Politics and Religion

What will Liberals say?
Pimpathy 153 reads

They will probably say this is the new age Jim Crow law, or something as crazy

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Sex trafficking is a profitable endeavor for individuals and groups willing to exploit others. The unique players that facilitate trafficking situations  
include organized street gangs, major crime networks, money transfer organizations, and both hospitality and transportation industries.  
Through the use of multiple data collection sources and an in-depth network analysis of ads flagged as potential minor victims of sex  
trafficking, we were able to identify ways in which gang activity may play a role in facilitating trafficking.  
Prostitution has long been associated with gang activity (Fishman, 1999), though until recently, very little attention has been paid to gang  
involved, sex trafficking activity. The increasing gang involvement in sex trafficking has been suggested to be driven by gang members’  
perceptions that there is a higher profit to be made in trafficking humans and a lower risk of being identified and punished for this crime  
relative to drug and weapons trafficking (National Gang Intelligence center, 2011).  
I'm not too sure of the racial statistics of most street gang operatives. I certain there is a few degrees of diversity among the various factions of organised crime. I thought the same about the distribution of marijuana. I guess we'll be proven wrong, once again.

Cosette1675 reads

Results are in. Mostly, I am glad of the conclusion so that law enforcement resources can be put to better use.

"In this study, the authors made a number of interesting discoveries about sex trafficking, but found no evidence indicating the 2014 Super Bowl was a causal factor for sex trafficking in the northern New Jersey area in the days preceding the game."

GaGambler221 reads

while the Super Bowl was "let off the hook" by no means  are they suggesting that LE resources should be put to better use. Quite the contrary, they conclude that sex trafficking is a huge problem and that more resources should be spent on the "problem"

They also refer to "myth busting" which is actually myth creating as they conclude that the overwhelming number of ads and web sites are those of traffickers and not consenting adults.

Once again Cosette, you really need to stop simply reading the headlines and read the entire article before jumping to conclusions. These people want to put you out of business and save you from yourself by putting you in jail, just like the thousands of pot smokers who ended up in prison so they wouldn't "hurt themselves" by smoking a damn weed.

Then I read the whole thing.  Catchy first two words to draw a reader in.  Lol

Cosette134 reads

And yes completely agree they have "twisted" scenarios like the myth thing as well as not provided the standards they used for the ads they ran as well as responded to. And yes they have called for specific recommendations, the last of which is more enforcement of laws against prostitution. However, it could have been much worse in its deliberation. In NYC people took breaks from doing this, lots of people seemed on edge over the increased LE activity, with at least the overall statement that an event like this isn't causal, when organizations go to event stakeholders and make the assertion that their help is needed because that event is a factor in sex trafficking, then it's one more study that says it's not.  

I don't like everything it said but you know that it's that one sentence conclusion that's most important to a study, and I thought they were for sure going to assert something just short of "devil's event is the biggest single occurrence of sex trafficking!"

Pimpathy154 reads

They will probably say this is the new age Jim Crow law, or something as crazy

Posted By:
Sex trafficking is a profitable endeavor for individuals and groups willing to exploit others. The unique players that facilitate trafficking situations  
include organized street gangs, major crime networks, money transfer organizations, and both hospitality and transportation industries.  
Through the use of multiple data collection sources and an in-depth network analysis of ads flagged as potential minor victims of sex  
trafficking, we were able to identify ways in which gang activity may play a role in facilitating trafficking.  
Prostitution has long been associated with gang activity (Fishman, 1999), though until recently, very little attention has been paid to gang  
involved, sex trafficking activity. The increasing gang involvement in sex trafficking has been suggested to be driven by gang members’  
perceptions that there is a higher profit to be made in trafficking humans and a lower risk of being identified and punished for this crime  
relative to drug and weapons trafficking (National Gang Intelligence center, 2011).  
I'm not too sure of the racial statistics of most street gang operatives. I certain there is a few degrees of diversity among the various factions of organised crime. I thought the same about the distribution of marijuana. I guess we'll be proven wrong, once again.

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