Politics and Religion

What this election SHOULD have taught all...
NCJimbo 3979 reads
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FYI, Sarah will be on "On the Record" with Greta van Susteren this Monday evening.

Sixty-nine percent (69%) of Republican voters say Alaska Governor Sarah Palin helped John McCain’s bid for the presidency, even as news reports surface that some McCain staffers think she was a liability.

Only 20% of GOP voters say Palin hurt the party’s ticket, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Six percent (6%) say she had no impact, and five percent (5%) are undecided.

Ninety-one percent (91%) of Republicans have a favorable view of Palin, including 65% who say their view is Very Favorable. Only eight percent (8%) have an unfavorable view of her, including three percent (3%) Very Unfavorable.

When asked to choose among some of the GOP’s top names for their choice for the party’s 2012 presidential nominee, 64% say Palin. The next closest contenders are two former governors and unsuccessful challengers for the presidential nomination this year -- Mike Huckabee of Arkansas with 12% support and Mitt Romney of Massachusetts with 11%.

Three other sitting governors – Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Charlie Crist of Florida and Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota – all pull low single-digit support.

These findings echo a survey earlier this week which found that Republicans were happier with their vice presidential candidate than with their presidential nominee. Seventy-one percent (71%) said McCain made the right choice by picking Palin as his running mate, while only 65% said the party picked the right nominee for president.

The key for the 44-year-old Palin will be whether she can broaden her base of support. An Election Day survey found that 81% of Democrats and, more importantly, 57% of unaffiliated voters had an unfavorable view of her.

Palin, Alaska’s first woman governor, was elected to a four-year term in 2006. She was largely unknown nationally until McCain chose her to be the party’s vice presidential candidate. She quickly became a darling of the GOP’s conservative base and energized the party’s rank-and-file.

Speculation about her future has run high for weeks when it appeared Barack Obama was likely to beat McCain. Already this week there is talk of her possibly taking the seat of embattled Republican Senator Ted Stevens if he manages to hang on and win won reelection despite recent federal felony convictions. Stevens would have to step down if his appeal of the convictions is unsuccessful.

Palin could also run for another term as Governor in the state where she still enjoys very high approval ratings.

Among Republicans, 66% of men and 61% of women say Palin is their choice for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012. Sixty-six percent (66%) of GOP women have a Very Favorable view of her, as do 64% of men.

While Palin’s high favorables suggest she has a bright political future in the Republican Party, it is important to note that favorites four years out from a presidential election quite often do not get the nomination. Obama, for example, was just an Illinois state senator four years ago, and Hillary Clinton appeared a shoo-in for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008.

Similarly, vice presidential candidates historically have seldom risen to the highest office by election.

Republicans are closely divided over the two most important issues in the next presidential election: 31% say economic issues, 30% say national security. Fifteen percent (15%) list fiscal issues, followed by cultural issues (12%) and domestic issues (6%). Five percent (5%) are undecided. Palin is overwhelmingly the top choice for 2012 among voters in all these categories.

Over two-thirds of Republicans describe themselves as conservative in terms of foreign policy, fiscal and social issues.

Sarah_Palin_2012_Chairman 1626 reads
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and to the rest of the Kool-aid drinkers out there like you.  20012 can't arrive soon enough.

In the meanwhile, Gov Palin will brush up on the difference between a continent and a country, and continue her foreign policy education as she gaces upon the russian coastline from her back yard --- or is it from her porch.

No matter.  She'll blame the liberal media in any case for all and every missteps.

See ya in 2012.   You betcha'.

Hillary_R_Clinton 1979 reads
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Extreme positions - right or left - are not where the majority of american voters are...

Mostly, they want a president, who sounds presidential, further who takes a more centrist approach to most issues.  They also want a candidate who will focus on real issues that affect most, economy, education, health care and the like.

They do NOT care about abortion, gay rights, wars in which we are used to 'police the world,' and who makes what.

Too often, politicians have let the media define the discussion, and that too, needs to stop.  

Bill and I tried to stay focused, and the entire process was hijacked by the media... need I say more.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1570 reads
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"Sixty-nine percent (69%) of Republican voters say Alaska Governor Sarah Palin helped John McCain’s bid for the presidency, even as news reports surface that some McCain staffers think she was a liability."

 I have yet to hear any pundits state who would have helped more than Sarah.. The fact is NO ONE. Not Romney or Guliani or the Huckster..

 Its simple to see the left is afraid of a Real Woman.


Sweatleaf68 5 Reviews 2501 reads
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I have experienced the same thing. Hard core republicans like SP for some strange reason. I cant see why but the ones I have met vigorously defend her.

wormwood 17 Reviews 1948 reads
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They like her for the same reason they liked Reagan.

She's attractive and can spout divisive platitudes that make people feel like they're superior to those with whom they disagree.

In terms of knowledge and experience, she's retarded. I mean that literally. She's way behind anyone would expect from a politician at the national level.

Maybe she can catch up. Maybe not, but it's disheartening to see that so many republicans find her to be a suitable leader for the party. I think this is one of the big reasons that, for the foreseeable future, the republican party will be relatively powerless.

That's a shame because thoughtful conservatives who genuinely care about all Americans need a strong voice in the governing process.

Where's Ike when you need him?

GaGambler 976 reads
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She is like a female Mike Huckabee, she appeals to the religious right. The "hard core" Republicans that you refer to identify with her. She truly is "one of them".

Speaking strictly for myself, while Palin is not the blithering idiot that the left makes her out to be, anyone that polls that well with the wacko faction of the religious right will never get my vote.

Puck 20 Reviews 1384 reads
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One huge difference between Progressives and Conservatives is the left's penchant for self-examination as opposed to the inability of the right to even consider that they may be wrong about anything. They will go to the death beating the same drum in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Hang onto Sarah Palin, by all means. Canonize her. Praise her and protect her, and trot her out every 4 years so that honest government may continue as a succesion of Progressive candidates wipe up the political arena with her.


GaGambler 2530 reads
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Lefties and righites both sing the same song. You both claim the high road, you both claim the other side is narrow minded and unyielding. Do you even listen to your own bullshit.

Puck, I don't mean just you. I am talking about the true partisans of both parties. You don't discuss anything, you just hurl insults back and forth and drown out any meaningful conversation attempted by people who truly want to discuss issues.

Puck 20 Reviews 1209 reads
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I thought you of all people would get the joke.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1586 reads
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"Posted by Puck, 11/10/2008 10:04:13 AM
I thought you of all people would get the joke."
Its easy to see you are a typical lefty blaming everything on the others and never on your own..
If you can't see the failures of both sides of Congress, I can't help you.Maybe you will see it when the Dems have the super majority...
I am waiting for Lieberman or who else to switch parties{with proper payment of course}
Why do you think our schools are getting worse?? So many libs raising little spoiled brat,  "Johnnys" that can do no wrong..
Games without winners..

The libs new motto.
Ask not what you can do for your country,
Demand what your country can give you for free.

Puck 20 Reviews 2111 reads
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BTW - that bastardized motto - we're actually going back to the original (unrecognizable to a Republican):

"Ask not what your country can do for you,
Ask what you can do for your country"

That was said by one of our greatest Presidents, a Democrat. Progressives have taken our country back, and unlike you all, we are happy to allow you to participate in the new order, to prosper and enjoy the fruits of your labors. You just can't get rich off making other people poor anymore.

And we all hope ya choke on it. :D

GaGambler 2243 reads
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It's funny that you would choose this particular quotation considering you just elected a POTUS based on "What can your country do for you?"

BTW Why do you consider JFK one of our greatest Presidents? What exactly did he do to be considered so great?

GaGambler 4358 reads
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was the fact that he was young, good looking and charismatic. He was also the first to use television to market himself. As far as actual accomplishments, he was a little lacking in that department. Sound familiar?

Blackbeltxxx 13 Reviews 1184 reads
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wormwood 17 Reviews 2688 reads
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but she displayed an astounding ignorance of the things one would expect a top national politician to know well.

I don't know a whole lot about him, but I think it would be great if Lindsey Graham took the republican party in a new direction and let the crowd that thinks all republicans have to love god and hate queers go ahead and vote for the American NAZI party.

PuckFalin! 2405 reads
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