Politics and Religion

US Viewed by Foreign Leaders as declining
nuguy46 1965 reads

contrary to the spin by the party of asses, US has been viewed as 'declining' by many foreign leaders.  When the o-man did his "I apologize for the US" 2008 world tour, insiders were reporting he was viewed as a less than credible suit.........Australia confirms this thought.


This is apparent at home, as well as abroad. All of Latin America used to be run by strong arm dictators that we put in power. Today, the only real ally we have in the region is Colombia. The entire continent has gone pinko. This began during the Dubya administration. With the US bogged down in Iraq, Latin America was free to do what they pleased.

The only country we were able to put in check was Haiti, when we kidnapped Aristide. How did Latin America react? Chavez goes in front of the U.N. and makes jokes about the UN smelling like sulphur after Dubya spoke there, while the entire world chuckled. Bush then tries to overthrow Chavez not once, but twice. What happens? Well Dubya is out of office, and Chavez is still in office.

That didn't used to happen before. We used to overthrow Latin American governments because we got bored. Today, we can't even keep them in check.

We're waking up to a world where we're not going to be the world's strongest super power anymore. We sold the farm to China, so capitalists could make an extra buck off of cheap labor, and we're going to find ourselves living in a world where the strongest super power on earth will be the communist dictatorship of China.

America WAS the greatest country on earth. Democrats didn't keep it that way, and Republicans killed her and put her in an early grave.

nuguy46231 reads

quite the opposite...read history.

we're now in 2012..heading for an election....let's review the here and now...what's barry done to improve our image?

facts not demmie BS.

u have one fact, australia does not hold us in high esteem.
your fact, pls???

...because 30 years of conservative economics has dug this country into a hole so deep that we're never going to be able to crawl back out.

You can see Obama trying to restore that confidence. We overthrew the Honduras gov't. We got bin Laden and Gaddafi. We saw governments overthrown all over the Middle East, and Syria will fall soon too.

But America is in decline. The end of the American Century has come and gone. We will never recapture it. A West-Centered world will be a thing of the past. This century will be marked as the emergence of the East. China and Russia will lead the world.

This has put everyone on earth at risk, since neither of these countries are known for being safehavens for freedom and democracy.

Just as the US had enough influence to turn the rest of the West into stable liberal democracies, the new East will have enough influence to create safehavens for political oppression.

All this happened, because Republicans wanted to allow capitalists to make a few bucks off of cheap labor in China and to stuff billionaires full of tax breaks. The Democrats responded by rolling over and playing dead.

-- Modified on 7/23/2012 8:12:33 AM

Despite the apologist attitude of our current Command-in-Chief.

America needs to go back to its strong belief in itself.  Back to the day when we didn't care what other countries said about us.  Or how they viewed us.  What matters is what we think about ourselves and the pride in which go about our business.

We still have the world's strongest military, in spite of the Democrats' moves to weaken it.  Despite our current financial struggles, we sill have one of the world's strongest and most influential economies.

Of course, that doesn't please liberals.  Weakness pleases liberals.  Which is the biggest reason why I will never be confused for a liberal.

nuguy46175 reads

The decline started in '08....
cause the guy you say is SOOOOOO qualified to be prez, immediately continued his Apology World Tour......in the Middle East strength is not viewed as being on your knees, looking up and saying "sorry"....the bushman was never viewed as being weak...a myth the demmies portrayed to further their 'weak-need', junior senator from ILL..the one who has never had a real job in his life.
the rest of the world knows who rescued them from a lifetime of speaking japanese or german.
time to start understanding the lies your ass-party has been given you.

nuguy46194 reads

regan=carter election.

at the end of the day what happened?

yup, u got it correct....same thing that will hapen this year.
LANDSLIDE! (shhhhh..4 romney)

Bush=Kerry. at the end of the day what happened? yup, u got it correct....same thing that will hapen this year. LANDSLIDE!

Well maybe not a landslide.


I could give a shit about these so-called rankings.  I base my opinion on what I see, hear, and feel and what others see, hear and feel.

There is no other country in which I would rather live.  And a huge majority of Americans would agree with me.  

This nation is strong. No economic recession will ever bring it down.

If you think otherwise, then go live and work for some other country.  Collect a paycheck from another government.

And bury your fucking rankings in the sand with your own head . . . .

Just curious, outside of Thailand or other hobbyist destinations, what countries have you visited to base such a conclusion?  

Posted By: PitchingWedge

I could give a shit about these so-called rankings.  I base my opinion on what I see, hear, and feel and what others see, hear and feel.

There is no other country in which I would rather live.  And a huge majority of Americans would agree with me.  

This nation is strong. No economic recession will ever bring it down.

If you think otherwise, then go live and work for some other country.  Collect a paycheck from another government.

And bury your fucking rankings in the sand with your own head . . . .

A TV show? A fucking TV show, written by Aaron Sorkin. Hell, he's so far left, he's liable to fall off the planet. Come on willy, you can do better than that. I don't see standing room only for people trying to immigrate to other countries like they are trying to come here, legally or otherwise. The list of countries I've been to would fill both sides of 3 pages of legal size tablet paper. Been to every continent, even Antarctica, (Operation Deep freeze). To put it bluntly, for all it's faults, there ain't no place better than the USA. Even when the democrats are in charge, lol.

Were we supposed to do that? I thought we were only supposed to eliminate the terrorist threat, and the Taliban. Most of those sorry fuckers ran off to Pakistan, with random raids back into Afghanistan. Even OBL was holed up in Pakistan.

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