Politics and Religion

Please take the 4 seconds it takes to sign this petition . Please it affects everyone
kendalllynn See my TER Reviews 1792 reads

Unless you like eating raid please sign the petition . It takes seconds .
For those that are unaware of the issue with GMO foods please do educate yourselves .
In most cases the genetic modification includes endocrine blockers to make the crops resistant to bugs , it kills their ability to have babies , sadly it does the same thing your the children and you will have no idea you are feeding this to your families .
BREAKING NEWS: This morning, the Senate voted down the Sanders amendment #965 to the Farm bill (71-27). Take Action! http://action.fooddemocracynow.org/sign/repeal_the_monsanto_protection_act/?akid=866.469184.2ihHeV&rd=1&t=5

 It’s time to end the corporate takeover of our food supply! Tell Congress to repeal the Monsanto Protection Act and support organics and family farmers! It’s time to put the health of our people, our environment and our nation over Monsanto’s profits!

 Sign in support here: http://action.fooddemocracynow.org/sign/repeal_the_monsanto_protection_act/?akid=866.469184.2ihHeV&rd=1&t=5

 The amendment, submitted by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), was an effort to support the existing right of states to enact their own laws requiring the labeling of genetically engineered food. Already this year 26 states have introduced labeling laws with the possibility of passage in a number of states. You can watch today's debate and vote on this amendment recorded http://www.c-spanvideo.org/clip/4452937. The results from today's vote will be posted here http://www.c-spanvideo.org/congres

and are you going to shoot the people, who have control over your food supply?

Zing!!!314 reads

History is rife full of examples of what people finally end up doing with their government when they've had enough. Study it for yourself. The answers lie there for anyone to see

hanks for the post,  I have already put my signature on the dotted line and believe we need to all educate ourselves and fight against this insidious Company,  and am going to the "March against Monsanto"  tomorrow in West Palm Beach.  There will be a rallies in most major cities,  this weekend.  http://rt.com/news/monsanto-gmo-protests-world-721/

If anyone is further interested in what Monsanto is doing and plans on doing to this world,  I urge to watch the movie,  (well worth your time invested,  if you are looking to take control of what goes into your body,  and your health)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6_DbVdVo-k

For the nay sayers who think,  hmmm,  what is my one little itty bitty signature going to do,  well,  it only takes one drop of water at a time to empty the barrel.

We the people can take back our power,  if we all stop squabbling, stand together and agree to disagree  
on some issues.

Have a safe Memorial Day weekend

to break up all giant corporations, if they control over 30% of any market. That is what competition and capitalism is all about. What we have today worldwide is giant Oligarchies manipulating our lives

what we are putting in our bodies.  I have wondered why the Food and Drug are under one administration.  It seems one is getting us sick, and the other has the cure.  Much like one of my old doctors practice.  One of the doctors would be getting me off the drugs, while the other would be getting me on the drugs.  Why do we give them so much power over our lives?  This is blatant population control and they are going to get wealthy while making us sick.  Keep fighting and making a fuss.  We have a right to know what we are putting in our bodies!

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