Politics and Religion

We're still all doomed I tell you.
GOPGeezer 2 Reviews 3453 reads

The long march through the gov. bureaucracies didn't start in the 60's or 70's, it started in the 30's!!!!

Whack job psycho Bolsheviks have been marching through for 80 PLUS YEARS!!!!! 4 GENERATIONS OF PSYCHO LEFTIES GOING THRU ALL THE BUREAUCRACIES!!

Just think of your high school and college experiences.  ALL YOUR TEACHERS AND PROFESSORS WERE LEFTY BASTARDS!!!!!!

Tail gunner Joe McCarthy was right and he was a good man.  We need more people with the courage Senator Joseph McCarthy had.

I hang at couple bars by the University  to look at pussy and it's crazy!!  A hot waitress that had the calculus series IN HIGH SCHOOL AND IS IN PRE-MED or hoping for dental school doesn't know shit about history!!!!

Who were Vietcong? Who were the ARVN? Who was Ho Chi Minh? Who was Pol Pot?   They don't know SHIT!!!

I asked her how Obama is going to do all the things he says and she says "I don't talk politics as work."

Barack Hussein Obama wants a civilian Security Force.  What are they?!  Brown Shirts, SA, SS, Gestapo?!!!!

Say goodbye to the 1st amendment.  Talk radio will be shut down.  
Ditto 2nd amendment.  Your handguns are gone.
Dito 4th amendment.  The Obama Brown Shirts will be busting your door down.
Dito 5th and 6th and 8th amendments.  You're going to rot in jail with no trial.  Gitmo/Gulag here we come.
Ditto 9th amendment and 10th amendments.

The dirty rotten bastard,Saul Alinsky--who's probably rotting in HELL, will be the the true winner if that Bolshevik demon bastard Obama wins tomorrow.

We're all going to suffer I tell you. Dumbass Democrat voters too!!! Not just Republicans.  



The long march through the gov. bureaucracies didn't start in the 60's or 70's, it started in the 30's!!!!

Whack job psycho Bolsheviks have been marching through for 80 PLUS YEARS!!!!! 4 GENERATIONS OF PSYCHO LEFTIES GOING THRU ALL THE BUREAUCRACIES!!

Just think of your high school and college experiences.  ALL YOUR TEACHERS AND PROFESSORS WERE LEFTY BASTARDS!!!!!!

Tail gunner Joe McCarthy was right and he was a good man.  We need more people with the courage Senator Joseph McCarthy had.

I hang at couple bars by the University  to look at pussy and it's crazy!!  A hot waitress that had the calculus series IN HIGH SCHOOL AND IS IN PRE-MED or hoping for dental school doesn't know shit about history!!!!

Who were Vietcong? Who were the ARVN? Who was Ho Chi Minh? Who was Pol Pot?   They don't know SHIT!!!

I asked her how Obama is going to do all the things he says and she says "I don't talk politics as work."

Geezer they are all capitalist lackeys. we may be doomed but it has nothing to do with communism.

jw_blue1690 reads

...and the criminals whom he's going to hire using your tax dollars. It will be like his own version of Saddam HUSSEIN's Republican Guards, but more ghetto.

Leech_Lawyers_R_Us3026 reads

Lowest form of human life found on earth.  More like maggots feeding off the suffering of others.

actually, there are several meanings and interpretations, one of which is "a well-regulated militia" as specified in the 2nd amendment.

Vote Early, Vote Often, Vote for America.

This is proof that the people who are Obama supporters have the mindset of a religion that is more faith-based than reasoned.

The reason I say this is that none of Obama's supporters could answer the question you pose, "what is a civilian security force?"  

To propose something like this without explaining it is tremendous.  It may be minor.  It may be major.  "Civilian security forces" have morphed into brown shirts.  

I want to be clear before people say I am paranoid.  I don't know what he means.  But it suggests an idea that is unprecedented in the history of the nation.  It also suggests an entity that has the potential for record abuse.

To support the person proposing it without knowing what such a potentially radical idea means indicates that the person is not thinking about what he is supporting.

While there are many times when not everyone knows every a candidate proposes, some things are so major that to vote for him without knowing what it is demonstrates that reason does not matter.

This is one.

it's very clear that he is talking about programs such as AmeriCorps. That makes sense as security involves more than just military actions.

"Today, AmeriCorps – our nation’s network of local, state and national service programs – has 75,000 slots. And I know firsthand the quality of these programs. My wife Michelle once left her job at a law firm at city hall to be a founding director of an AmeriCorps program in Chicago that trains young people for careers in public service. These programs invest Americans in their communities and their country. They tap America’s greatest resource – our citizens.

That’s why as President, I will expand AmeriCorps to 250,000 slots, and make that increased service a vehicle to meet national goals like providing health care and education, saving our planet and restoring our standing in the world, so that citizens see their efforts connected to a common purpose. People of all ages, stations, and skills will be asked to serve. Because when it comes to the challenges we face, the American people are not the problem – they are the answer.

So we are going to send more college graduates to teach and mentor our young people. We’ll call on Americans to join an Energy Corps to conduct renewable energy and environmental cleanup projects in their neighborhoods all across the country. We will enlist our veterans to find jobs and support for other vets, to be there for our military families. And we’re going to grow our Foreign Service, open consulates that have been shuttered, and double the size of Peace Corps by 2011 to renew our diplomacy.

We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

One may argue that taking such a large part of the private sector and making it part of the government is problematic but it's silly to think he's proposing some massive Obama Youth program which will round up everyone who 'loves America'.

You are talking about health care and community service.  I know what that means.

What I don't know, and what you (or he)don't explain is what is the component is the a (You don't know because he doesn't explain.)How does that fit into his "community service?"  Security services usually have power to detain.  Does this one?  (You don't know because he doesn't explain.)  Security services are often armed. Is this one? (You don't know because he doesn't explain.)

To say "Americorp" is about 7 million miles away from "civilian national security force."  People who work in hospitals and teach kids and that type of community service usually are not considered "security forces."  

It is this huge leap from a corps of people doing education, health, environmental, and other things he mentions to "security force."

I DID NOT make the jump that you imply that "he's proposing some massive Obama Youth program."  

I said I did not know because it was undefined.

Prove me wrong by saying what the "security force" component is. I know what health care does. Do you know what security forces do? (No.)

of all manner of heinous things with no evidence are really just acting out their own fantasies of doing the same thing. It's called projection.

I've said it before. If you had been born in Germany in 1910, you'd have been rounding up Jews with glee and volunteering for oven duty. It must feel like hell to be so scared of things you don't understand that you feel the need to destroy them.

I did not accuse him of anything, heinous or not.  As I said, "I don't know what he means."

I was saying that his proposal is not clear, and I was asking.  

It seems to have gotten to the stage where if someone asks what he means, people jump down your throat.

If a candidate is proposing something that has never been done before and he does not define what it is, don't you think it is fair for someone to say, "What does he mean?"

It is that lack of other people asking that prompted my post.

Indeed, you would think that for a novel and unique proposal someone in the national press might have at least one or two questions.

But questions are never asked, which makes me believe people accept things on blind faith

Now I have an idea of what "civilian security" forces are.  It seems that the Black Panthers have taken it upon themselves to arm themselves with night sticks and provide "security" at polling places.

Wow, paranoid me to think that something like a Civilian Security Force could be abused.

I'm sorry for asking the question.


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