Politics and Religion

We'll all be dead? Did watching 2012 last weekend scare you under the table? LOL (eom)
Snowman39 3427 reads
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why do they have to fake and hide evidence. Also, instead of debating the issue, why do they need to "silence" the skeptics.

Want to know how "real" global warming is. Read on!!

fasteddie51 709 reads
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RWU talked about this a few posts down.

Gee... a conservative anti-Obamaite, writing about a scandal between apparently three or four scientists, and taking excerpts out of context and covering hie ass by asserting that they are "alleged".  What a surprise!

But here's my question... So what?  Let's say that climate change is a myth.  No harm, no foul.

But what if it isn't??????

RightwingUnderground 988 reads
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had just totally invested your savings in GE, LOL.

Why are you still down playing this, claiming it's only 3 or 4 people doing this? I already showed you in the earlier thread that the emails covered DOZENS of scientists. READ the friggin excerpts. Go download the 61 mb file.

This climate change department supposedly is government funded and houses one of the four official sources of global temperature data used by the IPCC.

The only question we SHOULD be asking is whether or not this whole email hack is a hoax. That's all that matters right now. To downplay it on it's face face is just sticking your head futher into the sand.

The world has been spending billions and preparing to spend trillions more taking swipes at imaginary windmills and the response is "no harm - no foul"?

As to what if it isn't. I asked you this earlier. Show where the planned spending will actually mitigate the situation.

2muchTruth4U 637 reads
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the escalation of environmental regulations has already put many persons out of work. If the enviro-fascists ever get their way, many many more jobs will go away forever. And say goodby to the private sector ownership and control of the means of production and private / individual ownership of private property in any meaningful form.

I do not give a shit if global warming is real which I think possible but seriuosly doubt that human activity has anything to do with it. Climate shifts, even violent ones have been common in this planets history.

Individual liberty and the right to live in a society that respects private property and free markets is not worth throwing away over global warming.

CallNumber9 2 Reviews 3583 reads
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You piss and moan about free markets and respect for private property and all. Let's put it this way, if the worse outcomes of global climate change occur, respect for private property and free markets will be a thing of the past. What will come out that wreckage who knows but it will make the French Revolution look like a Sunday afternoon picnic in the park.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1354 reads
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...Twilight Zone entitled "Midnight Sun" presciently presented a picture of what effect global warming might have on society.

Regardless of how many guns you own, you'd trade them all for a drink of water.  If or when it happens, I certainly wouldn't want to be here.

You can watch the episode on YouTube in 3 parts.

RightwingUnderground 980 reads
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If global warming actually resumes (it’s been on pause for a few years lately) and then accelerates to the point that climates will start shifting north and coastal areas become affected, we would be far much better off financially, socially and publicly if we spent the money mitigating the effects rather than attempting to stop it. There’s no evidence that if we brought the economy to a complete halt that global warming would even slow down let alone cease.

Snowman39 2189 reads
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RightWing and Truth already nailed your arguments.

No Harm, No Foul. LMAO!! You are a funny guy ;-)

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 2161 reads
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It's a myth (and an idiotic one at that) that moving away from fossil fuels will cause job losses, or even a decline in our standard of living.

If we banned fossil fuels tomorrow, then we'd see a massive surge in green energy infrastructure building. It would produce such an economic boom as to make the tech boom of the 90's look like peanuts.

If the 99% of the scientists who have looked into global climate charge are correct, then individual liberty, free markets, and private property will become a moot point as you'll likely be dead.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 960 reads
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If we keep doing what we're doing and pretend that 99% of the climate scientists are wrong, then the worse possible scenario is that WE ALL DIE.

If we move to sustainable energy then the worse possible scenario is that a few oil executives are out of a job.

I gotta ask the conservatives here...just how far do you think we should bend over so ExxonMobil can keep fucking us in the ass? Is stuffing their wallets worth your life? Or the life of your kids?

CallNumber9 2 Reviews 1472 reads
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The problem is with your vision is that you're assuming that all the changes will be for the good for the United States. Unless you are in possession of 100% clairvoyance no one knows for sure what the effect of global climate change will be for any part of the globe except that Miami will be underwater. For all we know the Great Plains might turn into the Great Desert. That would not be a good thing.

fasteddie51 877 reads
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"the escalation of environmental regulations has already put many persons out of work."

- That's a pretty broad statement... can you support it with any hard facts?

RightwingUnderground 796 reads
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Your assertion that I said, “all the changes will be for the good for the United States” is totally without foundation. Apart from stating that more northerly areas will generally be warmer and coastal areas will be affected, I made no assumption about the “quality” of the changes. All I said was that our money would be far better spent trying to mitigate the effects of the changes rather than trying to prevent them.

GodSpeaks! 1099 reads
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It is the Dark Lord gaining greater control and a larger hold on the World.   The fires of Hell are now encircling the World as more and more people covert over to the Dark Lord's side.  Soon, the World will be just another stop in Hell.

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