Politics and Religion

Unless Charlie is your alias, you have nothing to worry about
tjrevisted 6748 reads
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And loosing your freedom, to decide EVERYTHING and
ANYTHING for yourself and your family, you find yourself at a crossroads..To act..

This website is awsome!!! Its a private blog community (private so Odrama's Internet Czar cant take us offline)..But it also has state by state
action needed groups..Are you feeling helpless??
Want to know that their are more Americans like you?
Tired of feeling helpless?? Well find out what your state needs from you, AND DO IT!!! Stop feeling helpless, cause now isnt the time to do that, Now is the time to act..And this website is as far as I have found (yet)..IS THE BEST, at getting you involved, and helping you not feel so helpless..When your doing things, like signing petitions, organizing community events, and seeing the public outpour's of support for you and  the freedom movement, YOU STOP FEELING HELPLESS!!!

Get involved..... Even if your only taking a day off with everyone else (which this site is organizing) TO SHOW WASHINGTON HOW FUGGN DISCUSTED WE (THE PEOPLE) ARE!!!! Do something, FREEDOM ISNT FREE!!! But it sure felt like it was, didnt it??

-- Modified on 7/6/2009 2:01:53 AM

tjrevisted 1657 reads
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This website has the most translated news articles from around the world, That ive found..

If nothing else its deffinitly an interesting read..

http://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/postglobal/america/israel/  this is a video blog of MANY coutry's and their veiws on AMERICA ..and is VERY educational...Since we have been totally braindead/brain washed for years if not our whole life.. Its time to start finding out what this war of the world, THATS COOKING UP, will be about

-- Modified on 7/6/2009 3:50:32 AM

tjrevisted 2172 reads
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For all you, who think I was believing in conspiracy theories..I see you are starting to see
the truth I WAS PREACHING MONTHS AGO!!!! and I see you opening your eyes...Im just not a republican, IM WAY MORE CONSERVATIVE THAN THEM!!! Im independent and our best bet to have stopped this shit would have been Ron Paul..Its the FED and our DEBT that is making all this possible..and ron paul was going to audit them if he had become president..

BUT INDY'S NEVER GET NEWS COVERAGE, why is that? The politicians that arent dem or republican are the ones with our best interest at heart, they also seem to be the only ones AGAINST this oranized crime we have going on in America today, we call our GOVERNMENT..We will see how in the world, those stupid obamabots tide in 2010, they all  got registered to vote for Odrama..MOST OF HIS VOTING POOL, wont get out and vote in 2010- But their vote was needed to put this anti-american/anti-christ in office

-- Modified on 7/6/2009 2:18:53 AM

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 1896 reads
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I was intimately involved in the Ron Paul campaign, specifically because of the need to get a handle on the private banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve. Ron Paul was the only Republican ready, willing and able to address this central issue.

One thing I found interesting was if you listen to people like Mark Levin, if you go down a whole host of real issues, the only Republican who matches them on those issues is Ron Paul. And yet, when it counted most, the Levins of the world called Ron Paul a "crackpot."

This technique was invented by the commies, and is called "The psycho-pathologization of dissent."

The gist is that anyone who approaches the REAL core issues is dismissed out of hand as a "conspiracy theorist," "crackpot," "racist," etc. In this way, they don't have to address those issues because the character of the person raising them has been impeached in the public mind.

If the public weren't so full of sheeple who can be led by the nose using the simplest of psychological manipulations (i.e. "everyone thinks X"); then this technique wouldn't work to discredit someone like Ron Paul for anyone capable of thinking for themselves.

Trouble is, we have too few who think for themselves. Whether they label themselves "conservative," "liberal," or anything else -- most people adopt what *someone else says* as their personal philosophy.

And when it comes to influential radio commentators like Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin -- you can rest assured that the content of their philosophy will never be far outside the range of what the powers that be will allow in terms of dissent.

In other words, they are allowed to be where they are precisely because they are NOT dangerous to the status quo. They provide a forum for faux resistance so that people spend their energies on impotent idiocy. This gives people a way to "blow off steam" that is safe to the status quo.

And the proof of this is simply that, when given an opportunity to put their support behind a man who embodies everything they SAY they believe -- Ron Paul -- instead of supporting him, they actually used the Frankfurt School Marxist technique of pathologization of dissent to discredit him with the sheeple.

There are many avenues of potential AUTHENTIC dissent. The Ron Paul meetup groups have continued under other guises. There are over 20 active secessionist groups in the United States, some of whom are picking up steam. Groups like NumbersUSA, Grassfire (and their newest offspring, ResistNet) and the Appleseed project (appleseedinfo.org) give you the opportunity to make your efforts truly meaningful.

Those who signed the Declaration of Independence, pledging their "lives, fortunes and sacred honor," didn't do so in a risk-free environment. Many suffered mightily for their commitment. And they didn't endure that suffering so that their posterity would throw it all away in order to absorb propoganda from the idiot box while drooling into a napkin.

Today, too many of those people who realize something is terribly wrong are so fearful of even being called a nasty name that they stick with the impotent "politically correct dissent." Our founding fathers would puke in disgust.

I am involved in a large number of patriotic organizations. (Most of which I haven't mentioned). If you care about the future of freedom, I encourage you to find an avenue for authentic dissent and get busy. The sacrifices of our forefathers demand no less. It is time to re-prove our worthiness of our priceless inheritance, or we will lose it.

tjrevisted 2580 reads
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about the thinking for our self part...

Americans have been brainwashed, to think we need big brothers helping hand, BY THE NEWS, instead of seeing how instead of getting help or security, WE ARE LOSING OUR FREEDOM..

Basicaly to ''secure'' us..WE CANT BE FREE..and Americans are to braindead to see it (ALOT OF THEM ARE)..when your listening to the news, ALWAYS REMIMBER its only an oppnion your hearing, AND ALWAYS THINK ABOUT WHAT THEYRE SAYING..Dont accept it as an absolute truth...

Ps.. months ago, I was saying how bad our news was lieing and brainwashing us, and these assholes on this board, labeled me, all the things you said they would..In their programed marxist fashion without even realizing it..YOU MAKE VERY VALID POINTS..But in a twist of irony, I see by reading their posts now, ALOT OF THEM SEE I WAS TELLING THE TRUTH, and they agree with me, and see ALL of what I used to say comming to AN OBVIOUS and SOBERING TRUTH and REALITY..

xOxO John, you are a patriot xOxO
God Bless The USA!!!!

charlie445 3 Reviews 1336 reads
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remixed capitalism peddled by a bunch of would be lightweight imperialists.

charlie445 3 Reviews 1337 reads
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johngaltnh 6 Reviews 1922 reads
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Actually, Charlie, I am the precise opposite of an imperialist/internationalist; in that I am an economic nationalist. An economic nationalist opposes both socialist internationalism AND capitalist internationalism (i.e. imperialism).

(Note: economic nationalism is not the same thing as racial nationalism. If you want racial nationalism visit Japan or China. Both also have economic nationalism.)

But don't let me get in the way of your fun in slinging canned phrases!

Can I also please pretty please be called a "capitalist pig?"

And I'll feel incomplete if you don't tell me that I am a hard-hearted bastard who gets his jollies by contemplating children starving to death.

Oh -- and don't forget to echo Nietzsche -- "God is dead."

But have you ever READ Nietzsche? You'd get some kicks out of The Antichrist, but my favorites are Thus Spake Zarathustra and Beyond Good and Evil.

I guarantee he'd leave you apoplectic. I love him though, and I especially enjoy Shaw's interpretation in "Man and Superman."

The trouble with all this socialist stuff is it attempts to enslave the Supermen and Superwomen -- those who really make the world work. This is not a good idea.

Capitalism has serious flaws in that it provides opportunities for corruption of government to then actually restrict, rather than free, the market on behalf of a special interest. It's a serious problem.

But that doesn't mean that setting up a system where every person's "need" constitutes a first mortgage on my life is a better alternative.

By all means -- let's muster the courage to fix the corruption in our system. But don't do it at the expense of denying the Supermen and Superwomen who run the motor of the world.

The institutionalized pervasive parasitism of socialized systems only works so long as guys like me are willing to allow themselves to be victims. Don't count on it working forever.

:-) (*chuckle*)

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 1344 reads
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I thought dialectical materialists were supposed to be more creative than that?

charlie445 3 Reviews 1652 reads
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particularly obnoxious shill for the capitalist class. What the fuck do you know about creativity? Go post another tall tale about your friend from Russia so you can whip up some support for your slimy progressive capitalist agenda.

tjrevisted 1278 reads
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I give them just fine!!!! But John is making very valid points.. and you are pulling ad Hominem, to try to discredit me, YOU ARENT EVEN TALKING ABOUT THE TOPIC. OK?

But I expect you to pull the communist tactics to discredit people...Its the AMERICAN SYMPATHYZERS, that disgust me when they do it..B-Boy

-- Modified on 7/6/2009 10:37:55 AM

charlie445 3 Reviews 1303 reads
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bullshit up all you want but at the end of the day it is still capitalism which is based on human greed. In the end after all of the capitalist cannibalization of the worlds economy, communism will crush the life out of the running dogs. Perhaps it will happen sooner than you might expect.

charlie445 3 Reviews 2059 reads
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John is some sort of confused capitalist progressive so he probably is not clear on reality of the profit motive. It is essential that you know what profit is before entering into a discussion about communist tactics. A good understanding of profit can be gleaned from Das kapital.

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 1444 reads
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I mean -- you've seen my postings related to the finance capitalist mess, and specific advocacy of alternatives -- complete with suggested reading.

So you KNOW I'm not a "shill for the capitalist class."

But you just keep repeating these phrases like one of those dolls with a string:

"... shill for the capitalist class ..."
"slimy progressive capitalist agenda ..."

You aren't responding to the environment, just the pulling of the string. Help me disempower the criminals in charge of the federal reserve!  Those guys are capitalists!

As for my friend from Russia -- she's very real, and practices law in CT.

However -- the point would be the same if I used myself as an example. I came from absolute dirt poverty like you read about in Appalachia. I studied hard, stayed away from all the wrong things, served my country in various positions and  earned a stack of degrees that looks like a child molestor's rap sheet -- starting with one of our military academies.

I am a self-made success. You can pick up my books at your local bookstore and you can't even use a VCR or drive a car without using something I've invented. And I came from dirt roads at the end of dirt roads. I earned everything I have with my own hard work.

And people who think it should be taken from me and given to people who didn't work either as hard or as smart are just begging for slavery. I'm a generous and compassionate person -- but let ME choose who will receive my largesse -- don't force it on me.

Of course, for some people, maybe the collar of slavery would rest easily; but for ME that collar would not.

charlie445 3 Reviews 1364 reads
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You might have an axe to grind with the current crew of capitalist but you want to replace it with your own brand of the same cancerous cannibalistic economics. We communists call you a reformists. Reforming capitalism is like remaking a Frankenstein monster. No matter what you do you to change it you end up with a monster. Are we clear?

tjrevisted 1228 reads
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Some peoples paridise, where the people are not only govt capital, but govt slaves AND resources???

I mean you say/see all the same stuff we're talking about..But you have no suggestions..AND I HOPE YOU DONT THINK WERE gonna sympathize with communism, after America's freedom days are over...But the more and more this man (Odrama) slides BILLS/laws through congress, Its starting to look like not only will Americans take it, they'll love it..

ITS JUST SO DISGUSTING!!! You dont see our freedom is deminishing and we're soon to be GOVT slaves?

GaGambler 1244 reads
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When TJ is the rational one in a conversation.

I never thought I would be defending her, but in this thread at least TJ makes a hell of a lot more sense that does Charlie.

Truth be told, I actually agree with a lot of what TJ has to say. I just have a hard time dealing with her hystrionics.

TJ, if you can continue to make your points without ranting and raving it will be a pleasure to hear your various POVs. I think you will find that I agree with you more often than you would think.

zisk 86 Reviews 1688 reads
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marikod 1 Reviews 1418 reads
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tjrevisted 1712 reads
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Im so glad to see people are waking up!!!
Im sorry Ive been ravinous  about the way I ranted about topics..But I felt like we were playing for freedom, and all the things I stand for,
and everyone thought it was a joke (at first)..

But as Ive gone back through ya'lls posts, I actually read that we agree on alot, and as long as Im speaking to a freedom loving american..I promise to chill..so lets call cease fire ?? Because I believe we're on the same side GG.. LoL

God bless america

-- Modified on 7/6/2009 3:46:04 PM

tjrevisted 1516 reads
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Ive told you be4, I think you like picking EVERYTHING I say apart..BUT I DIDNT CALL ANYONE A COMMUNIST...K??

tjrevisted 1041 reads
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I WOULD JUST TELL THEM, and then they would live with out it..Like I said they would..lmao

marikod 1 Reviews 1423 reads
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except for a bad case of near sightedness.

Put on your glasses and observe the post to which my post was addressed.

And, correct me if I am wrong, but I do not recall ever commenting on one of your posts, except for the one where you declared the Supreme Court had agreed to hear Chrysler's appeal bc the judge's decision was so unconstitutional.

And on that one you definitely deserved a spanking.

-- Modified on 7/6/2009 7:57:14 PM

charlie445 3 Reviews 1596 reads
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charlie445 3 Reviews 3006 reads
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charlie445 3 Reviews 1936 reads
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There has to be some level of agreement for a discussion to proceed. Communism would make sense to you if you were politically objective. Capitalism makes sense to me but I don't think It is a good long term solution for human needs.

tjrevisted 1657 reads
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and never seen you give an answer...sorry Its not so important to me, that I will read back, and I will take your half assed answer to me, AS YOU DONT KNOW...

tysvm! xoxo

charlie445 3 Reviews 1116 reads
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I guess it's hard to read when you are off your meds.

tjrevisted 1553 reads
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I was hoping, and heard they may...I was hoping like hell someone would stand up for the law of the land..I was wrong there..AND I HATE IT FOR ALL OF US..!!! Because thats a bigger sign of how safe we are not, and that the supreme court will not even stand up for the people anymore...Im sorry I accused you of picking! You are starting to sound like a freedom fighter to me too..So I ''think'' were on the same page..and thats the only issue that matters to me these days..Our freedom

GaGambler 1501 reads
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Marikod would surrender to the French if given half a chance. rofl

tjrevisted 1949 reads
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