valium--------------  ;)

brooks566 reads

by lib silliness

20 mg is better!

It's only contradictory when the  obvious is muted .  

 There's  absolutely no reason I would vote for her.  
   For every weapon confiscated from law abiding citizens in states like New York, thousands  of law abiding citizens purchase guns in other States.  

   Gun sales up = violent crime down.
  I feel no need to carry a gun, however, I believe if every woman is  trained to safely use a weapon for self defense, and she carried a gun, rapes would be rare.

   If every teacher comfortable with handling a gun is allowed  to carry in school, mass school shootings would be stopped before they started.

 Another reason to vote for President Trump.

Posted By: marikod
  "No President has the authority to take guns away from law abiding citizens."    
         The feds can already take non-heritage machine guns and military weapons from law- abiding sentences. In states like New York which have Safe Act legislation, they already have started confiscating assault guns. We need fed legislation like this as well. Second Amendment, of course, does not protect all guns.  
         I think Hillary would in fact try to pass some kind of assault gun/ high capacity magazine ban as well as ban sales to those on the no fly list. Give her a democratic Congress and another mass shooting, and I would bet she would succeed. Another reason you should vote for her.  

Because Trump has asserted that he would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons, any country feeling threatened by the USA will be more likely to seriously consider using the Bomb against us or our allies.

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