Politics and Religion

Well, GaG, first of all we've never met one another in person . . .
PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 249 reads

and gotten shitfaced drunk sitting at the same bar.  Fuck, who knows how we would get along then . . . .  

Hell, even with all the back-and-forth over the years on the board with guys -- whether the topic be politics or drama-filled chicks -- I think I could safely say that I would be willing to sit down and have a beer with just about anybody.  I say "just about" because I may have to reserve the right to draw the line somewhere … lol.  And no, I'm not talking about my old adversary willy . . . .

Bottom line is this.  Those of us on this board may have diametrically-opposing beliefs on political issues, policies and candidates but we all agree on one thing.  We all like good pussy!  Hell, some of us even like bad pussy . . . .  And no, GaG, I'm not necessarily referring to you with that last remark . . . .lol

As I've said before I  believe Hillary will self destruct long before election day.
  If by rare circumstance I'm wrong, she won't stand a chance against Rubio.
   The only thing Hillary has going for her is name recognition. If not for  hanging on her husband's coat tails, she'd be an unknown liar.

"Democrats express concerns not only about whether Mr. Rubio, 43, a son of Cuban immigrants, will win over Hispanic voters, a growing and increasingly important slice of the electorate. They also worry that he would offer a sharp generational contrast to Mrs. Clinton, a fixture in American politics for nearly a quarter-century who will turn 69 before the election.

As her supporters recall, Barack Obama beat Mrs. Clinton for the nomination in the 2008 elections after drawing similar contrasts himself."

"But less than half of likely Democratic primary voters -- 46 percent --are enthusiastic about her being their party's 2016 presidential nominee, according to the poll.

Another 38 percent of Democrats said they would be "satisfied" if Clinton is the nominee. Ten percent said they would be dissatisfied or upset.

"Enthusiasm is important," Field Poll Director Mark DiCamillo said. "It's what gets people to the polls. She needs to do some work.""


First, the Democrats are already enamored by her and will stick with her and just shrug off any issues as a war on women by those evil Republicans.

Second, she's been trained and practiced as a lawyer and knows how to double talk and deflect questions, (with all due respect to my Esq hobbyists) lol

And Republicans already can't stand her, but so what?  They weren't going to vote for her anyway.

I'm not a fan of Hillary, but it is what it is

As you know, my dear subjects, this last year for me has been an annus horribilus.   The Royal House of Clinton has been tormented by irresponsible questions about our handling of finances and subjected to tiresome questions throughout the furthest regions of my empire about tragic events that have taken place in the near-east, the mid-east, the far east, in Russia, in Northern Africa,  well, actually, throughout the entire world over the past six years.  And, sadly, even questions about my Royal e-mails and personal correspondence.

Nevertheless, I will not be daunted in my desire and commitment to serve you, the people, the workers, of my Queendom.   For the next seventeen months I will be chauffeured among you, traveling as one of you, to listen to your deepest longings and needs.   I will be with you in your Wal-Marts and beside you at your McDonald's and Burger Queens.   I will be with you on our busy interstate highways I helped build, seeing my lands, sharing with you your stories of poverty and needs.  

 How well I remember the days when the Duke of Arkansas and I were impoverished.   After we were expelled from our Washington Palace we hardly had two mansions to rub together.   We were so poor we had to remove thousands of dollars of china, flatware, carpets and gifts from the Washington Palace just to survive.    

 Now, happily, benefactors from my empire and around the world have given us just enough to scrape by.   During these difficult times we had to cut back when our daughter was married.   We only had three million dollars to spend on her wedding and I remember our hopes as she moved into her $10 million Manhattan apartment that, one day, she would be able to move from that humble abode, to something more fitting of her stature.    Maybe even into the Washington Palace like me ?      

 So, as I travel across my lands to meet you all, I will be listening and sharing with you.   Then when the time comes for the royal election and coronation, I know you will crown me as your rightful monarch so that we can all live happily ever after.     Well, at least I can.

 Thank you, and, as Mr. Spock said . . . live long and prosper.

Rubio is win over hispanic votes. May South Miami Cuban Hispanic vote. Rest of the hispanics hate Cubans with their holier than thou attitudes.

Hillary will make mince meat of Rubio and the rest in debates, guaranteed

thisbud4u210 reads

Irrespective of who the nominees are, we saw in 2000 and 2004 that the country is so polarized blue and red, it came down to one state.     In 2008 and 2012 President Obama eliminated that razor thin finish.    In both years the  media invented and created 'battle ground' or 'swing' states went solid blue.     In Florida the heavily populated Pinellas, Hillsborough, Orange, Miami Dade, Broward and Plam Beach counties went full Democratic and will contiue in 2016.     To say a Republican can win Florida is remote with over 95% Hispanics, Puerto Rican and younger generation Cubans voting Democrat in 2008 amd 2012.     Add to that the Orange man in US Congress sitting on a bipartisan Senate passed CIR bill fearing it will pass if he brings it up for a vote!.      Iowa anti immigrant Congressman Steve King will spoil any chances of Hispanics voting anything other than Democrat.     Did I forget the RNc chairman Rinse Mypenis did not include Univision for their debates.     Here is what I think will happen in 2016.

1. Heavy and solid Democrat NE from NH down to VA , PA, DC = 125 electoral votes
2. Midwest, MN, MI, IL, WI and OH = 74 electoral votes
3. Heavily Democrat NW,  OR, WA, CA, CO, NM = 87 electoral votes
4. FL , HI = 33 electoral votes

Democrat = 319 electoral votes

It is highly unlikely any of these states voting for any Republican as their candidate has to support these in order to get votes from their  base.    (Anti Healthcare, Anti LGBT, Anti Same sex marriage, Antil Minimum wage, Anti Birth control, Anti Abortion, anti union, anti paycheck fairness, anti equal pay, anti social security, anti medicare, anti medicaid, anti food stamps and who supports empoyers to dictate what type of health csare coverage they can give to their employees based on "employer's" religious beliefs! LOL).     Religious Freedom laws are killers and those who support will lose plentiful in  2016.    Add to this the Republican Governors who have implemented unaffordable tax cuts, run out of money and cutting funds to schools and universities.      LSU and University of Wisconsin are on the brink of declaring bankruptcy.     In Kansas schools are closing early as they have no money.    NJ has been downgraded at least 8 times by S&P and Moodys.

A Republican cannot complain about the economy.     It is improving without them as they have been busy repealing health care law, passing anti abortion laws, overriding DC religious non discrimination law and busy writing letters to Ayatollas in Iran and electing the Israeli PM.      An unemployment rate of 4% - 4.5% by next November will doom them on economy.

Montana to Texas = 89 electoral voates
Missouri to Louisiana = 24 electoral votes
Indiana to Georgia = 81 electoral votes
Alaska  = 3 electoral votes
Iowa = 6 electoral votes

Republican = 203 electoral votes

Let us keep all the lanes open on the George Washington Bridge so if anyone has anything to say, contradict or support what I have written can pass thru all the lanes of the Bridge, Expess and Local.

As for the right wing crybabies who only have personal attacks to write, get a life.    Your attacks on a guy like PitchingWedge shows your low and mean mentality, nothing of substance to show but lots of personal hatred towards a different point of view or conclusions on topics.

GaGambler266 reads

Find ONE rightwinger attacking PW, all the attacks on PW are coming from YOUR side of the aisle.

Now don't you FINALLY have a plane to catch?

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