Politics and Religion

Well, that's all very interesting and all, but what does that have to do with my post? ;)
mattradd 40 Reviews 1234 reads
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quadseasonal 27 Reviews 274 reads
3 / 16

Hillary helped create ISIS long before Trump became a political visionary.
Trump had nothing to do with Muslim religious fanatics participating with violence against, and cheering  at the death of Jews, homosexuals and adulteress women, for hundreds upon hundreds of years.  
  Question for the  board's most famous Muslim cheerleaders.
   Why do  ISIS terrorists target a peaceful non intrusive Muslim welcoming country like Belgium, absent of  Trump's influence?
  I'll answer with my theory, they hate Western freedoms, democracy  and despise our way of life.  

"Real-estate mogul Donald Trump opened his Saturday-night rally by blasting the Obama administration's approach to Iran and the Islamic State terrorist group.

"I'm pretty good at signals, and I see a lot of things happening," Trump said at a campaign stop in Biloxi, Mississippi.

The Republican presidential front-runner pointed to Iranian protesters ransacking the Saudi Embassy in Tehran earlier in the day, after Saudi Arabia executed a prominent Shiite cleric.

"One thing I see out there just happened today in Tehran," Trump said. "They're burning down the Saudi Embassy, you see that? Now, what that is  Iran wants to take over Saudi Arabia. They always have. They want the oil, OK? They've always wanted that."

In order to tout his predicting ability, Trump cited his past calls for the US to bomb the oil assets of the Islamic State group, also known as ISIS.

"I've predicted a lot of things, you have to say, including, 'Get the oil, take the oil, keep the oil.' Right? I've been saying that for three years, and everybody said, 'Oh, I can't do that. I mean, this is a sovereign country.' There is no country!" Trump exclaimed.

He then blamed US President Barack Obama and his former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, for the Islamic State's rise.

"They have a bunch of dishonest people," he continued. "They've created ISIS. Hillary Clinton created ISIS with Obama — created with Obama. But I love predicting because you know, ultimately, you need somebody with vision."

At his Saturday rally, Trump also blasted Hillary Clinton for a report on her husband's paid speeches while she was secretary of state. As he has done frequently before, Trump further asserted that Clinton "shouldn't be allowed to run" because of the private email system she used for her State Department work.

"She should be in jail, by the way, for what she did," Trump said. "Everybody knows she should be in jail. What she did with the emails is a disgrace," he added."

joecarter 229 reads
4 / 16

by screwing the pooch on the SOFA in Iraq.  Betcha Laffy or BigGuy or Papa have no idea what that was.

ISIS's (Al Queda, Boko Haram, . . . . ) best recruiting tool is making Barack their bitch (per Bin Laden's notes).  Drones killing civilians helps too.  

Weakness invites aggression and our adversaries see Obama as a pussy.  Our friend/allies don't trust him.  Now that be leadership.

-- Modified on 1/3/2016 3:07:57 PM

joecarter 256 reads
5 / 16

screwed-up, Barry made it much worse. Barack just made it a certainty that Iran is getting the bomb, hell, we might do it for them . . . .

again, either you know the WMD thing wasn't lies or you should.  Clinton, Kerry  . . . .  all voted for the war and saw the same intel but those facts don't matter to libs.

Osama never talked about GITMO, yet another lie fabricated by libs and had Slick Willy had the chance to cap UBL and didn't take it and did nothing about the Cole, Kobai towers or the African Embassies.  Part of the legacy of dem pussy presidents.

I will repeat the lesson:  Weakness invites aggression and Obama is a pussy, like Clinton before him and maybe Hillary after.

followme 240 reads
6 / 16

The Saudis executed 47 terrorists.

If you really think that what trump said and Bush putting some in GITMO was  
was a recruiting tool how about the Saudis executing 47 of them.

Also The Saudis cut ties with iran and obama is kissing the mullah's ass.

2016 = GOP All The Way

BTW how was everything at church today? What Hymn's did you and the thumpers3  sing

joecarter 231 reads
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no one lied, no matter how often you say it don't make it so.  libs lie to support their flawed, soul/freedom crushing and destructive  ideology

EVERYONE agreed with the intel reports including Hillary, Bill, Kerry, Kennedy (the only person with a confirmed kill in the War on Women!). Brit, German, French, Saudi  . . . . intel agencies ALL had the same intel.  Hillary voted for the war, Obama was still doing dope.

Speaking of liars, lemme see Hillary's lies include 1) Rose firm law records 2) email (no work email, none classified, it was "okd" . . . . ain't over, might get indicted), 3) shot at in Afghanistan 4) lied to the faces of the families of the 4 killed in Benghazi at Dover over their flag-draped caskets that it had something to do with a video when she knew better (how vile is that?!).  

There are many more examples that show how truly corrupt she is.  Never mind how she enabled Bill and enabled his disgracing of the Presidency while she took the lead in destroying the countless women he assaulted.  THAT was a REAL war on women.

Hillary is dirty as is anyone who votes for that despicable human being.

Obama won WaPos liar of the year award in 2014 for his ACA/Obamacare serial lying.

Russia made Barack help Iran build their nuke.  Putin simply bullied the pussy-in-chief. Obama.  I guess that you think Russia is our ally and Israel, and the Saudis aren't.

-- Modified on 1/3/2016 8:52:24 PM

joecarter 236 reads
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I am sure that even you know that.  You just prefer to repeat lies cuz they make cute lib memes "Bush lied, people died".  Rhyming is all important to the simple.

Your support of the greatest liars in modern political times. CP Barry and Hillary. shows that you and the truth are not well acquainted.  Your folks must be disappointed at the lack of character of their child that they raised.

not only are you a cute little lib, but you are REALLY predictable.


User1994 23 Reviews 230 reads
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Of course, as predicted, they make one after the Democrat makes the claim. (See link)

This is just like buying the winning lottery ticket after the winning numbers are announced.

She got caught lying yet again and Trump called her on it.

And you link to HUFFPO!!! LOL

-- Modified on 1/4/2016 1:32:09 PM

mattradd 40 Reviews 248 reads
10 / 16

And, are you saying there wasn't anything on social media that  ISIS would use regarding Trump's remarks. It doesn't take a genius to figure out they would use his words as a recruiting tools!  ;)

GaGambler 247 reads
11 / 16

We have seen what years of appeasement have gotten us. Isn't it about time we  at least agree what to call it?

Have you been watching the news today? That so called Iranian nuclear deal is looking dumber by the hour.

joecarter 231 reads
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lying is as natural to her as having kankles.

joecarter 239 reads
13 / 16

who is the biggest pussy?

you're thoughts . . .

mattradd 40 Reviews 221 reads
14 / 16

I thought I was addressing whether ISIS could have been using Trump's remarks, before or after Hilary made her's! ;)

Be careful! Laffy could easily use your last response to my response, to User, as evidence that you are a Trump groupie!  ;)

followme 242 reads
15 / 16

to send OTHERS off to die.

Like obama did sending the Navy Seals to get bin laden  
and then obama takes a victioy lap and takes credit for killing bin laden
and all the lefties cheer and give praise to obama their lord and savior  

You're Welcome
2016 = GOP All The Way

BTW What branch of the US military did obama serve in.

ed2000 31 Reviews 247 reads
16 / 16

Neville very quickly admitted his mistake and then made Winston a member of his war cabinet. After Churchill's election victory he returned the honor by inviting Chamberlain into the war cabinet.

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