Politics and Religion

Well, you should ask the real lawyers on the Board to clear up all those “ifs”
nuguy46 1782 reads
1 / 25

and the top Iranian General - leader of Quds-force - defies travel ban and meets with Putin. What does Obama do?  Nothing. Never does when his red line(s) are crossed. Just looks for a new golf course.

Kerry was questioned on July 29, five days after the Iranian leader's Moscow visit, about Soleimani receiving sanctions relief.  

Kerry responded: "Under the United States's initiative, Qassem Soleimani will never be relieved of any sanctions."  So now what John?


Timbow 426 reads
2 / 25

Posted By: nuguy46
and the top Iranian General - leader of Quds-force - defies travel ban and meets with Putin. What does Obama do?  Nothing. Never does when his red line(s) are crossed. Just looks for a new golf course.  
 Kerry was questioned on July 29, five days after the Iranian leader's Moscow visit, about Soleimani receiving sanctions relief.  
 Kerry responded: "Under the United States's initiative, Qassem Soleimani will never be relieved of any sanctions."  So now what John?  

HONDA 153 Reviews 507 reads
3 / 25

".....................with a veto proof majority. I'm not surprised you fell for this scam. Schumer is a snake! He will tell his Jewish supporters in NewYork he opposes the deal but will make sure enough Democrats in the Senate support the deal so a veto by Obama cannot be overridden.  

Posted By: nuguy46
and the top Iranian General - leader of Quds-force - defies travel ban and meets with Putin. What does Obama do?  Nothing. Never does when his red line(s) are crossed. Just looks for a new golf course.  
 Kerry was questioned on July 29, five days after the Iranian leader's Moscow visit, about Soleimani receiving sanctions relief.  
 Kerry responded: "Under the United States's initiative, Qassem Soleimani will never be relieved of any sanctions."  So now what John?  
-- Modified on 8/7/2015 10:50:03 AM

JackDunphy 308 reads
4 / 25

What is he thinking not trusting a terrorist state, that wants our key ally wiped off the map and is pursuing the means to do so, that has a horrific track record of not honoring deals while holding our four hostages?  

Schumer is just one of those right wing crazies who feels giving terrorists $150 bn to kill innocent people is wrong. What a nut job!

The ink wasn't even dry on the deal and the Iranians are already cheating!

Who could have possibly seen this coming? :D :D :D

marikod 1 Reviews 696 reads
5 / 25

not only now but also  after eight years, as I understand the Iran agreement. And the US will enforce the UN travel ban.  

       Russia, however, has obviously decided already to no longer honor the United Nations Travel Ban on this guy. We have nothing to do with that.

       But this  underscores the naivety of the Board righties, and our lost lefty lamb Doctor Gonzo, that we can vote down the Iran agreement and instead install even “tougher sanctions ”  through “coercive diplomacy.” Russia is not going to honor any future tough sanctions. They have made that pretty clear.  China and India continue to buy more and more oil from Iran. They are not going to stop either.      

       In short, if Congress voids the deal, or if Congress approves but one of the vote pandering Republicans (“the first thing I’m going to do is revoke the Iran deal”) is elected president and rescinds it, the only thing we can count on is that US sanctions will be back in place.

       The EU has already approved the Iran deal. If the US votes no or rescinds, do you really think they will come back  and agree to the former sanctions, much less tougher ones?

         Under the agreement, btw the European Union waives sanctions against Suleimani after 8 years. So he will be able to travel thru Europe and open bank accounts there. So get use to this guy bopping around regardless of what happens.

        And what really cracks me up when I hear someone say “let’s get tough on sanctions,” is we weren’t enforcing the existing sanctions even BEFORE the Iran agreement. The GAO in June said the State Dept was THREE YEARS BEHIND  in reporting sanction violations. The UN also reported that many countries were not reporting Iran sanctions violations.

     So now we are going to get tough

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 270 reads
6 / 25

You must be joking! Israel is not an ally but pain in the ass.  

Has created and continue to create more problems for us.  

What does Israel has ever done for us?  


marikod 1 Reviews 310 reads
7 / 25

protocol that I keep hearing the righties agonize over?

JackDunphy 460 reads
8 / 25

Or "we've never said anyone wouldn't lose their doctor, we said the ACA wouldn't be the cause."  

Come on, Mari. Krauthammer just destroyed this deal, Obama's ridiculous defense of same and the fallacy of snap back sanctions.

But really, what were you expecting from a guy that was so dishonest selling this POS deal when he said it was "THIS deal or WAR."

People in both the US and Israel have now looked at the deal and they think Obama got bullied by a terrorist state and capitulated to all their key demands.

And they think that because...HE DID

stickysylvester 17 Reviews 334 reads
9 / 25

doesnt he know that when obama speaks we all have to listen  

Congress has a 10% approval so obama can dis regard congress

JackDunphy 400 reads
10 / 25

It was Obama Inc telling us it was needed in April and the Energy Sec. telling us it would be in the final draft.

So, you tell me. Why did THEY tell us it was important for it to be in there only to cave to the Iranians at the last second?

thisbud4u 312 reads
11 / 25

The UN Security Council and the European Union voted and approved the Iran Nuclear Agreement unanimously.    That lifts lot of sanctions and travel bans that were in place for Iran.

The 5 countries who signed and approved the agreement as well as all other member nations of the UN are under no obligation to obey or follow anything the 55 Ayatollahs in US Senate do about the agreement.    They can approve it, reject it,  tear it up (yesterday's debate) or pee on it, it is not going to make any difference to rest of the countries.

The US can keep its sanctions and travel bans but it will be more of a big joke than a deterrent.   When Iran starts to export its oil, it can put all oil revenues in European Banks and held in Euro.

There will be two big losers in this whole thing:   Israel & USA.

bigguy30 351 reads
12 / 25

It's ways to make this deal happen even if he does not support it personally.

Posted By: HONDA
".....................with a veto proof majority. I'm not surprised you fell for this scam. Schumer is a snake! He will tell his Jewish supporters in NewYork he opposes the deal but will make sure enough Democrats in the Senate support the deal so a veto by Obama cannot be overridden.  
Posted By: nuguy46
and the top Iranian General - leader of Quds-force - defies travel ban and meets with Putin. What does Obama do?  Nothing. Never does when his red line(s) are crossed. Just looks for a new golf course.  
  Kerry was questioned on July 29, five days after the Iranian leader's Moscow visit, about Soleimani receiving sanctions relief.    
  Kerry responded: "Under the United States's initiative, Qassem Soleimani will never be relieved of any sanctions."  So now what John?  
-- Modified on 8/7/2015 10:50:03 AM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 348 reads
13 / 25

...and his first priority is keeping his job, and succeeding Harry Reid as leader of the Senate Democrats.  He knows he would face a tough election with lots of money being given to his opponent if he votes for the deal.

Citizen United rears its ugly head again.

HONDA 153 Reviews 287 reads
14 / 25

He announces publically he's against the nuclear deal and receives Jewish support but then promises Obama/Democratic establishment that he will fight privately to get the deal through the Senate. Pretty slick even though I cannot stand the guy.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...and his first priority is keeping his job, and succeeding Harry Reid as leader of the Senate Democrats.  He knows he would face a tough election with lots of money being given to his opponent if he votes for the deal.  
 Citizen United rears its ugly head again.
-- Modified on 8/7/2015 5:30:54 PM

Timbow 433 reads
15 / 25
marikod 1 Reviews 395 reads
16 / 25

Well, because the families of persons killed on 9/11 and their lawyers have six billion good reasons to love the sanctions relief afforded Iran by the Iran agreement- as do the other victims of Iran terror who have their own judgments

       In 2012, the 9/11 families obtained a default judgment for 6 billion in federal court against Iran, Al Qaeda, and Osama Bin Laden in 2012.  That ‘s right – Iran is liable for 9/11. And you thought it was Saddam – or at least George did.

          Collecting against Osama and Al Qaeda proved difficult. Duh.  But there is 6 billion in frozen Iran funds sitting in Citibank and several other US  banks. The 9/11 plaintiffs have tried to attach these funds to pay their judgment but the courts have said “no” as long as the funds remain frozen.

         If the Iran agreement is upheld, and Iranian monies are unfrozen, the terror victims  in theory should be able to attach these funds. Some of the terror victims  have filed a lawsuit asking the court to force the Obama admin to pay their judgments before the funds are released to Iran.  That seems fair to me –instead of Iran using the money for MORE terrorism they have to pay for past bad acts.

         And let’s not forget about those shepherds of the lord, the lawyers, who took these cases on a one third contingency. They will make out like bandits. As will the hedge funds who bought the judgments from desperate 9/11 families for pennies on the dollar. Not quite as warm and fuzzy a story but I still like it.

Iran really screwed up by not insisting on some kind of immunity for the judgment.

        But if the Iran agreement is voted down – no sanctions relief for Iran and no money for the 9/11 families.  

             So if you oppose the Iran agreement, you ironically also oppose the last chance the 9/11 families and other terror victims have of  receiving compensation for their losses.

PS- this was originally posted as an OP to avoid hijacking nuguy’s thread but is reposted here per TER instructions.
Posted By: nuguy46
and the top Iranian General - leader of Quds-force - defies travel ban and meets with Putin. What does Obama do?  Nothing. Never does when his red line(s) are crossed. Just looks for a new golf course.  
 Kerry was questioned on July 29, five days after the Iranian leader's Moscow visit, about Soleimani receiving sanctions relief.  
 Kerry responded: "Under the United States's initiative, Qassem Soleimani will never be relieved of any sanctions."  So now what John?  

JackDunphy 357 reads
17 / 25

...with the likelihood that Iran would take some of that $150billion and use it for more terrorism in the future? Now who would that be....hmmmmm......

marikod 1 Reviews 375 reads
18 / 25

the 9/11 hijackers to travel thru Iran to Afghanistan without stamping their passports which in turn allowed these guys to get US Visas. Per the plaintiffs evidence, Iran was aware of the attacks pre-9/11 and aided the hijackers. Iran also allowed some al queda guys to  escape into Iran after the Afghan invasion.

     There is much more that you can read in the attached link if interested. I can't vouch for this summary but something convinced the judge.

     Of course, Iran did not defend the lawsuit. So all the judge had was evidence against Iran. We don’t know if this stuff is true or not, but this is what happens when you don’t defend.

     Can Iran come in now and move to set aside the default judgment and defend?  We will save that question for another day.

   And btw Saudi Arabia is not off the hook yet in this lawsuit. Talk about a DEEP pocket.
Posted By: Laffy
The hijackers came from Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan/Pakistan gave Osama a place to hide.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 332 reads
19 / 25

Goes right along with the WMD fiction of Iraq

marikod 1 Reviews 352 reads
20 / 25

terrorism plaintiffs would get more. I have not added it up  but I doubt it is 150 billion. Further, the assets have to be subject to United States attachment. Iran funds frozen by other countries would not be subject to US attachment.  And once it becomes apparent that attachment MAY be possible, you bet Iran would settle for less. Or maybe Congress passes a law providing some immunity here.

      So absolutely we have to assume that even under a best case scenario for plaintiffs, Iran will take some of that 150 billion and use it for terrorism. This is the trade off for stopping Iran from getting the bomb at least before the one year break out time. I'd just love to see these guys get paid first and reduce the sum available for this.

marikod 1 Reviews 377 reads
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JackDunphy 486 reads
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Lot of "Ifs" in your supposition that need to be cleared.

But even if all that pans out, that is still grasping at straws as to why this is a good or bad deal.

We still have no clue what is in the secret side deals and its stunning to think we signed off on this without knowing that. The IAEA a is essentially the referee between the West and Iran.

Now imagine you were coaching a team, say college hoops. You find out before the big game, the opposing team has a "deal" with the refs.  

You go over to the refs and say "what is this I am hearing about some special deal you worked out with my opponent?"

And imagine there reply is "we are barred from talking about it."

Would you really feel confident that that game was on the up and up or would you have massive cause for concern?

No need to respond as of course this is just rhetorical.

Secret side deals with a terrorist state, that Kerry, Obama and the congress don't know even  know about, boggles the mind.

marikod 1 Reviews 413 reads
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I can only give you the Unemployed Porn Star view. This one is way over my pay grade, if I had a pay grade.

       The lawsuit was just filed this week. As we speak, Justice Dept lawyers are preparing a motion to dismiss raising all kinds of defenses I have never heard of. Plus I have not read the Iran agreement-maybe there is something in there that protects Iran, as outrageous as that would be.

        The Obama admin has not been very friendly to the plaintiffs so far. They sided with Saudi Arabia in getting the sheiks out of the law suit. A court brought them back in and the S Ct declined to review. Have not heard Mr. O say anything about this so far.

You will be hearing more about this when the DOJ files its response

thisbud4u 352 reads
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He equated the Republicans and some Democrat Congressmen whose loyalty is to the theocratic Zionist state.     He stands by his statement that the members of Congress who opposed the Iran Agreement before it was even announced as no better than the Iranian Ayatollahs and hardliners who oppose anything their Government does in foreign affairs.  
 Good for you Mr. President.   They deserve that honor

JackDunphy 392 reads
25 / 25

When you have figured that out, then ask yourself a few questions:

Why is Russia and China in favor of it?

And Hamas and Hezbollah?

And Syria and Iran?

Go read the Munich Agreement when you get a a chance. The Euro powers of the day agreed to allow Germany to annex parts of Czechoslovakia.

So today's Germany is the appeaser as the Germany back thenwas the appeasee.

Appeasement is all the rage today, Laff.  

How has that worked out in history?

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