Politics and Religion

"Voter Fraud": Republicans finally admit the obvious.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 2290 reads

Pennsylvania (wouldn't ya know it, a swing state!) has enacted the some of the strictess voter fraud laws in the country. And yet, the state has admitted that:

"There have been no investigation or prosecutions of in-person voter fraud in Pennsylvania; and the parties do not have direct personal knowledge of any such investigation or prosecutions in other states."

Strange, isn't it, that these states would be so committed to solving a problem that doesn't exist, eh?

Then Wisconsin Republican Assemblymen Glenn Grothman let the cat out of the bag, and admitted that in a close race, voter ID laws would make it more likely for Romney to win by turning Democrats away from the polls.

And these aren't trivial numbers either. New Voter ID laws are on track to turn over a million Democratic voters away from the polls in the state of Texas alone. Those laws most heavily target poor Hispanics who don't have driver's licenses, in a state that will soon see Hispanics become the racial majority.

So the question is, if Hispanics turn Texas into a blue state, then can a Republican ever win another election using the southern strategy? The answer is NO. How do you prevent this from happening? You make it illegal for millions of Democrats to vote.

-- Modified on 7/25/2012 6:20:59 AM

Millions??!!??!!  So you officially counted and the tally is "millions" don't have any kind of valid ID?  You are aware that you're a racist who thinks of minorities as helpless sheep who are inferior to you, don'tcha?

Texas is not a swing state or Blue state (snicker).  

Posted By: willywonka4u
Pennsylvania (wouldn't ya know it, a swing state!) has enacted the some of the strictess voter fraud laws in the country. And yet, the state has admitted that:

"There have been no investigation or prosecutions of in-person voter fraud in Pennsylvania; and the parties do not have direct personal knowledge of any such investigation or prosecutions in other states."

Strange, isn't it, that these states would be so committed to solving a problem that doesn't exist, eh?

Then Wisconsin Republican Assemblymen Glenn Grothman let the cat out of the bag, and admitted that in a close race, voter ID laws would make it more likely for Romney to win by turning Democrats away from the polls.

And these aren't trivial numbers either. New Voter ID laws are on track to turn over a million Democratic voters away from the polls in the state of Texas alone. Those laws most heavily target poor Hispanics who don't have driver's licenses, in a state that will soon see Hispanics become the racial majority.

So the question is, if Hispanics turn Texas into a blue state, then can a Republican ever win another election using the southern strategy? The answer is NO. How do you prevent this from happening? You make it illegal for millions of Democrats to vote.

-- Modified on 7/25/2012 6:20:59 AM

-- Modified on 7/25/2012 6:49:46 AM

-- Modified on 7/25/2012 7:06:52 AM

Name calling had been removed but I find that bogus study you cited to be more insulting than any name you could possibly throw at me.

I don't see anything bogus about it. Maybe you're seeing something I don't. Enlighten me, please.

Cases of voter fraud are of course next to non-existent; the idea is to ax Democratic voters who face difficulty getting voter idea.  Lines at DMV are hours long and tough for very elderly people to get to or stand in.  We're talking about a target of knocking out in the range of over a million votes nation wide.

Federal Judge Blocks Florida Voter Supression

Wisconsin voter supression is in court; as is South  Carolina where fatass Nicky Haley calls it model legislation. Shortly after it was rejected by DOJ.

In Pa. 750,000 to 1.4 million voters lack ID.  Lack of ID is higher for female voters, Latinos, the elderly, the poor, and those without a high school diploma.

In a stipulation filed yesterday, in  the Pa. suit, yesterday the state admitted that they have never prosecuted or even investigated a case of voter fraud.

Additionally, the agreement states Pennsylvania “will not offer any evidence in this action that in-person voter fraud has in fact occurred in Pennsylvania and elsewhere” or even argue “that in person voter fraud is likely to occur in November 2012 in the absense of the Photo ID law.”

Pa. is defending a classic solution to a problem that does not exist.

Enough votes are at stake that the state is clearly trying to manipulate the electoral votes for Mitt-Bott. You remember Mitt-Bott--destroyed all documents, emails, and letters from the Salt Lake  Olympics, so no one can find out what the hell Romney did there or how much Bain work he was doing at the same time.

This is why conservatives insist that we have to register to vote in the first place. The purpose of registering is to limit the number of people who are voting. This is why conservatives insisted on poll taxes and literacy tests. This is why George H.W. Bush vetoed the Motor Voter Law, that allows you to register to vote at the DMV.

Republicans have known for a long time, that if you limit the number of people who are voting, they are more likely to win elections.

followme270 reads

Keeping the partisan bickering to a minimum!

Less than 12 hours and
You cannot even honor your own request.

That puts you and your side’s creditability and integrity in the dumper.

You’re welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

Snowman39241 reads

The laws are not "targeted". Show me where in the law it only applies to Hispanics. My understanding is that ALL PEOPLE are bound by this law.  If you are saying that Hispanics will have a hard time complying with the law, say that. Personally its like when someone cries about being poor, but when you look into it you find out they dropped out of school, or they got hokked on drugs, or they had 5 kids they can not afford. Sames thing here, if they can not comply it is simply because they have lead such an unproductive existence.

The fact that Democrats would NOT WANT to validate voters is really one of the MOST DISGUSTING things about the party.

In regards to Pennsylvainia, perhaps the law is working so well no one is eveb trying to cheat. Sounds like a HUGE SUCCESS to me.

For instance, in the state of Texas, they're not allowing people to use college IDs to register to vote. You know what they do allow? Conceal carry licenses. Yeh, they're targeted.

Yes, this law will make it difficult for the poor, for Hispanics, and for the eldery to comply with this law. The law itself is proports to solve a problem that doesn't exist. Therefore, what is the real intension of the law?

Yes, I think these laws, as it stands right now, will be a huge success. But their goal isn't to prevent the non-existant problem of voter fraud. It's goal is to turn Democrats away from the polls.

Snowman39288 reads

but not letting them use them to vote is SMART...

I mean, I am pretty sure you are familiar with the concept of a foreign exchange student.

I will add one thing here that I really do not believe you will care for, but except for the case of physical imparement, if you've lead the type of life where you do not have any type of ID, well, I personally am glad you will not be part of selecting those who run the country.

It's about America finally waking up and using tools that are available to them -- picture ID's -- to help better monitor the voting process and make the possibility of voter fraud even smaller.  It's called improving the system.

Why must the Democrats make such a big deal out of a relatively insignificant thing like this?

Willy, your exaggeration machine is being overworked this morning.

It is not difficult for anyone to get a picture ID.  All it takes is a little planning and minimal effort.

By the way, the new voter ID laws in states like Florida and Texas have to get an approval from the Department of Justice. Why? Because those states have a history of ELECTION fraud.

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