Politics and Religion

Now there are deaths at these Occupy Camps.
PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 3059 reads

These public displays are accomplishing next-to-nothing and now some lives have been lost.

It is about time for the protesters to wake up and see that there are other more effective ways to gt their points across.

Such as? I'm all ears, PW!!!!

Oh, and if by "more effective" you mean allowing capitalists to go on ignoring the 99% and stealing their wealth while bribing gov't, then your argument is a non-starter.

There's always casualties in war, and the 99% didn't declare it.

War over people angry with other people's greed?

Do these people have to camp in public parks, defecate on public grounds, create filth, disturb the way of life for thousands and create an atmosphere where one man dies from a combination of drugs and carbon monoxide?

Isn't it embarrassing for these occupiers to try to make a point by acting like homeless people?

I see that you now have gotten on the anti-capitalist kick since it is the "flavor of the day."

I am in the 99% and the capitalists have not stolen one dime from me.  

You calling this a war makes you look even more foolish than you normally do on this little discussion board of ours.

is that you didn't already know Willy has long been an anti-capitalist running dog.  Also, it is virtually impossible for Willy to look any more foolish than he already did.  I strongly believe in people's right to protest but at this point the OWS movement is simply alienating the rest of the so-called "99%."  They are actually harming their cause.  Cue Willy.  Line: "This only proves that peaceful protest doesn't work.  They need to attack Wall Street with torches and pitchforks and lynch a few capitalists."
Earth to Willy: the only thing that's not working is 99% of the OWS protesters.

-- Modified on 11/12/2011 9:31:40 AM

...I'm still waiting to hear about your "more effective ways".

The OWS folks don't fricken make up even 1%.  If you added up all of them in every US city you'd be lucky if there were even a few thousand camping out.  Hell, we have more people than that attend a fricken high school football game on a Friday night.

I'm not one of the 1%, but I'm not part of the 99% that OWS thinks they represent either.  Actually, OWS is the epitomy of the disease that liberalism breeds.  Gimme, Gimmme, Gimmme...  Maybe Wonka will feed them, but I certainly won't.

Snowman391199 reads

So you would have to agree with me that this is just Darwin at work.

Differing species selectively live and die based on the skills they need for survival, correct.
Lions, strength and speed, Rabbits, speed and cunning, hawks, vision and flight capabilities.

Human beings, intelligence.

So for our study, lets use two sample groups

Group 1) The OWS group, which we will call the STUPID group
Group 2) The 1%, which we will call the INTELLIGENT group

Group STUPID leads a totally dependent life, relying on others to provide for its meals and actually produce the labor which provides its sustenance (in many ways like a buzzard). Due to this lack of skill group STUPID must participate in protests whose environments are not hygienic and are expose their bodies to germs and disease (i.e. TB outbreak in Atlanta) as well we human waste with a lack of sanitation. As a result, disease and expose take their tolls and people start dying.

Group INTELLIGENT continues hygienic practices and to live indoors away from the elements and lives.

So as you can see, DARWIN wins again, group INTELLIGENT continues to live and thrive while group STUPID dies due to the lack of intelligence.

And neither did Darwin believe in it, by the way. You know who did believe in social Darwinism? Adolf Hitler.

There are a million examples in nature that shows that life doesn't persist just from competition, but from cooperation. You'll even see this from different species.

Human beings are a social species. Our own speech is evidence for this. With social species, the focus isn't the survival of the individual, but the survival of the group.

Human beings live in groups. We have families, that live inside larger groups called communities, that live in even larger groups called societies. All of human existance is based upon cooperative living. If we all live as isolated individuals we would be in the stone age, and that includes the individual who make up the 1%.

Intelligence, by the way, in no way determines who becomes the top 1%. Inheritance is the biggest deciding factor in that, as well as those who are more prone towards psychochotic behavior.

Inheritance is the biggest deciding factor in that, as well as those who are more prone towards psychochotic behavior. """"

This is true. That's why South Central is so safe.

Snowman392108 reads

One again I find myself educating Willy

1) Adolf Hitler, really, you want to go there!! Hitler believed in a strong central government, not the individual, Hitler believe in Party before self, not the individual, Hitler believed in large government programs and control, not capitalism. Do you really want to start drawing comparisons, because if so, I could easily tell you to go shave your mustache.

2) The MAJORITY of millionaires today are self-made. Not inheritance. That is what makes the OWS crowd so pathetic.

We are not a SOCIAL species as you claim, we are PACK animals. I support my group, NOT the entire community. My family, definitely, my friends, to a point, a stranger, if I believe they warrant it. You want it to be communal because you are dependent on it. That is your weakness and why you will never rise above mediocrity.  

Hope you took notes, not go sharpen your pencil, I am sure you will need more education before we are done.

-- Modified on 11/12/2011 8:49:36 AM

I didn't say that Hitler believed in individualism. I said that Hitler was a social Darwinist. Your argument for the "survival of the fittest" is identical to Hitler's, all you have to do is just change out the "Aryans" for the "rich".

No, the majority of millionaires are not self-made. And millionaires, while they have influence, are just members of the coordinating class. The people running the show (really the top 0.01%) are mostly billionaires, and almost all of them inherited their wealth.

Pack animals are social species. Nature actually defines the maximum number of your pack, which is based on how many people we are able to know, and remember them. That number is about 175 people. We have outgrown this with modern civilization, and that certainly has consequences, but it doesn't change the fact that if every group of 175 people were warring with each other we'd live in a dysfunctional society, and indeed a dysfunctional world.

ALL OF US are dependent on our community. Do you grow the food you eat? Do you kill the meat you eat? Did you build the home you live in? Both of us can pay for these things, but we are still relying on others to sustain our lives. That is what is built into our DNA. The more we embrace this, the better our society will be.

Snowman39956 reads

The minute you pulled out the "Hitler" card, the rest of your post really was not worth reading. It's like listening to someone who suddenly starts using the "N" word to describe someone, the minute they do, you're better off just tuning out.

So, perhaps you will have more luck in the next thread and get back to some reasonable debate.

ElGuapo5051672 reads

If innocent people have to die in this revolution, you are OK with that? Is that what you espouse, willywonka4u?

ElGuapo505940 reads

Should we be surprised?

A few weeks back, I was predicting this very thing. That the Occutards would show their true colors. They have, and I feel somewhat smarmy about it.

Rapes. Thefts. Destruction of public and private property. Threats of violence upon other citizens. Now murder.

Vive la Révolution!? Is this revolution? Sometime the innocent must shed blood so that the guilty pay for their perceived crimes?

The ends justify the means! Just like Comrade Che said.

"My nostrils dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood. Crazy with fury I will stain my rifle red while slaughtering any vencido (surrendered, defeated) that falls in my hands! With the deaths of my enemies I prepare my being for the sacred fight and join the triumphant proletariat with a bestial howl!"

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