Politics and Religion

Ultimate DC power couple : Newt & Nancyteeth_smile
Priapus53 2877 reads

Whoda thunk it ? Catch the video link below of '08 PSA where the two lovebirds tell of the dangers of global warming. Scuttlebutt is that Newt's gonna ditch Callista & make Nancy his 4th wife.

All this news, of course, will lead to the inevitable "flavor of the month Santorum surge----------;)

So, in the spirit of ESPN sports, or 6 O'clock national news, let's recap.

First there was was Sara who you condemned.  Then of course you didn't have any kindness for Donald.  Let's not forget your cowardness toward Mr. Perry.  Oh, then cam Herman who didn't send chills up your leg.  Now we have your familiar attached focused on Newt.  And, it would seem that you are currently setting the stage to send out a blast from the past toward Rick.

Through it all, not one ounce of discussion on anything good about any of them.  But even worse, and probably the most disgusting part of it all is your silence on Mr. Obama and the treachory that he has perpetuated against the country that he swore to protect, the Constitution he swore to uphold, and the lies that he told to get elected in the first place.

It would appear that in Mr. Wonka's soon to be established army, you don't even qualify to be water boy with all the nonsense that you dispurse on those who actually care about reality and truth.  So sad to be a captive to the irrelevant.  Hope you get over your illness soon before it takes you to the other side.

Priapus531748 reads

Apparently, you haven't been paying attention, because the link below disproves that misconception.

I think all THE candidates, including BHO, are gravely flawed & if you're too obtuse to see that, I sugggest a P&R 101 course.

Btw, it's spelled "came" "treachery" & "disperse".

Lastly, I think BHO is a mediocre POTUS, but, to call him a "traitor" against the U.S., indicates an "illness" of your own--------

What do you call it when the POTUS implements policy that prevents the US economy from being effective?  What do you call it when he permits gun running in defiance of US Law?  What do you call it when he gives speeches overseas condemning past US policy?  What do you call it when he conspires to reward campaign contributors with US tax money contrary to the will of Congress?  What do you call it when he lied in his campaign pledges?  What do you call it when he retreats from victory in Iraq and Afghanistan?  If you spent as much time accepting the facts of POTUS now and giving them to vocal criticism that they deserve instead of idle BS rants against someone trying to remove his raggedy ass before he destroys anything else, perhaps you might discover something good about the current challengers that warrants giving them a shot instead of keeping the miserable POTUS we desperately need to dispose of.

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