Politics and Religion

Trump met with Al Gore, now tells him "Fuck you" by appointing...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 835 reads

...Okie Attorney General Scott Pruitt to head the EPA.  Pruitt is an ally of the fossil fuel industry who has sued the EPA and believes that the debate on climate change is "far from settled."

The fox guarding the henhouse redux.

I expect Trump will do the same to Romney as he did to Gore

The ultimate con man knows how to play the game..

GaGambler241 reads

That pompous piece of shit has been getting rich selling "carbon credits" all the while leaving a carbon foot print as big as Texas. Getting fucked over couldn't happen to a more deserving guy

I couldn't be happier.  

The business community is as optimistic as I have seen it in a VERY long time.

Lets put America and American jobs first, and the spotted hoot owl or the baby seal second.

As I have pointed out to you many times, GW science IS far from settled.

Lets get the economy revving again with REAL jobs and not the ones you were touting as you were kissing Bams ass all the time. lol

those to repair our infrastructure that the Republicans, in congress, refuse to fund. ;)

eople have been saying fuck you to gore for decades, he should be used to it by now.

Yeah gore met with Trump then gore flew on his private jet leaving a trail of toxic pollution all the way to his energy inefficient/energy guzzling mansion.

  So Fuck you al.

I do hope Trump says fuck you to mitt also

You’re Welcome
In Tubby BrokeBackStabber We Distrust

The joke is on Donny. He had five grandchildren. Hahahahahaha!!!

Then the full timers under the Trump clown show kicks in once Andrew Puzder tears down the minimum wage. This guys is a joke.

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