Politics and Religion

um no, we conservatives know what tea bagging is (eom)
SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 1534 reads


This clip makes it quite clear that Hannity has no objectivity regarding Obama or his policies. He is the voice for those who have an axe to grind, but he seems to be running out of material to grind on.

I do want to receive legitimate criticism of Obama and his policies, so to do that I turn to the WSJ or the Washington Post.

He's like an opposite version of Keith Olbermann.  It's amazing these guys have jobs.  When is what kind of mustard someone wants on their burger news, or even funny for that matter?  Are there more important topics that need thoughtful discussion and debate?  Apparently these fine "Journalists" are unable to come up with anything approaching it.  I guess asking these guys to practice some sort of real journalism is beyond their capabilities. Unreal.

BTW: I like spicy mustard on both my burgers and my hot dogs.

but please don't compare him to the world's most insufferable, arrogant and pompous ass Keith Olbermann.

I think Hannity's whole point was that the President's trip to the hamburger joint was NOT news and shouldn't have been covered as though it was.

While I agree with a lot of what Hannity says, I get tired of his constant harping and repetitive message.  At least Rush, O'Reilly and Beck come up with new lines and new topics to discuss.

GaGambler1625 reads

Hannity does nothing more than look for excuses to slam the other party.  BBxxx put it well, he is the "right winger" version of that idiot  Keith Olbermann.

As I have been saying for years, neither party has a monopoly on brainless idiots.

bmuse2151 reads

new girl says,
reporting the news without commentary does nothing for ratings. Keith was employed by fox sometime ago and used that to debunk fox fake news while increasing network ratings.
It's all about the Ratings.

RightwingUnderground2097 reads

I mean the burger trip not the mustard. Come'on. This was a Whitehouse planned photoop to show two regular guys out eating burgers.

There's no doubt that Hannity goes overboard with almost everything he brings up, but the fact that BHO got a little exotic with the condiments is fair game.

The slammed reference to John Kerry on Huffington goes back to KErry's exotic/elite tendencies. He was in Philly, seen ordering a traditional Philly-Cheese steak and he shamlessly requested Swiss cheese or something even more exotic for a Philly Cheese Steak!

RightwingUnderground1798 reads

Maybe BizzaroSuperdude can explain it better than I, but it's a "when in Rome do as the Roman's do" kinda thing if you're trying to be one of the boys.

RightwingUnderground1293 reads

According to the Philadelphia Daily News, "reporters snickered," (at Kerry) because "in Philadelphia, ordering Swiss on a cheesesteak is like rooting for Dallas at an Eagles game. It isn't just politically incorrect; it could get you a poke in the nose."

"but the fact that BHO got a little exotic with the condiments is fair game."

they're so exotic, that in the stores that I shop in, Ralph or Vons, they are right next to the old faithful standby, Frenchs Mustard. Of course, French's makes their own versions of spicy mustard. But, hey, never mind.

I like Keith's show, actually, Rachel Maddow is annoying, even though I probably agree with her most of the time....

Much like no conservative will ever be able to watch Keith, Rachel, Ed Schultz, NO liberal can stand Rush, O'Reilly, Savage, & Hannity...These are shows for the bases, no true centrist/moderate will be a regular viewer of any of them....

RightwingUnderground2833 reads

I also think if you look harder you will find many libs regularly listen to Rush and watch O'Reilly.

I never thought I was particularly elitist when wanting spicy mustard or Grey Poupon on my hamburger, just I little more persnickety because I was not adding ketchup, mayonnaise or relish.

Ya, sometime ago I ran into something that listed Olbermann's, I think it's called, the worst person's in the world list. I noticed that they all seemed to be Americans, so I chose not to listen to what he has to say.

bmuse1454 reads

new girl says, fox news makes for good political theater, hence Stephen Colbert spin on Bill O.
GOP is the party of disinformation with little to no knowledge of urban dictionary terms such as tea bagging.
Bump and grind with your favorite provider and forget all the non-sense on fox fake news.


I generally like Hannity, but ok, I gotta admit that was pretty stupid. So Obama likes his mustard spicey. I'm a simple gal who likes cheap yellow mustard. Big deal.

I'm still waiting around for a reporter to ask Obama if he ever got around to reading the book Chavez gave him, and what his thoughts on the book are.

From Obama was born in Kenya to calling Michelle Obama fist bump as terrorist, to a scroll describing her as Obama "baby's mother",  
Is it news or TMZ?  MSNBC, on the other hand, did not once give credence to the rumor that Sarah Palin's baby was really Britols baby. When David Schuster stepped out of line about Hillary's daughter, he was suspended.

I think it was Gambler, or Matt who said that these shows are made to stimulate partisan beliefs but the line is crossed on both sides when you become like Page 6 on the NY POST and call names, to be fair like the Daily Kos.  I am to the left to center and will remain om the Democratic side on the Abortiom debate (Lord knows I paid for a few) and keeping the wall between seperation of church and state firm

"I am to the left to center and will remain om the Democratic side on the Abortiom debate (Lord knows I paid for a few)"

 I am not a part of the abortion debate since I believe it is the  womans choice, but there are some really stupid guys out there who don't use condoms or even ask their GFs if they are on the pill..
There is no disputing that some women become mentally deranged after having a abortion..lol something tells me thats the only kind of woman you can get..

Yes, as a young man I made bad decisions but it was her choice to have an abortion.  We went through the proper couseling and all of that stuff but it was her choice to have one.  But you are thinking out your judgemental ass.  In college, finals, forgot to take the pill...shit happens.  Now we are talking 80's, pre HiV day and she said she was on the pill- shit happens.

Now today's because we have this abstinence shit, some young people are afraid to get protection - they may be judged.  I got a kid in college and if she told me she thinking about being active, I'd drive her to the store my damn self.

Now for your last statement, show mne the data that women who get abortion become deranged.    My ex is now a married lawyer with two kids, so who the fucking dunce now!  

-- Modified on 5/7/2009 9:09:37 PM

wizard 1565..Now for your last statement, show mne the data that women who get abortion become deranged.    My ex is now a married lawyer with two kids, so who the fucking dunce now!"
 First you say Lord knows you have paid for a few abortions and now you change to Finals stress and one mistake..Your memory seems to be clouded ..Was it one or a few??
If you paid for only  one abortion,I would chalk that up to youth indiscretion..
If you paid for a few I can write in stone,you are a certified Dunce..
You ask for data that women that get abortions
become deranged and yet I said some women..
Are you in denial that some women do have after abortion guilt and become quite mentally capable of dating you??
I certainly don't think your ex wife is a dunce since she was smart enough to leave you..

GaGambler1581 reads

but you are really starting to talk out of your ass now. I would suggest taking a pill and coming back to this conversation later. I can't believe anyone who admits to being a hobbyist would have such puritanical views on sex in general and abortion in specific.

I guarantee you Wizard is far from the only man here who has ever paid for an abortion or who has paid for several, Who the fuck made you God, judge and executioner?

I can't believe anyone who admits to being a hobbyist would have such puritanical views on sex in general and abortion in specific."

ROFLMAO..Puritanical ...Because I didn't go for younger girls in my teens???..or because school girl outfits on 25 year olds turn me off??
I certainly don't have any puritanical views on sex with women as long as she is a adult ....
except I don't go for golden showers or getting crapped on, no matter how hot she is.Other than that she can bring it on..
I think abortion is a womans right and not for me to decide,and I would never judge her decision.
I might have had a Freudian injection on responsibility..When I was 13 my Dad gave me
a case of condoms and said "Real Men don't get
girlfriends  pregnant by accident, but Boys that do get their ass kicked"...
I have met women who spoke of feeling very guilty from getting a abortion..I didn't judge them .. I only tried to console them.
If you don't think a guy is a Idiot who repeatedly gets girls pregnant and then repeatedly pays time and money for abortions, thats the world you live in and not mine..
To each their own and if my idea of stupidity and perverted is sometimes different than yours, that's very good in my opinion.


if everyone had your Dad?  My dad was a church Deacon, it was no way he would do what your dad did.  Still it not an excuse for my actions but I have not seen a father for Levi Johnston who knocked up Sarah Palin's daughter.  It would be nice if he had your dad too.  

Perhaps I was too cavalier about abortion, my mistake, it was not my intention. I came from a very religious family and many of my cousins got pregnent because my aunts taught them to be ashamed about sex and using birth control and condoms is like sinning itself or giving into flesh. So what should they do?  Have the baby without any means if taking care of them, like ans education?  Then they and their children will be another burden on society...part of the welfare state.  My action was responsible, because the welfare role are full of girls who do not want to kill their baby...so my tax dollars pay for their "moral" decision after the fact

"Perhaps I was too cavalier about abortion, my mistake, it was not my intention. I came from a very religious family "

My Dad wasn't Religious and he never went to Church that I knew of no matter how much his Mom asked him to on Christmas..
lol..Maybe if he had the fear of God in him he wouldn't have allowed  me as a teen, bring girls into my room at night, lock the door, and turn the stereo up..

The weird thing is I went to a Catholic School and had Nuns and Priests for teachers except my 7th and 8th Grade Health teacher..She taught us about condoms and why they should be used{before aids}...I have wondered if the school knew about her teachings...I am sure the Pope didn't..

It is evident I misinterpreted your intentions..
IMO preaching abstinence "or" abortions as a  means of birth control, is not the easy, logical solution..Peace

GaGambler2104 reads

I think we all agree that sex by teens is never going to go away. Unless they are the exact same age, one of them is always going to be older than the other and thus by your definition " sexual predator" That makes you not only puritanical, but if you really feel that way, it also makes you an idiot.

I don't really think you are an idiot, I think you are lettingyour feeling about sex between teens run away with you, but the point remains teens that have sex with other teens are not sexual deviants and should not have to wear that label for the rest of their lives just because some religious zealots think it's a sin.

Holy s*%t, where did that come from? I guess I must be jealous.:)

Actually, I agree with you. I've worked with children and adolescents for years, and in most states, no charges would be brought when a 13 and 15 year old have sex, unless there was an issue of the 13 year old being physical harmed or restrained in the act.

How's the weather down there?

GaGambler1129 reads

but the chicas are hotter. lol

Teenagers are going to have sex, they have since the beginning of humanity and no moralistic bible thumpers will ever be able to stop it. I admit there is a fine line between encouraging it and trying to mitigate the consequences, but to "just say no" is as ridiculous for sex as it was for drugs.

It is not sex between teens I am against..For the last time I am against 15 year old guys  having sex with 13 year old little girls...13 years old is a little child in my opinion and children shouldn't be getting screwed by older guys, even if the 15 year old guys can't get a girl their age....
Religion had nothing to do with my feelings on this...Its simply Respect towards children ..and at 15 I thought 13 year olds were children..and I still do..
I understand why we disagree.
13 is the Key Word from my perspective.....or number..
I don't think I am a idiot, however if I am, I wouldn't know anyway..
I don't have to be religious to have my own interpretation of decency.

The problem is when to have a cutoff age, for you its 13, for others its 15. Some even want 17 or 18.  The key is to keep the law out of it.  Statutory rape laws are wrong. It is not rape period, even at 13.   My daughter at 14 had a 16 year BF.  What I did was gave them the responsibilty to do the right thing.  Talk to his parents and they work along with us, in not giving them opportunities to give into the flesh.  Since I never hid sex from my daugter and takled about sex to her a early as 10 or 11, it was not the forbidden fruit for her.  

I think if you have a Levi Johnston hanging around your kid and as a parent you disapprove, it should be a restraining order and if he violate  that, that should be the scope of the law, not rape charges.  That way you can keep a parent right to protect their child without having a result like the link below:

I am not here on this board to explain any of my points to here but to simply to debate an issue.
It is clear that you have an adversion to choice, which is fine but because its a emotional issue you rather call names than debate the issue.  

First you made several ASSumptions, that was not in evidence in my original post or subsequent post. First, you assumed that any abortion I paid for was caused by me.  Yes once but I have a very large family and when family members make a mistake, they can always ask for uncle/cousin to help.  I am a true believer of planned parenthood and I think that children are better cared for when they are planned.  Do I believe in abortion on demand? No, but I agree with proper education, kids will not make the mistakes that may lead to an unwanted pregnacy.  
You said women who have abortion become "mentally deranged", I know it was asshole attempt to make a shot at me, which I do not understand because I never ever made a comment on a post by you, but since you do not know shit about me other than what I post...I do not care what you think about me personally.  To that point, you do not know what happened to me and my ex wife, who did not have an abortion.  Again you assume facts that was not in evidence. So I understand that some people are incapable of intellectual debate and resort to name calling but as to anyone I come across and we have a diagreement and they lack debate skill....PEACE

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