Politics and Religion

We have another vote for "its ok to assault Republican women."
JackDunphy 452 reads

Looks like moderate Matt got kidnapped by crazed left Matt again. Thanks for playing!

JackDunphy2580 reads

Ok, I am rarely shocked. But this actually shocked me. This c*nt on CNN relishes playing the tape of Bristol Palin recounting how she was assaulted and the WOMAN host on CNN absolutely LOVES it!

Wtf??? Listen to the angst in Palins voice when she tells this story. Regardless of anyone's politics, does anyone find this amusing/funny?

When did the description of an assault become laughing stock material for "respected" ahem networks and anchors? Where is the war on women people now? Does that only exist when someone makes women pay for their own birth control?

I guess its "assault liberal women, bad" but "assault conservative womem, good?"  

Now is this a story? Yes. They are public people. Could she be lying? I guess. All the anchor says is no charges were filled which means doodly as to whether the assault took place or not.

But cripes, is the whole world upside fkin down?

Somewhere I heard a clip of her asking one of the responding officers. Why are all these bad guys riding by, why aren't they doing anything about them?  

What sense does that make when LE is dealing with you or your guests? LE isn't talking to you about the bad guys whom are riding past.

Bristol sounds like a drug addled, emotionally disturbed, mental defective.

sounded like Jerry Springer material where the family jumped in to the backyard BBQ fight.  I think the Palin's are attention whores.  Maybe a new book is coming out from Bristol and they needed some PR.  If they were not media junkies, they would not publicly air the family trash but it would be one of those times they were ashamed and just kept quiet.  :)  

Remember, if me or you get in a fight, somebody is going to jail if the police is called.

it was a waste of my time that I will never get back.  I am more interested in polls right now for Jason Carter and Michelle Nunn.  And if Ga is going to turn blue, and if Jason Carter can still take the Federal Medicaid funds that was declined or opted out by Gov Deal.  That has left many without assistance to get in a nursing home, because nursing homes don't take any private insurance or Medi-care.  Our trauma hospital in Atlanta is without funding.  And Gov Deal is a crook that used tax payer money for his own gain and should be indicted.

I don't give a fuck about the Palins.

-- Modified on 10/24/2014 8:48:44 AM

The bases of your argument was what a CNN dolt had to say.

DamienScott375 reads

So you want money for nothing? When do we get chicks for free?

Posted By: Madison_Ohare
it was a waste of my time that I will never get back.  I am more interested in polls right now for Jason Carter and Michelle Nunn.  And if Ga is going to turn blue, and if Jason Carter can still take the Federal Medicaid funds that was declined or opted out by Gov Deal.  That has left many without assistance to get in a nursing home, because nursing homes don't take any private insurance or Medi-care.  Our trauma hospital in Atlanta is without funding.  And Gov Deal is a crook that used tax payer money for his own gain and should be indicted.  
 I don't give a fuck about the Palins.

-- Modified on 10/24/2014 8:48:44 AM

Now she is just a strident shrew in clown shoes. Oh how the mighty have fallen!  

 Sarah, Bristol and most of her brood are addicted to fame. They deserve equal protection under law; but not 'extra'.

JackDunphy412 reads

Where am I talking about the law??? I am talking about all the "War On Women" the left shoves down our fking throat but they ONLY care about LIBERAL women.  

This is the SAME anchor who droned on and on and on about Ray Rice being a bad guy. I guess had Rice's SO been a Republican, this c*nt would have had a party?

Btw, hows that gig working out for you at MSNBC? You never told us. Tell we all said hi to the Rev when you get a chance.

Not the actual women. Liberals talk about women's reproductive rights non-stop.

In the United States of America, birth control methods and abortive services are never going to go away. The revenue the industry brings in is too much for anyone to give up.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Where am I talking about the law??? I am talking about all the "War On Women" the left shoves down our fking throat but they ONLY care about LIBERAL women.  
 This is the SAME anchor who droned on and on and on about Ray Rice being a bad guy. I guess had Rice's SO been a Republican, this c*nt would have had a party?  
 Btw, hows that gig working out for you at MSNBC? You never told us. Tell we all said hi to the Rev when you get a chance.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready

 In the United States of America, birth control methods and abortive services are never going to go away. The revenue the industry brings in is too much for anyone to give up.  
 Right, wrong, moral, immoral it's kinda hard to fight Pfizer, Amgen, Lilly and the AMA.

Presumably the healthcare industry is the largest industrial entity in America and probably the world.  

The current President ran on this notion. With the ACA bailout, which was sold under the guise of socialized medicine.

As with most of your OPs and responses; syntax, grammar and evidence of proof reading lack; but I did read it.  

  Your implied epithets alluding to my having some sort of close association with Al Sharpton are comical. Their often illiterate expression is telling on many levels.

Really! This is quite the stretch, comparing the Ray Rice story, domestic abuse, the Republican's assault on a woman's choices about her procreation functions, with a drunk, who reportedly crashed a party, and no assault charges were brought. I'm certain that if the police believed that there was an unprovoked assault on Palin, there would have been charges brought. Perhaps, she's lucky; do they have stand your ground laws in Alaska? Jack, you can do better than that.

JackDunphy453 reads

Looks like moderate Matt got kidnapped by crazed left Matt again. Thanks for playing!

JackDunphy367 reads

I acknowledge she could be lying. Not the point. The point was that a smarmy liberal CNN host thinks its was funny when she provided ZERO proof to the viewer the attack didn't happen. This wasn't Bill Mahers show or MTV Beavis and Butthead, its CNN.

Imagine Megyn Kelly doing that same shit to one of Obamas daughters. Your HuffyPo reading hair would be on fire. But she is a conservative woman, and crazed liberal Matt could care less.  

Get a clue and let common sense Matt out of the closet. I miss that guy.

I can even agree that your OP pointed out the hypocrisy of the events.

However, I think you giving CNN too much credit by associating them with being a credible mews organization.

That is where your argument falls flat on it's face.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
I acknowledge she could be lying. Not the point. The point was that a smarmy liberal CNN host thinks its was funny when she provided ZERO proof to the viewer the attack didn't happen. This wasn't Bill Mahers show or MTV Beavis and Butthead, its CNN.  
 Imagine Megyn Kelly doing that same shit to one of Obamas daughters. Your HuffyPo reading hair would be on fire. But she is a conservative woman, and crazed liberal Matt could care less.  
 Get a clue and let common sense Matt out of the closet. I miss that guy.

because one of their TV hosts suggested stupid people should'nt vote.

Of course, EVERYONE, even mattytard, knows when we talk about stupid people we're talking about dummypoopers! LMAO!!

they are the ones without brains enough to get ID's!

the Democrat Party news channel, right matty?

dummycrappers dont give a shit about women, minorities, etc.

They care about VOTES and POWER!!!!!

Ask Juanita Broderick!!

JackDunphy487 reads

Draws out all the Left's lunacy. Wasn't expecting Matt to get caught in the net as I was sure he would agree with me. But its crazed Left Matt time in the sun I guess. lol

You see with liberal women, they would NEVER lie about being assaulted and they should be taken at their word. Such a crock of shit.

And the Hils will be out there doing the same shit in 2016, and the LEft will conveniently forget when she was running the nuts and sluts defense of her husband and the Left was fkin silent when Bill was sexually harassing an intern. lol

Actually they weren't silent. Womens groups took a shot at Lewinksy! That old blame the victim card.

Too fkin funny!

DA_Flex320 reads

The Guardian.  Not only did we get some of the best and complete reporting of NSA Surveillance, but it has better analysis of international and national stories, its not crazy left or right IMO.

salonpas621 reads

......... tell the truth. Is this an upside-down world or what? Hot Tamales, who knew the Anchorage Police Department was a hotbed of anti-Palin liberalism?


Posted By: JackDunphy
Ok, I am rarely shocked. But this actually shocked me. This c*nt on CNN relishes playing the tape of Bristol Palin recounting how she was assaulted and the WOMAN host on CNN absolutely LOVES it!  
 Wtf??? Listen to the angst in Palins voice when she tells this story. Regardless of anyone's politics, does anyone find this amusing/funny?  
 When did the description of an assault become laughing stock material for "respected" ahem networks and anchors? Where is the war on women people now? Does that only exist when someone makes women pay for their own birth control?  
 I guess its "assault liberal women, bad" but "assault conservative womem, good?"  
 Now is this a story? Yes. They are public people. Could she be lying? I guess. All the anchor says is no charges were filled which means doodly as to whether the assault took place or not.  
 But cripes, is the whole world upside fkin down?

JackDunphy359 reads

Find one of my posts here that say it. Get back to me.

DamienScott556 reads

You're an idiot. What conservative of note ever said cops never lie? Link please.  

Posted By: salonpas
......... tell the truth. Is this an upside-down world or what? Hot Tamales, who knew the Anchorage Police Department was a hotbed of anti-Palin liberalism?  
Posted By: JackDunphy
Ok, I am rarely shocked. But this actually shocked me. This c*nt on CNN relishes playing the tape of Bristol Palin recounting how she was assaulted and the WOMAN host on CNN absolutely LOVES it!  
  Wtf??? Listen to the angst in Palins voice when she tells this story. Regardless of anyone's politics, does anyone find this amusing/funny?  
  When did the description of an assault become laughing stock material for "respected" ahem networks and anchors? Where is the war on women people now? Does that only exist when someone makes women pay for their own birth control?  
  I guess its "assault liberal women, bad" but "assault conservative womem, good?"    
  Now is this a story? Yes. They are public people. Could she be lying? I guess. All the anchor says is no charges were filled which means doodly as to whether the assault took place or not.  
  But cripes, is the whole world upside fkin down?

Plain is a Repugnant or on general population. There have been numerous rudiculous news items.

Seems like there are plenty of others more trusted. At least when it comes to news regarding government and politics.

I don't even see the Washington Examiner listed!  ;)

Notice where the Republicans get the majority of their news, and who they trust.  ;)

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