Politics and Religion

Unlike the 1930s Most of today's KKK and Skinheads are retards
randomvr301 3072 reads
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Forget about ISIS.   They are thousands of miles away in the Middle East.   How about taking care of and demolishing our own ISIS right here called the KKK?     Add to it, the skin heads, White supremacists and the remnants of Nazi left overs.   All these groups have infiltrated the US Army and the Police.

The latest UN report speaks of police state and police brutality here.    How about fixing it before we go to other countries to preach freedom, liberty and justice, right to protest and rally?

Forget about Russia moving in to Ukraine.   This country invaded and occupied Iraq and Afghanistan.     What is the difference?

They behead, we waterboard.     What is the difference.

They wear traditional Muslim robes, we wear suit, shirt and a tie!   LOL.

AliquippaJones 12 Reviews 470 reads
2 / 34

Many hold western passports.
They may show up at your front door. Are you going to show them the UN report? Are you going to tell them about how you've fought racism and opposed waterboarding? Are you going to tell them about how guilty you feel about the sins of the USA?
  Then after you say all that they put a sharp knife at your throat and your head drops to the floor.They don't care.
   They hate you.
   Your moral relativism will  get us killed. It's suicidal. Then again maybe you are so full of guilt you may be suicidal.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 534 reads
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... and it has less to do with their having a physical presence.

As usual, many in the West simply don't get it.  

ISIS is an ideology bereft of borders. for those able to understand even a smattering of their goals and methods of achieving it, they are an epidemic and represent potentially the greatest threat we have ever faced.

While the UN spends more than 50% of its time AND BUDGET bloviating about those Jews in Israel building apartments on disputed land, its the Red Herring allowing ISIS to spread like the Plague.

Will it take another 911 for people to realize the truth?

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 485 reads
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N can’t do damn thing about Israel because Uncle Sam vetoes every damn thing. Israel will stop when uncle pulls the plugs and that is not going to happen. As long as Israel stirs up the hornets nest, the war will continuum

randomvr301 434 reads
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Take care of all the terrorists within the country FIRST.   ISIS coming here is a Republican war drum financed by Defense Industry and its lobbyists

randomvr301 520 reads
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We don't have to wait for any outsider to come and do another 9/11.   We have enough Nazis, skin heads, KKK and Clorox supremacists to terrorize Americans.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 500 reads
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Was the watchword? Even people being specific about "extremist" we're shouted down as "islamaphobes". Here we have a dork who thinks water boarding 3 terrorist and beheading children and putting the heads on sticks are the same thing.

This guy has pushed TSTTT to heights never seen before.
Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... and it has less to do with their having a physical presence.  
 As usual, many in the West simply don't get it.  
 ISIS is an ideology bereft of borders. for those able to understand even a smattering of their goals and methods of achieving it, they are an epidemic and represent potentially the greatest threat we have ever faced.  
 While the UN spends more than 50% of its time AND BUDGET bloviating about those Jews in Israel building apartments on disputed land, its the Red Herring allowing ISIS to spread like the Plague.  
 Will it take another 911 for people to realize the truth?

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 578 reads
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Is it a Holy War and establishing the 12th Imam of Islam?

What do you make of the Saudi Prince?  Is he responsible for funding the terrorists hijackers on 911

JackDunphy 472 reads
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I assume you saw her pretty much call Obama a pussy yesterday for not going after ISIS?

-- Modified on 9/1/2014 1:24:15 PM

613spades 5 Reviews 793 reads
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There are more then a couple Black Supremacy and hate groups in America. Why not mention them with the KKK and Nazi groups? Are you sure you aren't racist as well?  

Posted By: csekhar73
Forget about ISIS.   They are thousands of miles away in the Middle East.   How about taking care of and demolishing our own ISIS right here called the KKK?     Add to it, the skin heads, White supremacists and the remnants of Nazi left overs.   All these groups have infiltrated the US Army and the Police.  
 The latest UN report speaks of police state and police brutality here.    How about fixing it before we go to other countries to preach freedom, liberty and justice, right to protest and rally?  
 Forget about Russia moving in to Ukraine.   This country invaded and occupied Iraq and Afghanistan.     What is the difference?  
 They behead, we waterboard.     What is the difference.  
 They wear traditional Muslim robes, we wear suit, shirt and a tie!   LOL.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 429 reads
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La Raza?? How explicit can you get?  

They've  infiltrated the White House and it's administration.

When you think of it, if you're not a racialist or a self loathing white person, they just don't have room for you.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 460 reads
12 / 34

That statement just proves your utter ignorance.
Kidnapping children and killing them is stirring up a hornets nest.
Firing thousands of rockets into civilian areas is stirring up a hornets nest.
Declaring your stated goal of the total genocide of an entire people, as Hamas charter specifically says, is stirring up a hornets nest.

Stir up the hornets nest, you get stung.
Even an ignorant like you should know better.
So go away, cunt, you're fouling the air

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 421 reads
13 / 34

I'm not certain what the goal of ISIS truly is, but their de facto leader is already being referred to as the 12th Imam in their published manifesto. The word Jihad itself translates to Holy War. And ISIS has made no bones they see Jihad forging a path to converting America to strict Sharia Law.

One thing for certain, their greatest weapon, is terror.

As to the Saudi Prince and 911 financing, considering there are literally thousands of Princes in the family tree of Abdulaziz, there is no certainty as to which of them were behind and financing the 911 attacks. But there is little doubt oil revenue was the source that produced all the money used to finance not just 911, but many of the terrorist events of the last 40 years. No offense Gag, I'm talking Middle East oil revenue

ed2000 31 Reviews 293 reads
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For decades after the Civl War, the kkk reigned in many places, not just in the south. They cloaked themselves in the symbols of Christianity. Of course they weren't and aren't Christians. It was only after enough real Christians stood up to them did their power and  numbers decline dramtically. This is the kind of action the world needs to see from the Muslim world before radical Islamists will start to decline.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 333 reads
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You think only the Jews are humans. How many women and children have Israel killed in the 67 years? Thousands and thousands. So you go tell your Israel kidnapping and killing belly ache to another fucking bigot like you.

Israel grabs land from Arabs every chance don’t want peace. If there is peace then Israel will loose $2.5 billion in US tax payer funding.  

Now you and Israel can go fuck each other.

86H13LTP 479 reads
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and harmless so why waste the time . The SPLC singles them out to justify their waste of time jobs . The white ones you need to fear are the ones nobody knows a thing about .  

if you ever want to experience the difference between water boarding and beheading let me know. I think it's best we start with water boarding.  

Like the others in the thread why didn't you list all the hate groups in the US ? I guess you didn't know that a higher up AA at Dept of HMS was running a kill whitey website on the side .

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 438 reads
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Then they spin up the fucking PR machine to make it look everyone else’s fault. If the west stay out of all trouble spots, stop interring and stop arming one against the other, things will settle down. But that won’t happen, if it does, you will have dismantle the military industrial complex

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 449 reads
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the muslin population. Take Israel for example, they alone can instigate muslim hate for the west. Now Israel is annexing Palestinian territory.

There is no comparison between KKK and Muslim terrorism.  

Muslim Terrorism is not doing the right thing neither are we because we let Israel act with impunity.

GaGambler 535 reads
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Just remember, every barrel I pump out of the ground is a hundred bucks that doesn't go to fund our enemies.

Idiots like our little fungus will never grasp that concept.

JackDunphy 576 reads
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Or are you going to go the WW route and claim ignorance?  

It's one thing to be a miserable know nothing poster like you are and to disagree with Israeli policy, but it's quite another to continue to show your hateful anti-semitism to someone so deeply wounded by the hatred of Jews that he lost a family member in the holocaust as well.

Wise up Fungus.

-- Modified on 9/1/2014 4:49:00 PM

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 506 reads
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NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 533 reads
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randomvr301 508 reads
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They are not out there committing mass shootings, LOL.

randomvr301 521 reads
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randomvr301 380 reads
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JackDunphy 572 reads
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613spades 5 Reviews 508 reads
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Name the shooter and the group they were a member of? I'm guessing less then 20% were members of any group so why only take issue with white hate groups? And mass shooter means more then one person shot right (personally I'd think more then 3 but ?)? I can name more than a couple that were Islamic and black or middle eastern if that counts?  
      Do you honestly believe that any of these groups black, white or purple do ANY good in our society? When you start separating you start to see other groups as less then human. Disposable to some extent, if for no other reason than to advance your own race. There isn't any way any of them could be GOOD for America as a whole.    

Posted By: csekhar73
They are not out there committing mass shootings, LOL.

613spades 5 Reviews 414 reads
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The middle east has been a hot bed for war for 3000 yrs. The 2 competing sects of Islam will war until one is left. Explain the wars and killing in Iran, Iraq exc since 1980. The west wasn't involved in most of these, weapons or otherwise.  

ed2000 31 Reviews 516 reads
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Posted By: anonymousfun
There is no comparison between KKK and Muslim terrorism.
I agree they aren't nearly the same, yet they are both terrorism.

And I never made any comments regarding similarities or differences regarding the execution of the two. My comments were directed towards what it would require to end or dramatically reduce the present islamo-facist terrorism. You seem to be claiming the responsibility for the current radical Muslim's action rests solely with Israel and the West. Are you justifying it or explaining it? I do have difficulty comprehending your use of the English language.

86H13LTP 582 reads
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- one was an American don't forget - in turn radical Jews killed a pal boy and burned his body . That's when Hamas started shooting rockets by the dozens and Israel attacked .  Hamas hates fucking Jews PERIOD ! They purposely started that fight for no other reason than to kill Jews . It has nothing to do with fucking land that has gone back and forth for 1000s of years . The rest of the countries in that region hate fucking Hamas and is why you don't hear them saying much about Israel trying their best to kill every last one of them. The same thing is happening with ISIS . The Saudis are real close to entering that fight , because just like Hamas , having that freak show around is bad for business .  

Building terror tunnels instead of schools , hospitals , housing and mosques with building supplies given to the pal people by Israel and taken by Hamas. and you say Israel  instigates .Try pulling your head out of your ass someday and you'll be able to see things much clearer .

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 434 reads
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so we can get away from these monsters and the Clintons and Bush's can quit kissing Saudi's butt for oil.    

I would like to believe that our leader has a plan, to get all the hornet's in a nest in one area then bomb the shit out of them.  But the players on the world stage keep getting stranger.  US/UK/Israel don't know who is enemy and who is friend.  I do not believe that Saudi Arabia is our ally.  And it's disgusting Hillary Clinton received a half million in diamonds and rubies from those monsters that teach hate and violence

GaGambler 338 reads
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Or are you truly so stupid that you don't know that there is a very active "Mexican Mafia" operating right here in the US?

The more you post, the dumber you get. If you last through the end of the year, (which I doubt) you have a great chance of winning this year's SPOTY, costing both me and DA money. If nothing else, you are a mortal lock to win the SPOTY of this board, not even JCA or AF come close to matching you in downright cluelessness, and lack of original thought.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 443 reads
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There were lots of atrocities committed in this world, some worse than the holocaust. Palestinians and Arabs didn't have shit to do with shit brain.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 444 reads
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You know what, if any other country has done the same, there will be no end to the hell raised by the west. Ukraine and Russia is an example. Putin is just trying to protect ethnic Russians. West Bank is not part of Israel any way, they are occupying West Bank through settlements which against UN Resolutions.

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