Politics and Religion

What part of the report came from the AP did you not understand?
marikod 1 Reviews 367 reads


Or so the AP is reporting with respect to the Parchin nuclear facility:

“Iran will be allowed to use its own inspectors to investigate a site it has been accused of using to develop nuclear arms, operating under a secret agreement with the U.N. agency that normally carries out such work, according to a document seen by The Associated Press.”

     Can this be true? To insure that Iran is not cheating, we agreed to allow Iran to hire its own inspectors to make the inspection? WTF? I would think the AP has it wrong but for the lame explanation given by the Obama administration:

“We are confident in the Agency's technical plans for investigating the possible military dimensions of Iran's former program, issues that in some cases date back more than a decade," National Security Council spokesman Ned Price said. "…"Beyond that, we are not going to comment on a purported draft IAEA document."  

      Ok at a minimum it is time for the “secret side agreements” mess to be ended and all agreements made public.  But, if true, this is very disappointing since Mr. Obama’s robust defense of the inspection protocol never mentioned this rather glaring exception

"Leaving shit out" should have been his motto. LOL

Ok, ball busting done. Let's get real.

There is NO way, Senator Marikod, you would vote for this deal, if this report is correct, right sir?

And furthermore Senator, will you vote to override Mr. Obama's veto?

One last question sir, again if the report is true, will you work in public, and behind the scenes, to convince your fellow Dems currently on the record as being in favor of this deal, to now vote no?

I haven’t heard Benji growling about this one. How could he have missed it? And when they grilled Sec Moniz about the lack of any time anywhere inspections, no one mentioned this either, at least in the part I saw on television.

       This one seems to defy belief. They could move all that enriched uranium to this one facility…

In fact, you would have been one of the first to rip anyone here FOR posting this, if you thought it was untrue, so you must believe it.

As for Benji, how would he know, since it just became public today? Israel wasn't at that negotitating table and these were secret side deals. You think Obama called him and told him? Who would have told him?

With regards to Moniz, he was the one telling us back in April, just 4 months ago, saying that he needed and expected the unfettered "anytime, anywhere" access provision to be in the final draft and now he didn't know this or intentionally kept congress in the dark by omission?

What a fkin mess this is now. "Secret side" deals with a terrorist state. Now THEY get to inspect themselves???

What happened to the "trust but verify" nonsense and the "this is the toughest inspection language any nuke deal has ever had" crap Obama was just selling us just a few weeks ago?  

Now how fishy does it look that he rushed to get it voted on internationally before our congress had a shot at this

He didn't.

Exerpted from the linked article in Times of Israel, which is itself taken from the AP report:

Israel has savaged the deal concluded by the P5+1 powers and Iran, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu branding it a historic mistake that will both pave Iran’s path to the bomb and, by lifting sanctions, cement the Islamist regime in power and allow it fund more terrorist activity and other dangerous regional activities.

While the White House declined to comment on the reported document, Israel’s Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz immediately issued a caustic response. “One must welcome this global innovation and outside-the-box thinking,” he said in a statement dripping with sarcasm. “One can only wonder if the Iranian inspectors will also have to wait 24 days before being able to visit the site and look for incriminating evidence?”

Full article from Associated Press wire service:


Netanyahu has been saying all along this is a bad deal... this latest "Revelation" merely reinforces his argument.

They are relentless in their lying.  

How come, no other news organization reported anything about it?

bigguy30425 reads

Posted By: marikod
      Or so the AP is reporting with respect to the Parchin nuclear facility:  
 “Iran will be allowed to use its own inspectors to investigate a site it has been accused of using to develop nuclear arms, operating under a secret agreement with the U.N. agency that normally carries out such work, according to a document seen by The Associated Press.”  
      Can this be true? To insure that Iran is not cheating, we agreed to allow Iran to hire its own inspectors to make the inspection? WTF? I would think the AP has it wrong but for the lame explanation given by the Obama administration:  
 “We are confident in the Agency's technical plans for investigating the possible military dimensions of Iran's former program, issues that in some cases date back more than a decade," National Security Council spokesman Ned Price said. "…"Beyond that, we are not going to comment on a purported draft IAEA document."  
       Ok at a minimum it is time for the “secret side agreements” mess to be ended and all agreements made public.  But, if true, this is very disappointing since Mr. Obama’s robust defense of the inspection protocol never mentioned this rather glaring exception.  

Germany and France reopened their embassies so did Iran in Germany and France.

UK is opening their embassy this weekend with UK Foreign Secretary present in Tehran after 14 years. Iran is opening theirs in London next week. They are all interested in establishing trade and development.

So what fucking difference does it make if the Congress passes it or not other than embarrassing Obama and the United States? NOT A FUCKING THING.

bigguy30553 reads

This is why you can't even trust the news media anymore and it sounds like they took a page from Fox Fake News.

followme542 reads

Yet you quote and like to link huffpo and you comrade laffy trusts al-jazerra a terrorist run news media and its terrorist reporters.

What make them so trustworthy?  

You're Welcome
For God and Country

BTW Can't wait for January, is that your favorite month too :)


Posted By: bigguy30
This is why you can't even trust the news media anymore and it sounds like they took a page from Fox Fake News.

bigguy30507 reads

So what do you know about real news. LOL

Posted By: followme
Yet you quote and like to link huffpo and you comrade laffy trusts al-jazerra a terrorist run news media and its terrorist reporters.  
 What make them so trustworthy?  
 You're Welcome  
 For God and Country  
 BTW Can't wait for January, is that your favorite month too :)  
Posted By: bigguy30
This is why you can't even trust the news media anymore and it sounds like they took a page from Fox Fake News.

Posted By: followme

 BTW Can't wait for January, is that your favorite month too :)  
Don't know about the month, but January is one of my favorite providers here in Las Vegas:)

You're Welcome:)

2016 = The Year of Hobbying Extensively

-- Modified on 8/20/2015 12:36:44 PM

They report news as is and impartially, unlike Faux Fake News. Who would name an organization Fox other than liars and cheaters?

Train Left the station weeks ago. Besides, your source has no credibility anywhere on the planet.

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