Politics and Religion

What if the cap is raised from from $118k to $150k? (E)
stucaboy 559 reads
1 / 10

by $2.00 per month!  How great is that?  Now if they raise the interest rates I'll be able to "compound" my interest and really make a killing.  I'm not sure whom I should thank?

GaGambler 190 reads
4 / 10

but I will go on record right now and promise to buy EVERYONE who is on this board today who is still here then a one hour session with a hooker.

I was born in 1959, the very end of the baby boom and all you "old fuckers" will have stolen my money long before I become eligible, I can only imagine how the "young'uns" feel about the countless thousands of dollars that will be stolen from them over the next few decades to support this Government sponsored Ponzi scheme.

stucaboy 139 reads
5 / 10

check that keeps dropping in my mail box.  Rather than getting that check every month I would have rather kept and invested the money myself.  However, Uncle-Sam did not think that would be wise.  As for you "young'uns", you can feel free to go and fuck yourself; I got mine.  
As you can well imagine I am really getting all teared up cashing all those checks.
Gag...the real problem is that guys like you and I should not get one single penny from Social Security. We make enough without that SS check.  However, for those who are betting your ass on making ends meet with a SS check you'd better think again. Us old farts plan to eat it all up before it gets to you.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 158 reads
6 / 10

Today's "young ladies" might no longer be fresh and young, but those who'll be coming up might be really yummy! I hope I get one of the new ones, I hope, I hope, I hope!

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 161 reads
7 / 10
GaGambler 166 reads
8 / 10

I hope you are VERY patient as the chances of me EVER getting a check are remote at best.  

I see moving goal posts for the rest of my life, the moment I see one of those checks almost in my grasp, they will change the rules and make me wait "Just a few more years" for the rest of my life

GaGambler 169 reads
9 / 10

but I still don't ever expect to get a check.

I really don't mind them ratcheting up the cap a little bit each year, and I also don't mind them "means testing" retirees, and plain just "old folks" What I don't want to see is the removal of the cap altogether, That would turn Social Security into flat out socialism.  

If I have to pay $15-20K  age into a safety net that will be there for people with no other way of taking care of themselves in their old age, I can live with that. That's not too high a price to provide for those who can't take care of themselves, which could happen to anyone of us, myself included as I am in a pretty high risk business. but to force someone who works his ass off building his own company, makes a couple of mil a year and then you take $300,000 a year from him JUST for social security on top of all the other taxes he pays, that's just fucking communism IMO, and I will never support that option.

DaveMogal 74 Reviews 105 reads
10 / 10

It was like getting an extra hobby money once went over that cap.

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