Politics and Religion

Unfortunately it is a characteristic of all "successful" politicians
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1280 reads
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Let's see if I can sum things up.  

On the Democratic side:

Jim Web: Looks like my big toe.
Lincoln Chafee: cross between a squirrel and deer caught in headlights.
Martin O'Malley: ran Baltimore so well, they had riots. As a bonus, he looks like a chipmunk.
Hillary Clinton: the one everyone declares the winner, even though no one likes her.  
Bernie Sanders: makes John McCain look young.

On the GOP side.  

Jeb Bush: Worst President's kid brother.
Ben Carlson: Sleeps when he talks.
Chris Christie: Is corrupt, even by Jersey's standards.
Ted Cruz: A schizophrenic Mr. Rodgers.  
Carly Fiorina: Famous for running a computer company into the ground.
Jim Gilmour: The guy no one knows is running.
Lindsey Graham: Is fucked in the ass daily by John McCain.
Mike Huckabee: And you thought Al Sharpton was a bad candidate.
Bobby Jindal: A multicultural Wally Cleaver.
John Kasich: Used to host a show on Fox that no one remembers.
Rand Paul: Like his dad, just crazier and with less integrity.
Marco Rubio: Makes Herman Cain look pretty bright.
Rick Santorum: Named after butt froth.
Donald Trump: An idiotic blowhard with self-esteem issues.  

Honest question. Do we *have* to have a President?

RRO2610 51 Reviews 343 reads
2 / 22

Is the shameless coronation plans being made for Hillary, and she has not won the primary yet! The fucking banks, Big Pharma and the private prison industry have already declared her winner. DAMN but she has been busy sucking corporate oligarchy penis.

CallNumber9 2 Reviews 328 reads
3 / 22

Ha, I had it out with a Hillary operative in a Men's Room at a Madonna concert in Chicago along these lines a few weeks ago. He was not amused.

Posted By: RRO2610
Is the shameless coronation plans being made for Hillary, and she has not won the primary yet! The fucking banks, Big Pharma and the private prison industry have already declared her winner. DAMN but she has been busy sucking corporate oligarchy penis.

Bill_Brasky 291 reads
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Butt froth was named after him, not the other way around.  I'll admit that is a distinction without a difference.

HONDA 153 Reviews 355 reads
5 / 22

......probably Hillary Clinton, John Kaische and perhaps Donald Trump. Hilliary's performance in front of that kangaroo hearing impressed many with her commanding knowledge of U.S. foreign policy. Republican's gave her 11 hours of free airtime and she took full advantage of it, Hilliary looked well prepped to become the next POTUS. Fox News seeing how disasterous the hearings were turning out for Republican's stopped wall to wall coverage halfway through the hearings. It's actually been a great week for Clinton, Biden and Chafee have dropped out, political pundits on the right and left have praised her performance in front of the Benghazi committee and her poll numbers have been steadily rising throughout the month of October.

Posted By: willywonka4u
Let's see if I can sum things up.  
 On the Democratic side:  
 Jim Web: Looks like my big toe.  
 Lincoln Chafee: cross between a squirrel and deer caught in headlights.  
 Martin O'Malley: ran Baltimore so well, they had riots. As a bonus, he looks like a chipmunk.  
 Hillary Clinton: the one everyone declares the winner, even though no one likes her.  
 Bernie Sanders: makes John McCain look young.  
 On the GOP side.  
 Jeb Bush: Worst President's kid brother.  
 Ben Carlson: Sleeps when he talks.  
 Chris Christie: Is corrupt, even by Jersey's standards.  
 Ted Cruz: A schizophrenic Mr. Rodgers.  
 Carly Fiorina: Famous for running a computer company into the ground.  
 Jim Gilmour: The guy no one knows is running.  
 Lindsey Graham: Is fucked in the ass daily by John McCain.  
 Mike Huckabee: And you thought Al Sharpton was a bad candidate.  
 Bobby Jindal: A multicultural Wally Cleaver.  
 John Kasich: Used to host a show on Fox that no one remembers.  
 Rand Paul: Like his dad, just crazier and with less integrity.  
 Marco Rubio: Makes Herman Cain look pretty bright.  
 Rick Santorum: Named after butt froth.  
 Donald Trump: An idiotic blowhard with self-esteem issues.  
 Honest question. Do we *have* to have a President?

GaGambler 380 reads
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Can you really name an election cycle with "good" choices? Obama/Romney, Obama/McCain, Bush/Kerry, Bush/Gore???

I honestly can't remember being enthusiastic about any one I have voted for in decades, we have always had to pick between a giant douche and a shit sandwich. The "praise" that I have heaped onto Trump which has our local lunatic running around screaming about me being a "Trump Groupie" has been "Can he really be any worse than anyone else running?" That's the highest praise I can work up for any of the candidates. I fully expect to end up voting for Hillary and my reason will be "she is not likely to completely fuck up the country under her watch"  

and I suppose at the end of the day, although he is not quite left enough for you, you will end up voting for the "older than McCain" candidate.

GaGambler 333 reads
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Actually IMO he shot himself in the head politically with his comments about accepting the Iran deal and how we need to compromise. That is not the type of rhetoric that is going to sell in a hotly contested primary where Trump is leading by being totally outrageous.

I will definitely agree it's been a GREAT week or two for Hillary, without another shoe dropping on her head over the next few months, she should cruise through the primaries on her way to an easy victory next November, BUT this is Hillary we are talking about, and there is ALWAYS the possibility of another shoe dropping. I will also say that who ever has been grooming her lately has been doing one hell of a job, she no longer comes across as smug and disingenuous as she once did and she now looks calm, composed and actually "Presidential" in her demeanor, a far cry from how she came across previously

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 329 reads
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...how committed is Trump really to be President? A part of me wonders if a month before the election, long after Trump has been declared the GOP nominee, that he doesn't drop out of the race and yucks it up with Hillary.

GaGambler 323 reads
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after all for someone like Trump all publicity is good publicity, not to mention none of this has cost him a nickel, but I think somewhere along the line it dawned on him "I could actually win this" and his intentions changed at that point. What better crowning achievement for a megalomaniac than to be elected POTUS?

Another ironic fact is that if he pulled out of the race tomorrow, he could still claim victory.

Timbow 305 reads
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bigguy30 327 reads
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Posted By: willywonka4u
Let's see if I can sum things up.  
 On the Democratic side:  
 Jim Web: Looks like my big toe.  
 Lincoln Chafee: cross between a squirrel and deer caught in headlights.  
 Martin O'Malley: ran Baltimore so well, they had riots. As a bonus, he looks like a chipmunk.  
 Hillary Clinton: the one everyone declares the winner, even though no one likes her.  
 Bernie Sanders: makes John McCain look young.  
 On the GOP side.  
 Jeb Bush: Worst President's kid brother.  
 Ben Carlson: Sleeps when he talks.  
 Chris Christie: Is corrupt, even by Jersey's standards.  
 Ted Cruz: A schizophrenic Mr. Rodgers.  
 Carly Fiorina: Famous for running a computer company into the ground.  
 Jim Gilmour: The guy no one knows is running.  
 Lindsey Graham: Is fucked in the ass daily by John McCain.  
 Mike Huckabee: And you thought Al Sharpton was a bad candidate.  
 Bobby Jindal: A multicultural Wally Cleaver.  
 John Kasich: Used to host a show on Fox that no one remembers.  
 Rand Paul: Like his dad, just crazier and with less integrity.  
 Marco Rubio: Makes Herman Cain look pretty bright.  
 Rick Santorum: Named after butt froth.  
 Donald Trump: An idiotic blowhard with self-esteem issues.  
 Honest question. Do we *have* to have a President?

mattradd 40 Reviews 332 reads
12 / 22

All the smart ones, who would make great presidents, don't want to go through the vetting process for the job. Hence, they are enjoying themselves at the country club playing golf, or at the spa getting among other things a massage with a happy ending!  ;)

Spike.Mulrooney 318 reads
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followme 312 reads
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Have something "serious" to hide and are "seriously" afraid to submit to a "serious" vetting.

You're "Seriously" Welcome
2016 = GOP All T he Way

HONDA 153 Reviews 325 reads
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............for as long as he can. He might, just as GAG said, declare victory and go home just before the first Republican primaries. One has to figure Trump has more than a few unsavory skeletons in his wardrobe, as do most real estate developers who did business in NYC in the 60's, 70's and early 80's. I expect the opposition research team at the RNC are hard at work combing through all his business dealings over the past several decades.

Posted By: mattradd
All the smart ones, who would make great presidents, don't want to go through the vetting process for the job. Hence, they are enjoying themselves at the country club playing golf, or at the spa getting among other things a massage with a happy ending!  ;)

RRO2610 51 Reviews 315 reads
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and side to an issue that scares the beegebers out of me.  

 Just what America needs; another psychopath in office.

HONDA 153 Reviews 311 reads
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......IMHO, most politicians especially the ones running for POTUS are psychopaths.

Posted By: RRO2610
and side to an issue that scares the beegebers out of me.  
  Just what America needs; another psychopath in office.

GaGambler 331 reads
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It's like being surprised that your favorite actor turns out to be a liar. Well DUH, that's what actors do for a living, they lie, and so do politicians,

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 308 reads
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I mean, really, who's led a perfect life?

mattradd 40 Reviews 271 reads
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RRO2610 51 Reviews 318 reads
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Posted By: GaGambler
It's like being surprised that your favorite actor turns out to be a liar. Well DUH, that's what actors do for a living, they lie, and so do politicians,
  I long ago concluded that anyone running for (or winning) the Presidency should immediately be committed at the conclusion of the election on the grounds of sociopathic levels of delusional narcissism and potentially dangerous megalomania. (Cep't for Bernie. He got a pure heart in this)

 I can't begin to pontificate on a better answer. But the Wall Street banks and Network Media are readying their coronation of Madam Clinton(every other candidate will pay 'dearly' for every second of coverage if they don't recognize the futility). And the MIC (and banks) will do EVERYTHING to make sure the dynastic monotone mediocrity is the GOP choice.(Donalds lawyers will start costing him more than the air time paid by current MALE Democrat candidates if the GOP has anything to say). They used taxpayer money to prosecute their Benghazi-gate they'll use it to bleed Trump as well.  

  Other than a hugely surprising primary voter turnout upsetting the apple cart I think we can bet on the MIC and corporate oligarchy giving us Hillary vs Jeb! contest.

Timbow 309 reads
22 / 22
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