Politics and Religion

Trumps inconceivable arrogance versus Clinton's entitlement hubris.Why I voted None of the Above
Old_School 358 reads

Trump has proven to be an even bigger asshat than anyone including his own children could have anticipated.
Hillary has been exposed as absurdly corrupt and beholden to foreign special interests. Johnson's "Aleppo?" moment should disqualify him for anything beyond being a pencil pushing CPA and Jill Stein is even more inconsequential than Pat Paulson in 1968.None of the candidates represent me or my interests to a degree I could vote for them.
I've never voted against a candidate. I could not support any of the choices presented.
So I chose not to vote for President or Vice President when I submitted my absentee ballot this past week.
Many worthwhile down ticket candidates out there representing their constituency and worthy of my vote and support, but nothing above Congressional pay grade. Not in my neck of the woods.
There is little doubt that whoever winds up in the Oval Office come January, nothing of substance will be accomplished and we will wind up one step closer to a breakdown of the Fed leading to a break UP of the Fed into regional city states. If you thought it was bad before, wait till 2018 when the political bloodbath takes a literal turn.

Worst case scenario? Maybe, but probably not

But of what we have, I'll go with Clinton.

Posted By: Old_School
Trump has proven to be an even bigger asshat than anyone including his own children could have anticipated.  
 Hillary has been exposed as absurdly corrupt and beholden to foreign special interests. Johnson's "Aleppo?" moment should disqualify him for anything beyond being a pencil pushing CPA and Jill Stein is even more inconsequential than Pat Paulson in 1968.None of the candidates represent me or my interests to a degree I could vote for them.  
 I've never voted against a candidate. I could not support any of the choices presented.  
 So I chose not to vote for President or Vice President when I submitted my absentee ballot this past week.  
 Many worthwhile down ticket candidates out there representing their constituency and worthy of my vote and support, but nothing above Congressional pay grade. Not in my neck of the woods.  
 There is little doubt that whoever winds up in the Oval Office come January, nothing of substance will be accomplished and we will wind up one step closer to a breakdown of the Fed leading to a break UP of the Fed into regional city states. If you thought it was bad before, wait till 2018 when the political bloodbath takes a literal turn.  
 Worst case scenario? Maybe, but probably not.  

bigguy3042 reads

Posted By: WickedBrut
But of what we have, I'll go with Clinton.  
Posted By: Old_School
Trump has proven to be an even bigger asshat than anyone including his own children could have anticipated.  
  Hillary has been exposed as absurdly corrupt and beholden to foreign special interests. Johnson's "Aleppo?" moment should disqualify him for anything beyond being a pencil pushing CPA and Jill Stein is even more inconsequential than Pat Paulson in 1968.None of the candidates represent me or my interests to a degree I could vote for them.  
  I've never voted against a candidate. I could not support any of the choices presented.  
  So I chose not to vote for President or Vice President when I submitted my absentee ballot this past week.  
  Many worthwhile down ticket candidates out there representing their constituency and worthy of my vote and support, but nothing above Congressional pay grade. Not in my neck of the woods.  
  There is little doubt that whoever winds up in the Oval Office come January, nothing of substance will be accomplished and we will wind up one step closer to a breakdown of the Fed leading to a break UP of the Fed into regional city states. If you thought it was bad before, wait till 2018 when the political bloodbath takes a literal turn.  
  Worst case scenario? Maybe, but probably not.  

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