Politics and Religion

Welcome to the post 911 US Post Officeconfused_smile
RRO2610 51 Reviews 2042 reads

So I want to mail a birthday card but I have no stamps. I scoot over to the US PO and wait on line. I get up to the clerk and ask him how much is a stamp for a standard sized birthday card & envelope(that I physically hand him). He goes into 20 questions asking if there are any form of liquids, accelerates, explosives, poisons, bio-hazards etc etc etc in the envelope. It's a fuckin .25 millimeter thick envelope containing a birthday card!!  

  How goddamn paranoid have we become as a culture?

To top it off after I paid him the requisite 49 cents and he dropped the birthday card in the bin he then politely asks me if I would fill out the "survey" in respect to how my "postal experience" was.

America has become!
Every liberty, freedom, assumption of innocence and peace of mind in living that way has been turned upside down and fucked over. No longer do I look at our police as protectors of domestic peace and the innocent. I genuinely fear them now as a fully militarized goon squad of bullies looking to use a broken tail light as probable cause to tear my whole vehicle apart for their sadistic amusement. School children are encouraged by their teachers to bear witness against their own parents. We won the 'Cold War' then adopted everything we loathed about the USSR. Brilliant lawyers no longer defend the wrongly accused; they work as tax planners counseling avarice addled billionaires on tax loopholes, off shore banks and foreign business investments.  

 I'm only in my late 50's and I often find myself muttering "I've lived too long". That's a helluva state of mind for someone living in the proverbial "Shining City on a Hill".

You could have probably bought stamps at a store much closer to you than the post office. :-

...the responsibility to establish and ensure operation of the Postal Service.  Republicans supposedly revere the Constitution and try to adhere to the original intent of the framers.

So how did the Republicans honor the Constitution with regard to the USPS?  In 2006, Congress forced the P.O. to pre-fund 75 years worth of retiree health benefits over a 10 year period.  No other company or organization has to do that.

Do you think Republicans give a damn about retired postal workers?  Hell no - Republicans are trying to destroy the USPS in order to get rid of 575,000 union workers they believe vote Democrat.

1. The USPS's main competition also happens to be union.

2. The internet destroy the postal mail service.

These two some what isolated events destroyed the necessity of the post office.  

... it won't be sustainable.

And like you mentioned the internet.Who send letters anymore?

UPS is the teamsters, and the PO's #1 competition.

DHL is a fraction of what it use to be.


Did I write your reviews for you too

I'm not, but your knowledge of business is lacking.

Well Johnny, I am a business man, it's a small company where all wires and data is done through the Internet, EDI or straight wire. We have rarely replied on any postal carrier service. So from my end the UPS is cumbersome so we moved up with the times.
Now I know you couldn't write any of my reviews because you wouldn't know which end is up or where to start. I can see you fumbling and stumbling your way,so stay with what you know, or what you think you know. Just one question, how does it feel to be the smartest man in the room when you're the only one there

What did your last post have to do with that one?

I think we were talking what hurdles the PO is facing.

You weren't fully aware of "some" of the hurdles, and there are more.

You said, "Article 1, Section 8, Clause 7 of the U.S. Constitution gives Congress the responsibility to establish and ensure operation of the Postal Service."

When in fact what it says is:
"The Congress shall have Power To establish Post Offices and post Roads."

Substantial difference between having the "power to establish" and "responsibility to establish and ENSURE operation" (emphasis added).

The same Section 8 also gives Congress the Power to declare war. Would you have them do that on a daily or ongoing basis as well? Or do you think they have some discretion available there? The discretionary wording is the same here as in the Post Office clause.

One, people that work today can’t and some don’t want to make decisions

Two, indeed, we have become paranoid and our politicians want to keep it that way so, they can take our freedom away

Three, management has to devise processes that fit the Lowest Common Denominator. As matter of fact, everything today is designed that way to protect the dumbest among us (people don’t know Hot Coffee is hot, if you close your eyes and walk, you may run into an object that could hurt you, etc

About people being stupid.

Posted By: anonymousfun
One, people that work today can’t and some don’t want to make decisions  
 Two, indeed, we have become paranoid and our politicians want to keep it that way so, they can take our freedom away  
 Three, management has to devise processes that fit the Lowest Common Denominator. As matter of fact, everything today is designed that way to protect the dumbest among us (people don’t know Hot Coffee is hot, if you close your eyes and walk, you may run into an object that could hurt you, etc)  

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