Politics and Religion

"What the Klingon says is unimportant, and we do not hear his words" eom
XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2517 reads
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A few weeks back, the real master of US foreign policy [or at least that part which comsumes the majority of the US govt's attentions, energy, and resources] Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu, said something I can subscribe to with little reservation.

Our Churchill for the new millenium, speaking before the UN General Assembly, said [appropos the Iranian govt} : "...the greatest threat facing the world today is the marriage between religious fanaticism and the weapons of mass destruction."

Dudes, i could not believe my ears. I thought, wow, Saul of Tarsus moment.  Move over, Damascene Conversion! I breathlessly waited for Bibi to drop a closetful of Imelda Marcos' other shoes, but no such luck.

If Bibi were for real, and if he really believed what he said, and not merely trafficing in the influence of uninformed and malleable US public opinion, he actually might question whether 200+ nuclear devices in Israeli hands and the political power of the Gush and the disproportionate influence of the fundamentalist Jewish religious/political/settler groups in Israel's fractious parliamentary system is any type of positive boon to the peace, stability and commity of the Middle East.  We do know that it helps bibi's political viability.

Israel is, as it's tireless adepts, acolytes, lickspittles, echo chambers, bootlickers, sychophants, lackies, and overall ideological flunkies remind us with no rest, The Light Unto the Nations.  So, despite Bibi's obvious distaste for POTUS Obama, here a change for the Beebster to emulate our PR-saavy POTUS and embark upon a "teachable moment" with his Arab playmates and would-be interlocutors.

So, when does Bibi, to be consistent with the logic of his brave words, do any of these things:

1. abandon it's nuclear weapons program, as South Africa did a decade ago?

2. sign the NPT, that very document Israel respects so much that it never ceases, at every possible turn, to remind us that Iran is in default of it's solemn obligations under said instrument?

3. open Dimona and assorted sites to international inspection consistent with it's newly adopted obligations under the NPT?

4. 'fess up and apologize to the US for misappropriation of American nuclear weapons technology and fissile missles dating back to the 1960s? [OK Threepeat World Champion Chicago Cubs really will come to pass before that one; posting and hallucinogens are not a synergistic mix]

5. freeze illegal West Bank settlements [not that there are any legal ones, mind you] and reform its governing coalition so as not to be dependent upon the political support of the Israeli orthodox fundamentalist settlers?

Bt suddenly a loud and unexpected noise awoke me.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 827 reads
2 / 4

couldn't agree more. Given the general level of hot-headedness in the Middle East, it should be a nuclear free zone.

GOPGeezer 2 Reviews 1037 reads
3 / 4

And don't get pissed or nothing and if it's any consolation,  people have said it to me several times.
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