Politics and Religion

uh yeh.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1189 reads


Snowman391517 reads

it does show is inability to act in any real and decisive manner.

At the current rate he is going he is going to have one of the worst Presidencies on record. The Oil spill and his lack of leadership will be a big part of it, but this one issue will not be what destroies his presidency, his overall incompetency will destroy it.

On oil nightmare, instead of passing legislation of spending adequate $$$$$ to clean up oil, he has neglected the nightmare and is,only concerned,with stimulus and taxing working people, now they want to tax middle class to pay for deficit, trust me bill and. Hillary will use the, oil disaster as ammunition during primaries, lack of leadership, amazing he talks so much stuff like he will save world, he, is full of nonesense, how about holder nightmare dealing with black panther of Philadelphia, by showing bias. By not pressing any charges against non white people. All rhetoric,  also all Democrats who vote for him, and tension in middle east, what has he, done to be Israel friends, I will be first to say Israel doesn't do, everyTthing, right, what has he done to Iran or south Korea, because of 8 yrs of bush ,I feel public is still worried of voting for a conservative,  I feel hilliary will have a,better opportunity to win, look at issues oil disaster,  middle,east, immigration law fighting a law,in your own country, leadership, war in Afghanistan that he promised to stop war he hasn't who hasn't been affected by tax of middle, class salsa tax increase, increase of tickets by police , harassing common people, camera light tickets , increasing real estate, this is big govt,  soon only jobs,will be working for govt, govt owns banks,  insurance, automobiles, now health insurance, ask doctors if they enjoy this govt, so important to vote and change govt,

-- Modified on 6/30/2010 10:39:59 PM

Against financial, insurance andhealth care industry, but not against pelosi,him Obama, Reid, Barney Frank, Edwards they can do anything,they want with no repercussion against themselves, all kickbacks from the mortgage industry, no one talks about regulation against Congress, .

St. Croix896 reads

Isn't it the primary objective of any 1st term President to keep his party in power, and to ensure he gets a 2nd term? He's added $3.1T to the debt in the 2009/2010 fiscal years, which included $787B for the stimulus, and what did we get for it? Weren't we supposed to get 3M new jobs, while the unemployment rate would never go beyond 8.5%. How about all tax credit for new home buyers that was supposed to stabilize the housing market?

Even Merkel & Cameron gave him the stink eye look when Obama encouraged Europe to keep spending during the latest G-8 mtg. Our little nascent recovery is gone in a heartbeat. U.S. companies are not hiring. Get ready for another shitty jobs report on Friday. If you own stocks, that nice recovery from the March 2009 low will soon be a dream.

If Obama would remove the uncertainty in D.C., work for a bi-partisan finreg bill that includes FANNIE AND FREDDIE, back off on tax increases, specifically increases in dividends and capital gains, cool it on Cap and Trade, and just zip it on his daily anti-business rhetoric, maybe just maybe, we could avoid falling back into a recession. And you wonder why companies are not hiring.

Clueless and arrogant, and probably pandering to his extreme left constituents. Shit with Carter we had double digit inflation, double digit unemployment and double digit interest rates, and the malaise wasn't this bad. He could possibly go down as the worst of the worst. November can't come soon enough. Finally we will get gridlock, which is a lot better than what we have today.

-- Modified on 6/30/2010 10:41:12 PM

Of he is,better than anyone, you criticize him you are fired, how,he thinks he is,hip, by changing all rules and tradition at white house, by changing dress code, or trying to be, so ethnic which is,fine,  but it seems ironic in all banks in ny you only see blacks or Latin people working there, how is,economy president, how about payroll tax you are raising so biz who make a lot of money wont hire because of high taxes, all this regulation against every business,  I feel our country has changed for worse,  especially racism in favor of minorities, look at population growth in Vegas, Nevada, Texas, so many kids,and allowing so many illegals permitted to vote to push democrats in office, lack of security in planes last Christmas the foiled attempt and than he Changed security excuse,me who is,president oh yeah its last regime always,blaming other people, remember Chicago way corruption,

The Dems have successfully framed the oil disaster as their fault. Given that the GOBP keeps calling this 20 billion clean up trust fund a "shake down" and apologizing to BP, the Dem strategy seems to be working.

Camels and herb, if you have to ask.

liorr, I'm not saying that the oil spill isn't he fault of the Obama administration. It largely is.

But between the two parties, which one of them said, "drill, baby, drill" in the last election cycle.

Of the two parties, which President was a former oil man?

Of the two parties, which one of them said that BP should be apologized to instead of the Gulf coast residents?

Of the two parties, which said that a 20 billion clean up fund, would amount to a "shakedown".

The Dems have long been the masters of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. It seems that what the GOBP has learned from the last election is to learn this same tactic.

It seems that BP is mostly at fault for the spill, with a real big assist from the obama crew.

Yes drill baby drill, but they never said do it unsafe or recklessly or cut corners.

as for the oil man he would have never let the spill/oil get to the shore and damage the wet lands and animals , he would have been a real leader and taken direct action at the beginning.

the apologizing, well that is just  one idiot in the party.

There is no real objection to the 20 billion it is the way it was done.

Thank you

Yes, a big assist from the Obama administration. No argument with me there. However, it was the Obama administration who adopted the Republican policy of "drill baby drill".

It was also BUSH who lifted the ban on offshore drilling back in July of 2008. It was under BUSH that the MMS became so corrupt that government staff was having coke orgies with oil executives.

And no, of course, Bush NEVER would have let a disaster happen along the Gulf Coast, would he? You're funny.

I hope the Gambler gets another hearty laugh out of this ridiculous post. LOL

GaGambler968 reads

Yea, I did get a laugh. Laughing at Willy is more fun than talking to him.

There is nothing funny about him, unless you like to laugh at delusional liars.. no pun intended ..

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1.   willywonka4u 1738 July 2006
2.   GaGambler 838 June 2004
3.   marikod 596 September 2005
4.   quadseasonal 589 October 2005
5.   dncphil 523 June 2007
6.   PitchingWedge 433 November 2007
7.   johngaltnh 401 April 2009
8.   ed2000 395 June 2002
9.   mattradd 356 September 2007
10.   XiaomingLover1 319 April 2005

"says the guy who speaks out his ass with more posts here than me. (eom)
Posted by willywonka4u  , 7/1/2010 9:25:49 AM   [willywonka4u has 7 reviews]"

You seem to lose track rather quickly, especially on your own posts and world affairs. The disrcepancy in question is your statement that GaGambler posts more than you.I haven't seen you here much lately, I figured you were having your period. Now that you've douched, and you're back,
Man Up..

GaGambler972 reads

and BTW it's nice to see liorr posting in complete sentences, maybe there is hope for him yet. We all know there is absolutely no hope for Willy. lmao

Willy is proof that complete sentences are not a guarantee of intelligence, or the ability to see reality .

Liors much smarter than he lets on,  intentionally not using complete sentences, while playing his game, acting dumb.

Willy has no clue how dumb he really is.

GaGambler971 reads

I happen to agree with Quad. liorr is nowhere near as stupid as people think, and Willy is every bit as clueless as I accuse him of being.

When liorr posts in complete sentences, he makes as much sense as anyone else around here. I refuse to engage Willy in conversation 99% of the time, and I will only talk to liorr when he gives the board the respect of writing in legible English.

I could probably have a beer with liorr, I am sure I would do nothing more than bread the bottle over Willy thick head. lol

OSP, sometimes when you have enough long island ice teas in you, you are about as hard to understand as liorr. Have you read some of your own posts the next morning after sobering up??? lmao

...not sure how one should "man up" if they're having their period. When you're finished stealing one-liners from 8 year olds, let me know. Maybe if you try real hard you can have a rational discussion.

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1.   OSP 2374 May 2009
2.   willywonka4u 1998 July 2006

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