Politics and Religion

Wages fell for the year and AGAIN for todays report.
randomvr301 1926 reads
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Lowest unemployment rate, highest markets, largest GDP growth, lowest deficits and lowest rate of for people without health insurance coverage.

From President Obama

Highest number of mass shootings, highest rate of cops killing unarmed people especially black teens, highest number of men shooting to death their families, babies and 5 year olds being tossed from bridges (it is a Florida special), patients killing doctors and mothers killing their own children

From neo cons with Christian values and the NRA.

JackDunphy 414 reads
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Not to mention a record number of people (93,000,000) are out of the work force.

The middle class getting fked by Obama economy AGAIN and one of his sycophants thinks its something to crow over. Unbelievable.

randomvr301 489 reads
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Same methods and same rules were used to publish these stats during previous Presidents.    8 millions jobs lost in 2008 and UE up 7.8%.   If you want to celebrate that instead, STFU, go have a drink

JackDunphy 432 reads
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In virtually every recovery I am aware, wages increase, because there is a labor shortage at some point. There is no labor shortage now. There is a labor glut.  

There are just too many applicants for good paying jobs which stunts wage growth.  

Couple that with more and more people taking service industry jobs that used to be in higher paying professions, people at part time positions that are looking for full time work and Obamacare's "29ers", and we have a wage disaster in this country

pot/kettle 501 reads
5 / 18

. . .   that abortion is wrong.

"and mothers killing their own children" -- comfortzone in above pos

marikod 1 Reviews 459 reads
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at least according to the Labor Department. In fact, wages rose 2.3% for those most likely to be paid on an hourly basis and 2% for all private sector employees”

“Average hourly earnings for private production and nonsupervisory employees, reflecting those most likely to be paid on an hourly basis, rose 2.3% last year from 2013, the Labor Department said Friday.  
       When considering all private-sector employees, average wages rose 2% last year from 2013—the third straight year wages advanced at that pace.”

          And since inflation last year was only 1.3%, wages are staying ahead of inflation which is the only thing that really counts.

       This is in fact the third straight year of 2% wage growth. I’ll help you with the addition, Jack – that is 6% over the last three years.

        Why did wages drop in December? Well maybe because that is when retailers hire tens of thousands to work at part time jobs for minimum wages. There is always a drop in December.

      When you add in that most lower middle class guys got subsidies from – drum roll – Obamacare – and received a state of the art health insurance product, I’d say they did pretty well and certainly much better than in the Bush years.

       Plus anyone in the stock market made about 10% except for those dastardly market timers.  

       Now, do you want to discuss public sector compensation for 2014 (yes, even Willy got a raise last year, although I don’t know if he deserved it LOL) and salary compensation 2014 to get the full picture?

        I didn’t think so

JackDunphy 426 reads
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Isn't that a decrease? LOL. That's what the chart is showing with a particular steep drop in December 2014.

50% of the public is invested in the stock market so not sure how that helps anyone in the middle/lower middle class or poor.

And if they are doing MUCH better than in the Bush years, how come the polling doesn't indicate that?

HONDA 153 Reviews 322 reads
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At least give the dude some credit. Bush steered the economy into the ditch and the O is having a difficult  time getting us out. I actually think the employment numbers are fudged and have been rigged since back when Bill Clinton was POTUS.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Isn't that a decrease? LOL. That's what the chart is showing with a particular steep drop in December 2014.  
 50% of the public is invested in the stock market so not sure how that helps anyone in the middle/lower middle class or poor.  
 And if they are doing MUCH better than in the Bush years, how come the polling doesn't indicate that?

marikod 1 Reviews 521 reads
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Wages are slowly grinding up, staying ahead of inflation, and unemployment is slowly grinding down, and you call that a “wage disaster?”

        You have a strange view of “disaster.” A rapid increase in wages is not necessarily a good thing. A significant reason why the Big Three almost failed is bc they agreed to pay ridiculously high wages to the UAW. If you wonder why California is on the fiscal ropes, you can find the same problem –California agreed to pay its unions more than the state could afford.

        And your isolated focus on “wages” as the weekly paycheck is also flawed bc you need to focus on the total package the worker receives – and this includes the unprecedented health care coverage provided by –drum roll again – Obamacare.  

      If you added the true value of that health insurance coverage that middleclass workers now get (no annual or lifetime limits even if you cone in needing an organ transplant- do you have any idea how much it would cost to purchase that kind of coverage pre-Obamacare?) to the wages, you would find that wages in 2014 were the highest in history, and that for all your badmouthing of Mr. Obama, he has done more for the middle class than any president in history.

      Yeah, I know the middle class would rather get a larger paycheck that they could spend on beer but we are talking policy here. But, to paraphrase Bob Dylan, the president knows that the middle class needs, not what they want.  

      It  is simple math, Jack.

       Wage disaster? I don’t think so

JackDunphy 414 reads
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For the fact that 75% of the country say they feel like they are in recession?

JackDunphy 429 reads
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So what has Obama done to get credit for an economy that isn't reaching the middle class? I'll listen to what you have to say but can you tell me what he has done? I thought the R's blocked all his ideas?

inicky46 61 Reviews 467 reads
12 / 18

And there's also this: the drop in oil prices is putting billions into consumer's pockets, so no matter what their wage growth is they have more to spend.  So consumer spending is up, as is consumer confidence and retail sales.  But the righties want you to focus on the negative, blame Obama for it and, at the same time, take credit for the economic growth since the election (see above thread).  There are talking out of both sides of their mouths and want to have it both ways.  What a shock.

randomvr301 363 reads
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Why not all you boneheads go and celebrate 2008!

randomvr301 400 reads
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You cannot talk sense to close minded people whose only mission is to demean the President and his accomplishments.    There are a bunch of them here.

randomvr301 467 reads
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That 75% are the people who watch FOX Paws!

randomvr301 401 reads
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The middle class voted for the rich man's party in 2010 (gave up House) and in 2014 (gave up Congress).   If they did not vote, they sat on their asses.   Either way, they are to blame for themselves.

inicky46 61 Reviews 379 reads
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