Politics and Religion

Well the Chief Justice must certainly feel like a played ass.
JackDunphy 888 reads

How ironic would it be if he voted with the other 4 conservatives and based his decision, at least in part, to Grubers comments about it?

JackDunphy1039 reads

Just the look of satisfaction on his face that he "succeeded" in getting this POS law by the CBO and the American people is disgusting.  

I just wonder if good, decent Dems will come out and say they wouldn't have voted for it after knowing all the lies, deception and chicanery the Omama Admin put into it.

No worries though Ed. I am sure this is MAJOR news on MSNBC.  

Maybe they will get to it after they finish that 5 part series with Sharyll Atkkisson?

salonpas777 reads

...........they all lie about their policies to get elected and stay in power, doesn't mean it's right but they all do it. Example: Political candidates tack to the left or the right of their political spectrum during their primary election and then move to the center during the general election. Would you like to nominate Bush II administration the gold standard for transparency? If the average citizen weren't so dumb, politicians would not play these games.

-- Modified on 11/10/2014 10:47:05 PM

followme834 reads

“They all do it” to distract attention from the issue at hand.

It is a fact that this administration pulls that shit more often and more egregiously than any administration in the past.

You’re Welcome
2016 = GOP WH Senate and Hous

bigguy30728 reads

So people get upset when the government lies to help other Americans get health care?

I get upset when the goverenment lied about WMD and people lost their lives in a war over a lie!

What makes the percussion of one lie, worse than another lie?

I'm talking about the lie itself therefore the repercussion of the lie. Can not be used to answer the question.

bigguy30897 reads

When one government lies to try and save lives.

Also the guy did say he wish they could have been more transparent.

They knew the GOP scum back then and now were working overtime lying to people themselves!

Then Bush government lies and people die because of his wars.

So when the Vice President Dick head Cheney says so when ask about the American people opinion about the war back then.

This is all we need to know about this debate!

-- Modified on 11/11/2014 7:45:05 AM

He's clearly not talking about those of us who don't believe their lies and don't vote Democrat.

Posted By: bigguy30
When one government lies to try and save lives.  
 Also the guy did say he wish they could have been more transparent.  
 They knew the GOP scum back then and now were working overtime lying to people themselves!  
 Then Bush government lies and people die because of his wars.  
 So when the Vice President Dick head Cheney says so when ask about the American people opinion about the war back then.  
 This is all we need to know about this debate!  

-- Modified on 11/11/2014 7:45:05 AM

bigguy30819 reads

We all remember what happen back in 2010?

When you had talk of death panels from clueless Sarah Palin.

Also how can we forget the tea party trying to take over those town halls meetings on health care.

So this guy should have kept this to himself but most voters don't think for themselves and are like sheep.

The GOP extremist will point to this guy and I will point right back to them!

If you don't like the truth then don't ask for it.

We should have learned that from Vice President Dick head Cheney  


-- Modified on 11/11/2014 6:11:41 AM

No, we only engage in “enhanced interrogation techniques?” Waterboarding? Torture” “Get out of here – we waterboard our own troops.” (Only not 197 times in a month).

          And then “losing” the CIA torture tapes so this lie could not be exposed? And then after we gradually came to realize that the Bush admin used  torture as a matter of course, the Republicans told us “ we should just move forward.

         Now that’s what I all “lack of transparency” and it continues to this day – by all accounts, the Senate torture report is going to be so heavily redacted when it is finally  release that we still will have only a partial picture. And the Panetta Review – which many believe confirm the Senate Torture Report – may not be released at all.

        The Affordable Care Act? Lack of transparency? Not so much. You seem to forget that the ACA is a published law and was a published bill before it became law.  From Day One, anyone who took the time to understand the mandate understood that “we would take money” from the young and healthy and use it to pay for the old and sick. Even your "main stream media” covered that one pretty well.  (By the way , did you know that when you buy a new car, you pay a little extra to cover for the cost of product caused accidents? What? No one told you that either?)

         As to the mandate being written as a fee when the drafters knew it was a “tax,” that is purely a legal question on which constitutional scholars disagree even to this day. This guy didn’t know what it was but obviously every politician uses other terminology when possible bc tax characterization is a death knell for any bill.

    I'd say we should be more concerned when the government really deceives us. If I can read it myself to get the true facts, shame on me if I'm too lazy to do so

JackDunphy870 reads

The Dems who VOTED for it admitted they didn't read it. It wasn't just written to fool the CBO, it was written so the American people would have no idea what was in it even if they read it it.  

Apparently you think this is good government.  

As liberal constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley recently said....

"Obama now has the presidency Nixon always wanted."

The government really did deceive us on this and they just admitted it on tape.

And all you can do is blame the citizens who got duped by this charlatan.


Tell Fonz we all said hi.

bigguy30916 reads

So lying and making up stories on WMD is not as bad?

When soldiers died on those lies and made up facts!

Then you get upset on a healthcare lie to save lives and help people against your scum of a political party?

I guess you can't see past that GOP bullshit!


-- Modified on 11/11/2014 10:49:27 AM

Iraq! Get it!

When I read you right wingers on this board straining at gnats, like Ed, when it comes to Obama, I'm just reminded of the long-term pain and suffering Republican's have been enduring due to the shame and humiliation of Watergate, Iran-Contra gate, the Iraq war, Katrina, having a Democrat get Osama bin Laden, and the list goes on. You have my sympathies!   ;)

JackDunphy800 reads

For this latest revelation of government corruption and malfeasance but no, liberal Matt is back in the drivers seat I see.

Moderate Matt would have agreed and would have been pissed with the obvious point of our government gloating how they got one passed the American people but not liberal Matt. He is too busy WK for bigguy, the leader in the club house for SPOTY points.

Tell moderate Matt I was asking for him bro

I can see why you not wAnt to mention that, what with 10X the KIAs and all..

Get that gnat!!

Posted By: mattradd
Iraq! Get it!  
 When I read you right wingers on this board straining at gnats, like Ed, when it comes to Obama, I'm just reminded of the long-term pain and suffering Republican's have been enduring due to the shame and humiliation of Watergate, Iran-Contra gate, the Iraq war, Katrina, having a Democrat get Osama bin Laden, and the list goes on. You have my sympathies!   ;)

America people would have no idea what it was even if they read it? And you blame the administration for this?

       Damn. You are right, Jack, that is downright diabolical. We need to start making laws clearer, like the tax code, right? LOL.

        As to Jonathan Turley, I’ll tell you a good story. A friend of mine was a graduate student at GW. Turley was his adviser. He kept calling Turley’s office to schedule an appointment but Turley was never in and would never return the call.

      So one day he called and pretended to be from CNN.  He left a message that CNN wanted Turley to comment on a recent Supreme Court case.

He got a return call that afternoon. LOL  

“Obama has the presidency that Nixon wanted” is too silly to even warrant discussion.

         As to architect Gruber, did you know that he claimed that Obamacare subsidies were  
indeed to be available only on the state exchanges to “reward” them for creating their own marketplace, and then later claimed that this theory was “nutty?” Not the most honest guy around I’d say

JackDunphy795 reads

You know, because it has his name on it and...it's his signature legislation...he has lied about it...and he is the president, right?

Want me to expand the blame it to all the idiots who voted for it that didn't read it? Done. Happy?

And who would YOU get back to first? Your gay, stalker friend or Anderson Cooper? Or was it Bernie Shaw back then? Lol

I can only imagine the silly case you would make if Obama ever waterboarded anyone.

Posted By: marikod
    No, we only engage in “enhanced interrogation techniques?” Waterboarding? Torture” “Get out of here – we waterboard our own troops.” (Only not 197 times in a month).  
           And then “losing” the CIA torture tapes so this lie could not be exposed? And then after we gradually came to realize that the Bush admin used  torture as a matter of course, the Republicans told us “ we should just move forward.  
          Now that’s what I all “lack of transparency” and it continues to this day – by all accounts, the Senate torture report is going to be so heavily redacted when it is finally  release that we still will have only a partial picture. And the Panetta Review – which many believe confirm the Senate Torture Report – may not be released at all.  
         The Affordable Care Act? Lack of transparency? Not so much. You seem to forget that the ACA is a published law and was a published bill before it became law.  From Day One, anyone who took the time to understand the mandate understood that “we would take money” from the young and healthy and use it to pay for the old and sick. Even your "main stream media” covered that one pretty well.  (By the way , did you know that when you buy a new car, you pay a little extra to cover for the cost of product caused accidents? What? No one told you that either?)  
          As to the mandate being written as a fee when the drafters knew it was a “tax,” that is purely a legal question on which constitutional scholars disagree even to this day. This guy didn’t know what it was but obviously every politician uses other terminology when possible bc tax characterization is a death knell for any bill.  
     I'd say we should be more concerned when the government really deceives us. If I can read it myself to get the true facts, shame on me if I'm too lazy to do so.  

JackDunphy722 reads

Gruber has apologized for his remarks.

How funny is it though that HE couldn't defend his own comments but the libs HERE are bending over backwards to come up with all kinds of excuses, straw men and Bush bashing to do so? Lol

Great post Ed!

bigguy30785 reads

The stupid voter this guy was talking about is you Jack.

He has no power unlike Bush or Dick Head Cheney.

I love it how you can bash this consultant and President for trying to save lives and helping people.

When you can't even bash the previous one for lying about a war and soldiers dying for it.

Then people wonder why I call the GOP scum and low information voters

The misplaced outrage above could be as simple as the fact that Gruber is calling the Dems and other Obama devout cohorts, the actual stupid ones. For it was ONLY the Dems that voted for the lies. You and I and most of those that voted nay, almost from the start, knew the truth. We weren’t duped and we said as much at the time. The Press knew the truth but they played their devious part in the stage play.  

I merely stated in my OP that one of the architects, one of Obama’s top advisers, has now told the truth, and that everyone should be paying attention and paying attention for a long time.  

Also in play, it seems that some here are perplexed because their straw man and red herring excuses haven’t been met with a response of “I know you are but what am I?”, so typically expected in play ground logic and tactics which have recently been injected here.

BTW, we’ll have to wait and see if Gruber’s confessions will impact the pending SCOTUS review regarding Federal exchanges

JackDunphy889 reads

How ironic would it be if he voted with the other 4 conservatives and based his decision, at least in part, to Grubers comments about it?

If you want to talk about Bush, bring up Obama!


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