Politics and Religion

well I am at a complete loss as to how your Aca premiums
marikod 1 Reviews 62 reads

Could be more than twice your mortgage payment if your mortgage is way more than Six hundred. That would mean your premiums are around 1600 to 2000. And you say you still have high deductibles which usually means lower premiums. So I would agree the policy you have reflects poorly on Aca affordability. But again that is your choice to pay that much. You should go to the exchange and get a new policy next fall. I don't know what state you live in but in most if not all states you can get a silver policy for 500 to 700 for one individual.
Whether the Aca is a good or bad law, and whether it was represented properly as affordable are different questions. I was responding to your numbers which make no sense to me.

I will note, however, that you have twice ignored the qualifier in my post-that the Aca is insurance for the sick. To them, it most certainly is affordable. For each doctor who left for early retirement, I can give  you 5 insured who could not pay for health care but for that law.

That is a real difference

...since 20 years ago of the 1996 election, that it was a waste of time. That voting was akin to masturbation, that the only difference is that when you masturbate you at least have a little something to show for your efforts. How true those words are today. This week was suppose to be Hillary's coronation, and yet she even managed to make that a scandal thanks to some help from wikileaks. Meanwhile, Trump's clown circus has come to a close, and the only thing we've learned is it's possible to take the good idea of controlling our borders and immigration and make it sound like a complete hysterical shit-show.  

Meanwhile, when you really think about it, not much really changes from one President to another. We get a new clownish figurehead, but the bureaucrats and those who bribe them make all the decision unimpeded. Just think about how things like the internet and free trade has transformed our entire society (sometimes for better and for worse), and yet you never voted for any of these things, no candidate ran on these things, these changes simply happen whether you like it or not.  

I'd considered holding my nose for Hillary, but in her case, I think I'd need a bucket to vomit in. But after this, I think I'm going to take George's advice and do something more productive on Election Day. I'm going to stay home. Besides, the quality of ass in my neck of the woods is absolutely outstanding these days. So to my fellow hobbyists, I say it's take to wake up and smell the roses. Your vote doesn't count, and even if it did, it wouldn't matter anyway. Do something that's actually worth doing instead. For me, that might include pounding a hot little red head in her no-no hole.  

All I'm saying is that as this election heats up, keep things in perspective, and remember what is really important. Poon-tang nom-nom-noms.

so I will have to "write in" my vote.

Some people say that is a wasted vote. ( I think NOT voting is a wasted vote...) so maybe this is another version of wasting time.

Your second paragraph is spot on. IMO, It's a matter of perception. Obama has been President for 8 years.  I doubt most conservatives can name one thing he has done to them personally to ruin their lives but of course they perceive it that way.  What has he done to YOU? I have asked this question to many Republicans and can't get an answer. It is always something that is GOING to happen not that HAS happened. Same thing happened with Dems when Bush 2 was President.

btw, George Carlin is as close to a genius as a comedian can become.


Posted By: willywonka4u
...since 20 years ago of the 1996 election, that it was a waste of time. That voting was akin to masturbation, that the only difference is that when you masturbate you at least have a little something to show for your efforts. How true those words are today. This week was suppose to be Hillary's coronation, and yet she even managed to make that a scandal thanks to some help from wikileaks. Meanwhile, Trump's clown circus has come to a close, and the only thing we've learned is it's possible to take the good idea of controlling our borders and immigration and make it sound like a complete hysterical shit-show.  
 Meanwhile, when you really think about it, not much really changes from one President to another. We get a new clownish figurehead, but the bureaucrats and those who bribe them make all the decision unimpeded. Just think about how things like the internet and free trade has transformed our entire society (sometimes for better and for worse), and yet you never voted for any of these things, no candidate ran on these things, these changes simply happen whether you like it or not.  
 I'd considered holding my nose for Hillary, but in her case, I think I'd need a bucket to vomit in. But after this, I think I'm going to take George's advice and do something more productive on Election Day. I'm going to stay home. Besides, the quality of ass in my neck of the woods is absolutely outstanding these days. So to my fellow hobbyists, I say it's take to wake up and smell the roses. Your vote doesn't count, and even if it did, it wouldn't matter anyway. Do something that's actually worth doing instead. For me, that might include pounding a hot little red head in her no-no hole.  
 All I'm saying is that as this election heats up, keep things in perspective, and remember what is really important. Poon-tang nom-nom-noms.

ObamaCare has already cost me many thousands of dollars, Another four years of ObamaCare will cost me personally somewhere between $200-400,000. That alone is reason enough for me to vote against his third term.

You asked, I answered.

LasVegan73 reads

You are so full of shit!  When will you make a post anchored in fact and not one to elicit radical replies by those who know you are the king of BS?

GaGambler121 reads

It must have come in handy after your visit to BBBBB. rofl.

In re to ObamaCare I may have understated the personal economic impact it will have on me over the next four years alone. I didn't even factor in the extra 3.8% capital gains tax. Not to mention the other, lesser but insidious tax increases that are part of the ACA

LasVegan56 reads

The problem with Obamacare is our stupid republican/democrat politicians have not given American citizens a healthcare system that makes sense to all.  There is absolutely no excuse.

Ever hear of successive approximation?  Even a dart player aiming at a dart board must begin somewhere.  At first, he/she hits the outer edge of the dart board.  Something always beats nothing.  Then little by little that dart player refines his/her aim and eventually hits the bullseye on successive attempts.

pot/kettle85 reads

Since Obamacare went into effect, my personal health insurance premiums have more than doubled.  My monthly premium is more than my mortgage payment and is the biggest bill I pay every month.

Yes sir, the so-called Affordable Care Act is not all that affordable.

Jan. 20, 2017 will be a bad day in one sense, as either a dishonest screecher like Clinton or an arrogant blowhard like Trump takes the oath of office.  But, it will be a great day too as we finally say goodbye to a President who has divided this country more than anyone else in recent history.

You don't realize it. So comparing your premiums to pre-aca premiums is meaningful only if you stay healthy. If you get really sick, you will be more than happy to have obamacare. And since you are not getting subsidies that means you can afford it.

Finally who should we thank for that incredibly low mortgage? Mr Obama of course. But if you want to lower your premiums just go the exchange. I guarantee you can find cheaper coverage.
 It's win, win, win for you mr pot. You just don't see it.

pot/kettle56 reads

In fact, it is not even equal to what I had pre-ACA.  With higher deductibles as well.  I have had more health issues on ACA than pre-ACA and my out-of-pocket costs have increased substantially as well.

And who said my mortgage is incredibly low?  It's far more than the rent I was paying for a similar-sized home when I was pre-ACA.

It's a lose-lose mr. marikod. But thanks for attempting to repeat those Obamacare selling points.  I know it's been a few years since those were thrown at all Americans in hopes of pulling the wool over our eyes.


Posted By: marikod
You don't realize it. So comparing your premiums to pre-aca premiums is meaningful only if you stay healthy. If you get really sick, you will be more than happy to have obamacare. And since you are not getting subsidies that means you can afford it.  
 Finally who should we thank for that incredibly low mortgage? Mr Obama of course. But if you want to lower your premiums just go the exchange. I guarantee you can find cheaper coverage.  
  It's win, win, win for you mr pot. You just don't see it.

Your old insurance had an annual cap and a lifetime cap. A year of chemotherapy and you would be paying out of your own pocket forever. Now you have unlimited coverage for such diseases. The dollar value is incredibly more.

Again you are comparing the policies as if you are healthy. Aca coverage is insurance for the sick. Deductibles and out of pocket costs are nothing if you get this sick. Of course it cost more for that kind of coverage.

The criticism is that the healthy have to pay for it even when they are healthy.

And the way I knew your mortgage was low is I know the prices on the exchange. If your mortgage is less than the lower priced policies it is under der 600 a month.

Facts, mr pot. Not talking points. Check em out.

pot/kettle54 reads

per month but that is not the point.

The point is that the "Affordable Care Act" was sold to the American public as something that it is not -- affordable.  It has created havoc in the healthcare industry and has driven many good doctors out of their practice and convinced them to take an early retirement instead of continuing to help people.  I know because my doctor did that and so did the first three that I lookd into choosing once my original doctor retired.  

It was a bad law that -- while some of its intentions were good -- was primarily pushed through as fast as it was in order to help an egomaniac President build a legacy and keep a campaign promise.

Unfortunately, there are some bright people (as I assume you are) who fell for this charade

Could be more than twice your mortgage payment if your mortgage is way more than Six hundred. That would mean your premiums are around 1600 to 2000. And you say you still have high deductibles which usually means lower premiums. So I would agree the policy you have reflects poorly on Aca affordability. But again that is your choice to pay that much. You should go to the exchange and get a new policy next fall. I don't know what state you live in but in most if not all states you can get a silver policy for 500 to 700 for one individual.
Whether the Aca is a good or bad law, and whether it was represented properly as affordable are different questions. I was responding to your numbers which make no sense to me.

I will note, however, that you have twice ignored the qualifier in my post-that the Aca is insurance for the sick. To them, it most certainly is affordable. For each doctor who left for early retirement, I can give  you 5 insured who could not pay for health care but for that law.

That is a real difference

now has regulations for regulations. You can't hammer a nail without first checking with local, state, and federal agencies.  A significant portion of profits now go attorneys, engineers, and IRS.

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