Politics and Religion

Two year old kills mom with mom's own gun taken from her purse...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 2019 reads
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...but it's okay because mom had a concealed-carry permit.

The NRA immediately rushed to the child's defense.  Spokesman Butch Cavendish said: "The Second Amendment has no age restrictions as to when someone can own or fire a gun.  The NRA is rolling out a new campaign: One is not too young to own a gun."

The same NRA spokesman previously said that bat-shit crazy people also have the right to bear arms...


randomvr301 756 reads
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he would have taken down the 2 year old and claimed self defense!    I guess the NRA will reward the 2 year old with their "My First Rifle".

"Hayden is a politically conservative town of about 9,000 people just north of Coeur d'Alene in Idaho's northern panhandle".    In short "Red Neck" stronghold.

inicky46 61 Reviews 735 reads
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The entire area is lousy with Aryan Nation-type right wingers and survivalists.  Not just "Red Necks." More like American Nazis.

JohnyComeAlready 736 reads
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Posted By: BigPapasan
...but it's okay because mom had a concealed-carry permit.

The NRA immediately rushed to the child's defense.  Spokesman Butch Cavendish said: "The Second Amendment has no age restrictions as to when someone can own or fire a gun.  The NRA is rolling out a new campaign: One is not too young to own a gun."

The same NRA spokesman previously said that bat-shit crazy people also have the right to bear arms...


inicky46 61 Reviews 29 reads
5 / 37

Is this what you really meant?
Also found in: Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
ol·i·gar·chy  (ŏl′ĭ-gär′kē, ō′lĭ-)
n. pl. ol·i·gar·chies
a. Government by a few, especially by a small faction of persons or families.
b. Those making up such a government.
2. A state governed by a few persons.

Now, about "knew....."  Oh, never mind.
So here's a better alternative


inicky46 61 Reviews 683 reads
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Still, as someone said, leaving a loaded pistol with reach of a 2-year-old was not terribly smart.  No word on whether she had a carry permit.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 798 reads
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My mom would have back-handed me so hard as to split my lip if I ever reached into her purse/pocketbook; at any age!

JohnyComeAlready 830 reads
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Posted By: inicky46
Still, as someone said, leaving a loaded pistol with reach of a 2-year-old was not terribly smart.  No word on whether she had a carry permit.

JohnyComeAlready 786 reads
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Yes BP all Americans have the right to bear arms. This includes children along with the mentally ill. Most states have laws preventing children from purchasing and possesing handguns and other firearms. The same is true for the mentally ill. Most states require background checks before a citizen can legally obtain a firearm.  

IOW the citizen maintains the right to bear arms provided the state sees that they are fit to do so.

Do you have an issue with the way this works?

inicky46 61 Reviews 716 reads
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TheCunningLinguist thinks perhaps not.
Also found in: Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
ol·i·gar·chy  (ŏl′ĭ-gär′kē, ō′lĭ-)
n. pl. ol·i·gar·chies
a. Government by a few, especially by a small faction of persons or families.
b. Those making up such a government.
2. A state governed by a few persons.

TCL suggests a change:

randomvr301 589 reads
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Well with the right to bear arms they are also a click away from killing someone else.    After all what is a gun made for?     Kill.

This incident proved that even a two year old can grab a gun and kill someone.   Life is so dispensable in this country.   Just click, boom boom and the poor human being is gone!

inicky46 61 Reviews 699 reads
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JohnyComeAlready 595 reads
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Oligarchical collectivism.

Is the government of Oceania an oligarchical collectivism?

oligarchy = rule of a few; collectivism = everything is owned by the collective community together, no private ownerships'

Q: Who is trying to remove private gun ownership from the citizenry?

A: Oligarchical collectivist thugs.

I purposefully omitted the word "collectivism" from my acronym.


JohnyComeAlready 734 reads
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... if I had a two year old, they'd be strapped in a stroller whilst out in public.

HONDA 153 Reviews 668 reads
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Not terribly smart, the woman is dead because of her carelessness.

Posted By: inicky46
Still, as someone said, leaving a loaded pistol with reach of a 2-year-old was not terribly smart.  No word on whether she had a carry permit.

randomvr301 802 reads
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The second amendment and gun lovers are keeping away from this post as they know this stinks.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 764 reads
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Will seize on any tragedy to grab guns.

When kids fall in pools that don't have fences, I don't see you banning pools.

Don't you care about kids? Why do you want to see kids die?

St. Croix 876 reads
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Not that I'm calling bullshit on this story, but just the size of the kid in relation to the gun, lack of dexterity, ability to pull the trigger. I don't know, there is a hundred online stories every day of stupid people doing stupid shit. Why not this one? Guess now I'm going to hear how easy it is for a 2 year old to become Clint Eastwood for a few seconds, or for marikod to weigh in for the umpteenth time.

Maybe the 2 year old had a good excuse. Couldn't be any worse than Ndamukong Suh's excuse for stepping on Aaron Rodgers ankle last Sunday. Am I being too insensitive about this story (lol

86H13LTP 685 reads
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lefty BPS aka  Black Spiderman only wants criminals to have firearms.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 727 reads
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Any gun owner thinking clearly realizes tragic accidents happen  sometimes .
   Many objects citizens are allowed to own or rent have the  potential to become dangerous, or lethal when proper safety precautions aren't followed.
    Why would anyone  try to convince you guns protect more people in the U.S.A. than harm them, when  there's no chance you would open your eyes, because your mind is closed on the matter ?
   The way you laugh so loudly at tragedy  like a lunatic, is extremely odd.
  Don't be too  confident  you won't meet your own version of  ironic comedy in Australia, an early fate you didn't expect.  I doubt you will laugh at that.  

"Top 7 Causes of Death in U.S.A

Tobacco:             529,000  
Medical Errors:     195,000  
Alcohol Abuse:     107,400  
Vehicle Accidents: 42,000  
Suicide:               29,350  
Drug Abuse:          25,500  
Firearm Homicide: 10,828


Posted By: comfortzone
 Gun Lovers are absent! LOL  The second amendment and gun lovers are keeping away from this post as they know this stinks.   http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2406515/The-shocking-moment-Kangaroo-tried-drown-dog-tried-play-it.html  

JohnyComeAlready 760 reads
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I've never seen you post a thread/comment about a criminal with an illegal gun.

Why is that?



You did answer this question:

Re: What about people with illegal guns?

Do you think we have illegal cars sold in this country that can be driven without auto insurance?   Sooner or later, the driver will be pulled over and the vehicle impounded.  
 Same goes for guns.      

Why do you object to the legal ownership of firearms

marikod 1 Reviews 742 reads
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by UCLA. No, wait, my bad - the team that looked impressive was Duke. UCLA stunk. Seven points in the first half? Are you kidding me?

        As to this tragedy, this must be one big and coordinated two year old. But surely the kid couldn’t move the safety off. Was this woman really so irresponsible to have a loaded gun in her purse with the safety off?  

       You know, I never actually used up my college eligibility in basketball, since I was …ahem cut from my high school team (an administrative error I'm sure). Do you think I can play for UCLA if I re- enroll and major in wine testing or something like that

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 697 reads
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...said it was the best she ever had because she usually has sex with smelly, ignorant rednecks.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 657 reads
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They just keep repeating this story. I hope they don't send that fucking nancy-boy Pierce Morgan back here for a follow up story.

St. Croix 751 reads
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Even though UCLA is a public university, the tuition is around $13K per year. And see mari, you not only don't have the money for school, the short shorts in your studio apt have been out of fashion for over 30 years. It's bad enough you don'[t have any basketball talent, but you lack fashion sense as well.  

Why don't you have money? Oh that's right, you decided to guess on what the Chinese might do in 2014. Not only is the drop in oil impacting FCX, but I hear a number of brokerage houses are shorting copper for 2015. Wow! That's what I call taking it in the shorts, or in your case short shorts.  
Posted By: marikod
by UCLA. No, wait, my bad - the team that looked impressive was Duke. UCLA stunk. Seven points in the first half? Are you kidding me?  
         As to this tragedy, this must be one big and coordinated two year old. But surely the kid couldn’t move the safety off. Was this woman really so irresponsible to have a loaded gun in her purse with the safety off?  
        You know, I never actually used up my college eligibility in basketball, since I was …ahem cut from my high school team (an administrative error I'm sure). Do you think I can play for UCLA if I re- enroll and major in wine testing or something like that?  

randomvr301 756 reads
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Like so many who have either killed or made it easy for someone else to get their guns and kill!     Like so many school shootings the kids got guns from their homes!
Blah Blah Blah Blah.

"Responsible and law abiding gun owner" = Stupidity beyond imagination,

randomvr301 747 reads
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randomvr301 809 reads
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Tobacco: Personal decision, no one forces someone smoke.
Medical Errors = there will be compensation, loss of medical license, etc.,
Alcohol abuse: Personal decision, no one forces someone to drink.
Vehicle Accidents:  Covered by insurance and victims are compensated
Suicide: Personal decision
Drug Abuse: Personal Decision

Firearms homicide:  Caused by owners using guns to kill family members, children, wives, neighbors, bosses, coworkers and hatred towards other human beings.
Victims and families suffer, no compensation.

Countries that don't allow free sale of guns, don't have to put with the last cause of death like in this country.

randomvr301 703 reads
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613spades 5 Reviews 781 reads
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Easily more than are killed by firearms...
       We now know that 53,800 people die every year from secondhand smoke exposure. This number is based on the midpoint numbers for heart disease deaths (48,500), lung cancer deaths (3,000), and SIDS deaths (2,300) as calculated in the 1997 California EPA Report on Secondhand Smoke.
         In America on average, nearly 11,000 people die every year in DUI-related accidents. This decline of a couple hundred fatalities per year is a function of improved vehicle safety, NOT the necessary change in our behaviors. A full 1/3 of all arrested for DUI/DWI are repeat offenders. Roughly half of those killed are sober victims.  

      So while you defend these actions that "ONLY" affect the end user and decry firearms; I will maintain you are an idiot...  
         PS- there is no compensation for second hand smoke and it usually hurts young family members (children) the most.  
Posted By: comfortzone
Tobacco: Personal decision, no one forces someone smoke.  
 Medical Errors = there will be compensation, loss of medical license, etc.,  
 Alcohol abuse: Personal decision, no one forces someone to drink.  
 Vehicle Accidents:  Covered by insurance and victims are compensated  
 Suicide: Personal decision  
 Drug Abuse: Personal Decision  
 Firearms homicide:  Caused by owners using guns to kill family members, children, wives, neighbors, bosses, coworkers and hatred towards other human beings.  
 Victims and families suffer, no compensation.  
 Countries that don't allow free sale of guns, don't have to put with the last cause of death like in this country.
-- Modified on 1/1/2015 1:22:59 AM

613spades 5 Reviews 694 reads
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Calling them all stupid because of a few instances is stupidity personified...

randomvr301 731 reads
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The way the smokers are being smoked out from public places (offices, malls, airports, stores, flights, trains, buses etc.,) shows that there is action being taken to end this menace.

Can you tell the same thing for guns?    There is more relaxation of laws letting people carry the deadly weapons everywhere, stores, bars, schools, colleges.


randomvr301 749 reads
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They will all become stupid one day when they click, fire and kill an innocent human being,   It is a time bomb about to explode.

randomvr301 772 reads
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Hey dude, a police chief in that Redneck state shot his own wife sleeping in bed!   Get the fuck out.

613spades 5 Reviews 791 reads
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Second hand smoke is one of the leading causes of asthma in children and smoking in the home by the parents is the main reason. That hasn't changed and probably wont.  
      Firearms murder numbers have been declining and are half what they were in the early 90's. That's better. Prove to me there were more firearms murders last year than previous years.  
     Every state allows the business to ban firearms if they choose to. I don't see it as the end of the world. Even if you can legally carry in a bar if you have any alcohol in your system you are more than likely committing a felony. DO a bit more research.  

Posted By: comfortzone
The way the smokers are being smoked out from public places (offices, malls, airports, stores, flights, trains, buses etc.,) shows that there is action being taken to end this menace.  
 Can you tell the same thing for guns?    There is more relaxation of laws letting people carry the deadly weapons everywhere, stores, bars, schools, colleges.  

olympiarenoir 504 reads
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However, using the incident as a rhetoric to dismiss the second amendment and promote anti-gun laws is ludicrous.

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